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The Timelessness of KISS

This is a quick example I wanted to share regarding the timelessness of KISS: I gave my grandson an older iPod of mine not long ago preloaded with some songs. He came over this weekend for my wife's birthday and was strolling in listening to Led Zeppelin. Then he hit a button and said "Pop Pop, listen to this! It's cool!!" It was "Right Here Right Now" off Monster and we started shaking our butts in the foyer as we traveled down the hall. Then, he flipped to "Love Gun" and then we REALLY started dancing. We were giving each other fist bumps and high fives. He starts pointing at several different posters I have in the area and yells alternatingly at each "KISS", "rock", "yeah", and "cool". As this is all transpiring I thought to myself, "what a moment to be dancing like a goof and playing air guitar with my grandson as I did when I was his age, and as I have been for all these years." This encapsulates the spirit of KISS. It shows how you can go from one song 3 months old to others that are nearly forty and bridge across two generations. NO OTHER BAND HAS THIS AFFECT ON ITS FANS. Thank you KISS for helping me celebrate the highs and push me through the lows over the course of 40 years. Thank you also for a fun-filled evening with my grandson and a common interest that we can share. The encore of the festivities involved the song 'Mr. Speed'. #klassic.
Posted on 01/27/2013

40 Years of KISS

Congratulations on 40 wonderful years! I have been a huge KISS fan from the early days of 1975. My best friend had a 69 Chevy with a 8 track player in it. We went ridding around one day and there it was, KISS ALIVE on 8 track. I put it in and the rest is KISSTORY. I went out and bought the first three KISS albums the next day. It changed my life forever. My Father let me have his old workshop that I turned into a KISS Club. Wall to wall KISS! It was my getaway. I have seen KISS 12 times in concert and two KISS cover bands. I must say KISS has always had the best concerts. I have been to see everyone from AC/DC to ZZ Top. NOBODY puts on a live show like KISS. I am looking forward to # 13 and # 14. I am loving the Sonic Boom and Monster CD's, awesome music. Please keep the new music coming! A double CD with new material would be the ultimate!! Looking forward to the KISSOLOGY Vol. 4 to come out. Thanks for the first 40 years, looking forward to 40 more. Nobody rocks like KISS, Your #1 Fan in Charlotte, John G.
Posted on 01/27/2013

Happy 40th KISS

Calgary's rock cover band Paralyzer celebrates 40 years of KISS with guitar player Rod Moysey at Overtime Sports Bar last Thursday! ~ This shirt slims me right down, I love it! Here's to you KISS, Happy 40th ~ Diane and Rod
Posted on 01/27/2013

My First Ever KISS Snowman

My 3 year old daughter Annabelle made her first ever KISS snowman yesterday and as you can see she is rather pleased with her efforts ! Best wishes James and Annabelle Holdsworth, Leeds, England
Posted on 01/27/2013

40th anniv.

18 shows , 1 meet and greet and a kiss army tatto later, still rocking and waiting for more , Rick Hetzel , kiss army illinois
Posted on 01/27/2013


Simplemente gracias por estos 40 años, siempre estuvieron ah�, en los buenos y malos momentos, gracias y vuelvan por Argentina, uds. hace mucho que dejaron de ser grandes m�sicos, para pasar a ser celebridades de la humanidad, gracias, un abrazo desde las pampas Argentinas.-
Posted on 01/27/2013


Hello here are my 4 KISS concert tickets for June 20 in Zurich. I will come with my wife and two children. We come from FRANCE and we are all big fans of KISS !!
Posted on 01/26/2013

Demon Mask

I've been a KISS fan for awhile now. I recently made this KISS Demon Mask. In showing how much of a huge KISS fan I am, and wanted for KISS to see it. Thanks for being the greatest band in the world! Let Me Go Rock 'n' Roll
Posted on 01/26/2013


Hi KISS The tour called Monster is going to be the best concert ever you all Rock you all are the greatest band in the world even M�tley Crue and thin lizzy
Posted on 01/26/2013

40 year addiction

Why does the addiction still grow? KISS fans are like family, we get pissed off when things change within, what we refer to as "OUR BAND". We argue with each other over facts, memorabilia, eras' and anything you could imagine. We are selfish when it comes to our collections, we get emotional when something new happens if we can not afford it at the moment. We sometimes act like spoiled little brats. Then within' the very same breath, we throw each other random gifts and selfless acts of charity and kindness, we are willing to stick up for someone whom we've never "ACTUALLY MET", and we share an uncanny trust in each others beliefs, regardless of if we believe them ourself. We understand the addiction/fanatacism in each other when no one else gets it. 40 years later we are still excitedly awaiting the next release. Why does the addiction still grow? Because a true KISS fan is like a family member waiting just around the corner, when so many others in life come across as fake and distant. The KISS ARMY has givin' me so many chances to meet amazing people over the years, in life and on the net. That I just wanted to thank you all for playing such a role in this fanatics life. I charish you, I thank you, keep rockin' my family, "I UNDERSTAND YOU" !!!
Posted on 01/26/2013
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