submit your kiss letter

My celebration to KISS!

This year KISS celebrates 40 years as a band which by itself is larger than life! I'm 32 years old and have been a fan for 25 years. My ultimate celebration to KISS was made a couple of weeks ago (see attached picture). The tattoo is custom made by Dennis Rod at Undertone Custom Tattoo (Malmo, Sweden) after an idea I had. As you can see it's a mash-up of the album covers to "Hotter Than Hell" and "Rock And Roll Over" and I think the result is great! (Of course the colours and the small details looks much better in reality, the picture was taken right after we finished the tattoo) HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERSARY TO KISS - ROCK 'TIL YOU DROP!!! All the best, Martin Gustafsson Malmo, Sweden
Posted on 01/30/2013

Happy Birthday

Kiss Happy Birthday, May the best band of all time never ends, Brazil Loves Kiss And never forget Thank you Mark for Our Lives, and to celebrate His Birthday I Wanna Rock And Roll All Night And Party Everyday!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 01/30/2013


Posted on 01/30/2013


Forty years ago, on January 30th, 1973, KISS held their 1st public performance at a tiny club in Queens, NY. The club held 600 people. It's rumored that there were 3 in the audience that night. KISS (Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss) performed 2 sets that night. Included in those sets were "Deuce," "Firehouse," "She," "Love Her All I Can," and "Black Diamond," among others. Two years later, KISS were headlining arenas and selling gold records. I was born that winter and became a KISS fan at age 5. I got into KISS because, up to that point in my life, my understanding of records was this: They are the audio versions of visual stories. At age 5, that pretty much described everything I listened to, like "The Story of Star Wars" or the Hollywood musical soundtracks my Dad used to spin. My Dad was the catalyst, really; because of him, I knew about comics and music. I knew who Fred Astaire and Jack Kirby were before I knew how to add and subtract. So when I saw KISS' 1980 "Unmasked" record, with its jaunty comic-book cover art, I was spellbound. It was like Darth Vader and Flash Gordon had formed a rock band! I begged my folks for the 1978 Gene Simmons solo album on vinyl and they relented, bless their CPS-reportable hearts! I brought it home, put on my Dad's giant headphones, and fell in love. That record, with its haunting melodies and flawless pop production, was my introduction to everything that I still love about rock and roll music. Soon thereafter I got "Alive!" on vinyl and I was a member of the KISS Army. It's clich�d to say that KISS has been the soundtrack to my life. John Williams and my own thoughts notwithstanding, however, it's true. When Ritalin robbed me of my sleep at age 7, at least I knew there were other "Creatures of the Night." When I'd had my 1st kiss with Beth Aminoff in 3rd grade, I played "Beth" on cassette over the phone to her. When I was 22 and my brother was 11, I brought him to his 1st KISS concert. And when I defended my dissertation in 2005, I heard Gene Simmons in my head singing "Stand up. You don't have to be afraid." Membership in the KISS Army hasn't been without its bumps in the road. It's hard to rub elbows with other scholarly types who, upon discovering that your favorite band is KISS, want to ask you about Gene's NPR interview. It's tough explaining your love of KISS to REM fans and Sonic Youth fans and Talking Heads fans and jazzers. And it's not easy to defend "Let's Put the X in Sex." But here's the thing: I get choked up when Paul Stanley sings "Ain't you glad we got the time?" because I AM glad I got the time. Dialectical Behaviorism taught me how to pay attention to life, but KISS taught me how to celebrate it. I'd never have picked up a guitar had it not been for KISS. I don't think I'd have asked out my 1st girlfriend had it not been for KISS. I probably wouldn't have met countless fantastic people if it hadn't been for KISS. I'm so grateful for decades of wonderful and OUTSTANDING music. I'm grateful for 22 amazing concerts by hard-working showmen. I'm grateful for sharing this band with my brother. I'm grateful to my wife for tolerating it. Thank you Gene, Paul, Ace, Peter, Vinnie, Bruce, Eric S., and Tommy. R.I.P. Eric C. and Mark. I'm proud to be a member of the KISS Army. Gary Shaller, PodKISSt co-founder and co-host
Posted on 01/30/2013

Tribute and celebration on 40th Aniversary

Hello Kiss! We are a new fictive band, called 2nd Kizz. The number one reason that we exist is because we wanted to pay tribute to the legend, the band, the myth, Kiss and to celebrate your 40th aniversary. Therefore we post this homage of ours right on the day of celebration! We wanted to do it in a special way, so we made this band, "2nd Kizz", and took a lot of inspiration from your amazing artist career and awesome music. Visit our myspace to hear the two songs that we've made with inspiration from the hottest band in the world! More will come, this is just the beginning. More songs will be released in a short period of time. Hope you'll enjoy! We are 2nd Kizz, we are the second best! Our myspace band page with our songs: Thank you, Kiss for everything you are and everything you've done! Best regards, 2nd Kizz
Posted on 01/29/2013

40th anniversary

I just wanted to say that when I opened up my mailbox today & inside it was my Kiss Army membership kit, it brought back the memories of me being a young fan back in the 70s and throughout the 80s,90s and up to today. When the band was at its least popular,I was still a fan. Instead of boring you all with the "Kiss saved my life" story, I wanted to share with you all WHY I am a fan of this crazy band; The reason why I still love this band is because Kiss reflects the FACT that this rock and roll stuff is(or should be) about FUN! If rock & roll isn't fun,then its time to forget it.
Posted on 01/29/2013

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Kiss, Congratulations on 40 years of success! Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are the Jewish version of Lennon and McCartney, and they make me proud to be a Jewish guy from New York. Also, Tommy Thayer is a worthy successor to all of the great lead guitarists in Kiss before him; and Eric Singer has been in cool bands like Black Sabbath and Badlands before playing great drums in Kiss. Hopefully, I'll get to experience the spectacle that is a Kiss concert in my lifetime; but you never know what will happen in the future. Sincerely, Jay Greif
Posted on 01/29/2013

10 years of KISSmaniac

Hi, my name is Tales Campos, live in the rio de janeiro, Brazil, I'm half the age of banda, rio de janeiro is the city of samba, but it was the sound of kiss I fell in love ten years ago I had the first contact since then I've been enjoying it more and more, kiss completes 40 years and I complete 10 of kissmanic, I hope to see them soon in my town, anyway I WANT tHE BEST.
Posted on 01/29/2013

my KISS moment

My greatest KISS moment ocured when in 1974, I was a 14 year old who was really into to music because I had 2 older sisters who loved the Stones, The Who, Deep Purple, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Hindrix, Joplin, Dylan, and the list goes on. I was living in Charleston South Carolina on the USAF base. Dad spent 26 years in the AF flying mostly C-141 aircraft. Anyway, I was at at the PX looking at the "New Releases" section in the albums. When I picked up this album that just totally mezmerized me. Flipped it and read the song titles, Strutter, 100,000 thousand years, Firehouse, She, and thought I am getting this! I had just enough to make the purchase, I remember it was $5.00, no tax of course, a benefit of the US Military! AWESOME. Got on my bike and pedaled home as fast as I could. Got it on the turntable and was FRIICKIN hooked immediately. Before 10:00pm that night I knew every lyric to every song.And still do! 2 years later after dad retired and moved to East Tennessee, I had the first opportunity to see them in Knoxville Tn. That nite I introduced three friends to Kiss. A guy(who is still a friend today) and our dates. They had never heard of KISS until I played some samples for them a week before. I bought 4 tickets and invited them. They were, me too BLOWN AWAY that night. Basically the rest is history, and for an update, I saw THE TOUR, back on Labor day, 2012 at the Bridgestone Arena, in Nashville Tn. Needless to say, I couldnt wait for Motley Crue to get the hell off the stage. At 52 years young now, I am still infatuated with KISS. I have endured the comments like, they are not good musicians, blah, blah, blah. What ever. If you want to get your moneys worth for a Rock and Roll show, and leave the show pumped, breathing hard and sweating, get the damn KISS tickets. You cant explain it to the non KISS fans, the feeling, and mood the show gives you. Of course I like other music, in the last 3 years I have seen the Eagles, Long Road Out of Eden, ACDC, Black Ice, and most recently on Dec 2nd The Who. All awesome shows. BUT, as long as Gene, Paul, Tommy, and Eric tour, i will be there! Gene Rock On, my brother. Chuck
Posted on 01/29/2013
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