submit your kiss letter

How KISS Changed My Life

I have been a fan since 1976. I was in 4th grade and was at Wal-Mart with my mom. I saw Destroyer and thought, "Who are these guys?" My mother quickly grabbed me and moved along. Later I was told how they worshiped Satan and was not allowed to listen to their music. My buddy who lived across the street had KISS albums. Every day after school I would go to his house and listen to KISS albums. I had a pretty rough life growing up. Never met my father, my step father at the time was some what abusive, was sexually abused, my mother and I never got along, and ultimately during my 8th grade year I moved in with my grandparents. Through all of my struggles the one thing that kept me going was KISS. Their message of believing in one's self and never giving up on your dreams inspires me to this day. I have accomplished so much and have a great family, job, and life...and I owe it to KISS. Thank you to all the original and current members of KISS. You have touched more people than you will ever know.
Posted on 01/23/2013

KISS is my life

Dear Kiss, It's hard to describe it but KISS has always been my life. I can't say that i have been around since you guys started but i got into it before the Reunion Tour. When I was 3 (1995) my dad played Detroit Rock City to me and then I got into it right then and there. From there the music just took off and I started collecting the music and hearing all the albums. I own all the albums even solo albums, I consider myself a die hard fan of the music, I just don't have the money for all the merchandise. The music has been there for the good and bad of my life, from the passing of my dad, to finding love and losing it too, for my accomplishments with school and work, to the simple emotions i feel that day. There is a song somewhere in the catalog that I can play to express my feelings. I wish I could be there in person to thank you guys for everything and one day that is my ultimate goal. I can't wait for that one day. Peter Novak
Posted on 01/23/2013

update on 1/20/13 letter

Thanks to Kiss for putting my letter on Kissonline! I was so thrilled when I saw it that my wife kept telling me to calm down! I just wanted to add a very important part of this story. I died for 11 minutes and was revived on an emergency medivac chopper on my way to Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati. I am so thankful to the surgeon and rescue personnel that allowed me to enjoy so many more memories with family, friends, and KISS!!! i was not supposed to survive when crews came on the scene, but I am glad we have the heros we do in this country. I am an ex Marine myself and was on the 1980 mission in Iran.God was on my side and I believe the rest of my life is gonna be a MONSTER! P.S. God bless Kiss for their work with Wounded Warriors, and thanks for just being KISS!!
Posted on 01/23/2013

KISS is 40, I'm 47...enough said!

I had recently received my first rock-n-roll vinyl album, Grand Funk Railroad Live, given to me by a friend�s older brother who had grown tired of it. One day I was talking with a new neighbor, whom was slightly older than I, when he brought up the idea of trading albums. It didn�t matter to me, as long as I was getting two for two, as my album was a double live album. He agreed, and went inside his house and returned with another double live album. That�s where the similarities would end however� Alive! was nothing like my first album. It felt different, smelled different, looked different, and God did it ever SOUND different. I would never be the same from the moment I put that album on my brother�s turntable (I didn�t have my own yet). Add to this the first time I saw the �Gods of Thunder�, on the Paul Lynde Halloween Special. I can still remember my parents saying the world had officially gone to Hell, as I inched closer and closer to the TV screen. They were like nothing I, or anyone else had ever seen, and I simply couldn�t get enough. There are those who say their lives changed the first time they heard The Beatles, and while I can completely understand the meaning of the statement, I personally find it grossly over-exaggerated. The �Fab Four� I�m talking about chewed-up, partially digested, and spit out the �mop-topped Brits�. The Demon, Starchild, Spaceman, and Cat were full-blown, real-life super heroes. A visual spectacle, and audio bombastic symphony to be matched by no one. It was 1979 when I first witnessed them live. In what can only be described as an out-of-body experience, I pushed my 14 year-old body to the 2nd row of Tingley Coliseum (Albuquerque, NM), with no regard for life or limb. There, I came face-to-face with the �Demon� himself and welcomed the bloody shower that spewed from his seven-inch tongue. An �Unholy� experience of Biblical proportions to be sure, as I was baptized into what I refer to as a �KISS Life�. Once you�re in, truly in, you�ll never be out.
Posted on 01/23/2013

Happy 40th to KISS

I became a KISS fan in 1977 when 'Love Gun' was released. I was not a fan of KISS right away. In fact, my next door neighbor was a huge fan and had all the albums and posters and I remember telling him "KISS sucks." My sister owned 'Love Gun' and she let me borrow it one day and that was it! That album blew me away. It was loud and raw and the guitars were in your face. I was also impressed by the sleeve that had the bloody KISS. I listened to that album every day. A year later I asked my mom for KISS albums for Christmas. She bought me Alive II and Ace Frehley's solo album. By then I was a die-hard fan! KISS is not just a band, it's a way of life for us fans. Now they are celebrating 40 years and I have been a fan for 37 of them. My best friend and I have been friends for 28 because of KISS. I have been fortunate to meet Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer and I told them what they meant to me all these years. I couldn't imagine being a fan of any other band than KISS!
Posted on 01/23/2013

40 years of KISS! The band that saved my life!

Congratulations on making it to 40 years! This band has saved my life. Back in 2011, Iactually liked pop music. Nobody liked me cause I was a huge Lady Gaga fan. They bullied me constantly. I started cutting. Then, a week before Christmas, I was seriously considering suicide. Then, my parents got me just dance 3 for Christmas. I saw that I was made for lovin' you was on it, and I thought everyone liked KISS, so I danced to it. That day, my life changed. I downloaded lots of KISS songs on my iPod. Then, I started drawing the band. Eventually, people started liking me again. They loved my art. Now, I'm a popular girl, all because of you guys! I'm finally goingto get to meet you on the KISS KRUISE III!!!!! I can't wait!!! I love you guys andkeep on rockin'!!!!!
Posted on 01/23/2013


I have been a huge KISS fan for over 30 years! When I was younger, I was a big fan of the KISS Mego dolls. As an adult, I am proficient in crafting and different fields of art. This is a set of KISS dolls that I customized out of Bratz.
Posted on 01/23/2013

The Magic Of KISS - 40 Years!

What can we say about 40 years of KISS? All the great albums they give us? All the great live shows we saw? For us KISS is breathing live, KISS is magic for us! But there's 1 thing we are KISS so thankful for! In 2008 the band brought my lovely wife and I together during the Meet & Greet in Germany! We fall in love, had to travel over 200 miles each weekend to see eachother. Than see moved over to me and when I asked her to marry me, she said YES and since than I'm the luckiest man on earth! Thanks for the love of KISS we found eachother and that's the magic of KISS for us! KISS will always be a important part in our lives... Congrats KISS on 40 years of rockin' Carol & Marina. From The Netherlands.
Posted on 01/23/2013

Thanks a lot!!!

Dear Paul, Gene, Eric and Tom You have been my source of inspiration in my personal and professional life since 1983 when I listened to AlIVE I for the very first time. Thank you very much for keeping the magic alive. Can't wait to see you in Milan in June!!!! Fabrizio
Posted on 01/23/2013

First Show

Hi! Well, since I discovered KISS was coming out on tour to my country, Brazil, nothing else had space in my mind, in that same day I asked my parents to let me go, but seemed like I asked to kill a priest, they said it was too dangerous that I only would go to a show like this one when I coming of age, after this conversation about 2 days later, I sat my parents and explained all the reasons why I wanted to go, how important it was to me.. and I think I touched their hearts, cause finaly they said yes ! So I bought my tickets and the trip with an agency. At the day of the show, that I thought would be perfect became a trully hell, my trip was a complete test of nerves, everything went wrong, we arrived in S�o Paulo late, one of my brothers ticket didnt passed in the machine.. But finally, about 7pm my two brothers and I finally got inside the Arena, in that moment we all knew everything was worth it, we had the greatest show in the world. Were tired, sweaty, hungry, but we didnt care, we didnt even noticed that.. And at the end, we looked each other, paralysed, cause we made it..I mean, just words couldnt explain.. And recently I read something that Id like to share, some random guy posted it in some Kiss video I only went to concerts, cause show only Kiss can make' Couldnt be more correct, after that night my perspective of show never was the same. Thanks for everything, Kiss forever !
Posted on 01/23/2013
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