submit your kiss letter

Paul stanley

Paul Stanley I love You, You are really hot for your age I have gone on the Internet and downloaded so many hot pictures of you when you were younger And i love the others to I Love three of you son I was made for loving you rock 'n roll night and look it up they are my favorite of yours well of kiss I wish I could meet you guys in person but I guess that will never happen and again I love you all so much especially Paul Stanley.
Posted on 01/25/2013

My First KISS CD

I have been in foster care all of my childhood. When I got to go back home to my birth parents for the summer, my dad, my siblings, and I would watch and dance to KISS music videos on my dad's DVD. That's when I was first exposed to KISS. This is the CD cover of my first KISS CD that I got for my 13th birthday. I would listen to it 24/7, and sing along with the music. They actually inspired me to write my own songs. "They're my favorite band of all time. You're biggest fan, Natasha Dalton
Posted on 01/25/2013

Bakelite Army play "DRC"

Hey guys! This is a video clip of the band Bakelite Army doing a sweet jazz/Booker T. Jones-y version of "Detroit Rock City." My old college bud Derek Crawford (drummer & barber supreme!) sent me the link. They also do a pretty mean take on "Calling Dr. Love." Enjoy! Scott Harding
Posted on 01/25/2013

KISS 40 years

Hello KISS 40 years you have done an amazing job on performing and doing cds and dvds see you all in Melbourne i am glad to be a fan of yours going to be singing and dancing too
Posted on 01/24/2013

Show do KISS Brazil

My name is Alex'm Brazilian, S�o Paulo when I was 15 in 1998 and never heard Kiss season was the return of the original line, by the time I saw the album Psycho Circus was crazy to buy that coat was very nice and identity the characters there, was that not hq, so it was my first job and made a secret friend and asking this cd and I won, I was all day listening this cd was amazing the sound and all the banda was legal since the makeup clothes . My father fought with me because the sound was loud i love it loud reminded of the clip, so everyone thought I weird because I liked Kiss, good luck to them bad they know what they're missing. was there that my passion for the kiss began , was touring in Brazil back in the original lineup I really wanted to go to the show but had no money, thereafter bought all the cds banda fanatic I was in the gallery of rock in Sao Paulo to buy any material from Kiss, that too me influenced my way of being and living freely and always have fun without thinking too much about what others think it rock and roll, even bought a guitar to learn the songs of Kiss.Sonhava one day watch the show because I knew the kiss Kiss was a band that was there because of the fans, had a lot to show in a show, like everyone in the band but Gene and Paul and soul of Kiss always dreamed to know them personally, Paul is amazing and talented and as my inspiration musician and human being always humble guy dream one day to meet him and ask questions about the band and everything, Gene is also a very smart guy and astuto.Bem spent nearly 13 years and was on show on Kiss anhembi in 2012 Monster tour was amazing saw Paul Stanley passing right by my side in tiroleza was unforgettable'll never forget this moment going to tell my kids when I have them. Finally got to see the band live today I am 30 years old but I tell you guys today and Kiss'll be always in my heart, all phases of the kiss in my opinion were excelent not know if everyone would agree more so I was enjoying the comessei banda and I also like a lot of people like my mother, my sister, my wife and amigos.Desejo everyday to you that Paul Stanley has health and strength to continue, and gene banda and also all of you are great in the presentation of Brazil Anhembi S�o Paulo was expected to have optimal outras.Muito Thanks, a hug from a Brazilian.
Posted on 01/24/2013


I First Fell In Love With Kiss When I Was In 2nd Grade In 1979. My Cousin's Best Friend Who Was In The 7th Grade Had Two KISS 8-Tracks That She Didn't Want Anymore And I Was More Than Happy To Take Them Off Her Hands. If Memory Serves Me Correct I Bought Double Platinum And Rock & Roll Over Off Of Her For $1.00!!!! It Was One Of The Best Investments Of My Life As I Was Instantly Blown Away By The Music That Came From My Stereo Speakers At Home, Which Drove My Parents Nuts BTW :) I Kept Those Two 8 Tracks Until I Had Literally Played Them So Much That They Broke...But Never Fear, By 1983 I Had My First Record Player And Can You Guess The First Recore That I Bought? That's Right...Lick It Up!!!! I Am Now And Forever Will Be A Proud Member Of The KISS Army....Never Stop Rockin!!!!
Posted on 01/24/2013

KISS in my life

Hi, My history with Kiss begins since I was eleven year old. But my first impression isn't so good, I saw the video clip Psycho Circus, and I was very scared with the clowns. After that, when I heard the song I said, "Oh my god, it's a really fucking good music, and 'I love hear it loud' ". Years later, I meet my boyfriend and he is crazy for Kiss, and now, I'm more crazy for Kiss too. In this foto we were going to the Kiss concert in Brazil, S�o Paulo, 11/17/2012. This show was fantastic!! Thank you for being part of my life, my history and myself!! (I'm Peter Criss and my boyfriend Gene Simmons, on the photo)
Posted on 01/24/2013

Keep It Simple Stupid

Outside of my obsessions for heavy metal, sci-fi, and horror, I habitually find myself gravitating towards two distinct styles of media in entertainment: the dark, disgusting, and macabre; or the stupidity of plain ridiculousness and irreverent humor. So when fellow GoD of Thunder, Dave3, hurled out his list of comics available to review recently, it should be no surprise that my eyeballs became magnetized to a title that read Mars Attacks KISS. I have been a KISS fan for 26 years, which is way more than half of my current lifespan, and so naturally my first two thoughts were, �Wait! Is this about the band KISS?� and �That is the most ridiculous comic title ever conceived � I love it�. And it is indeed about the hard rock/heavy metal band I�ve obsessed over for nearly three decades � being faced with the skull-faced, brain-headed, ack-ack-speaking monstrosities from the film of the same name. To put it guilelessly, when I scored this review for Geeks of Doom, it was like giving a jigsaw puzzle with alphabetized pieces to someone with OCD. I don't know who is writing this, but please, we don't need the simple journalism. Kiss is not about that in my mind.
Posted on 01/24/2013

Happy 40th Anniversary

KISS was, is and always will be my favorite band... Thank you so much to all of the members of KISS, past and present. You have brought me much joy over the years... I've been a fan since 1975 when my brother gave me 'Alive' for Christmas. Since then I've bought all of the albums and have been lucky enough to attend many of your concerts. This October, I'll be embarking on my third KISS Kruise, which is the ultimate fan experience, believe me! From 'KISS' to 'Monster', every one of your albums has been fabulous! In fact, they've all been KISStabulous!! Happy Anniversary! What other band could weather forty years and still give the best shows on Earth?? What can I say! You rock!! Amy aka KateLovesKISS
Posted on 01/24/2013
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