submit your kiss letter


I remember when I was 17 I bought my first ever tape and it was called Kiss Killers. From that moment I was hooked. I have followed KISS ever since and I am now 41. In 2008 I finally was able to see KISS live at Acer Arena in Sydney 2 months before leaving for peace keeping duties in the Middle East with the Australian Army. Unbelievable concert. Thank you KISS for being such a long part of my life. You're music will never die and I hope that I will be in Sydney when you tour again in March this year. I dream that I could have a photo taken with you. You never know dreams sometimes do come true. KISS YOU ROCK.
Posted on 01/17/2013

First KISS concert!!!

I was a senior in Highschool when I became a Kiss fan for life, My 82 old Pap took me to my first concert, he was adorable had know idea why I liked this noise as he called it he was very hard of hearing but still thought it was way too loud. I do have to admit Gene scared the crap out of me at first, lol fell in love with Paul and his shaking his ass and the dancing made this 18 yr old girl at the time weak in the knees. I have been there through all the changes and have never once altered my love of Kiss, raised my kids with Kiss and now grand kids Love the line up now it not only works but you all make a amazing fit, oh and my daughter was concieved at a Kiss concert Shhh don't tell anyone as long as Kiss is rocking so will listening to Monster as I am typing sending all my love and many more years of kiss to come thanks for all the memories!!!!
Posted on 01/17/2013

KISS 40th Anniversary

When i was around four years old i would hear KISS coming from my teenage neighbors bedroom window. I didn't know who it was at first but i knew that i liked it. I would stand outside his window and he'd ask me what song to play next, for me it was always Shout it Out Loud! KISS is a part of some of my earliest and best memories. Hours spent listening to them when i was young on a little record player in my room. Hours spent looking over magazines featuring the band, hours spent pretending to be onstage rocking out with my KISS plastic guitar. Thirty some odd years later i went to see The Hottest Band In The World and WAS NOT disappointed. I'm 39 now and i still want to be in the band. Keep rocking guys!
Posted on 01/17/2013

My Parents

My parents were very ''worried" that their nine year old son was obsessed with Kiss, circa 1979. They came into my bed room, shut the door and said we all needed to "talk". They promised they would raise my allowance from 35 cents to 50 cents if I stop listening to KISS for good and start a new hobby like comic books. I took them up on the offer only to return listening to KISS when I was "old enough" (10 years old). Three years later, they told me I was obsessed with collecting too many comic books. I remind them of this story to this day which they of course claim they have absolutely no recollection of.
Posted on 01/17/2013

40th Celebration

The first album I got was KISS ALIVE and from that moment on I was hooked on them. Glad that I have the chance to grow up with KISS and their music being such a big part of my life.
Posted on 01/17/2013

KISS memory

I was 11 years old when I was our skateboarding in my neighborhood and I heard the sound of KISS alive 1 coming out of my friends window. I was stopped in my tracks and had to inquire as to what that sound was. When I saw the cover and heard the music I was reborn and transported. Since that day KISS music has been the soundtrack of my entire life. At every impass or crossroad KISS was there to show me the way. At every low point KISS was there to encourage me to keep going, keep believing in myself. I am 47 years old today and I am still a huge KISS fan. Not of just the music but of the whole wonderful phylosophy of self empowerment. Thank you KISS
Posted on 01/17/2013

KISS first time in Colombia

I rememer like yesterday, the day in wich we heard the news: KISS in Bogot�, Colombia! My friends (the ones that love KISS) and I, were going crazy! We were expecting that moment for such a long, long time! From the very biginin' we were sure to buy first-row seats! And we did! I remember that the concert date, was April 11, it was Holy week in 2009. And lots of crazy people were saying that the concert was a message from the devil and stuff like that, crazy shit!� But, what the hell, is KISS!!!! I was spending time with my family in another city called Medellin, about 8 hours away from Bogot� by car, and I had to travel back home the night before the concert! It was worth it! That night, with my cousin, who also went to the concert with me, was already at my house, both bought rum and beer and we began listening to KISS, to start the mood since then! But we were just to drunk, but happy! We saw the KISS SYMPHONY DVD in Melbourne that I have for a long time now, and we were soooo excited! The next day, we went to the main place were the concert was going to be placed, with hangover and all, we passed security, showed our tockets and then, YES! We were soooooo close to the stage! It indeed was an amazing experience! My cousin, at the very bigining of the concert grabed my arm and scream: I can't believe it!!!! Its KISS!!! The star-child, the demon! Spaceman and Catman kicking some ass!!! Oh my god! Gene spiting blood and tommy sending fireworks from his guitar and Eric doing and awesome drum solo! One of the best moments was, when Paul asked the crowd what song would we like to hear in that moment, and the sea of people screamed: Forever!!!! Even thoe the band didn't have it in its song list for the concert, they made us happy and played it! It was a nice gesture from them! Not all the bands that visit Colombia do that! Buy you guys did it! We left the concert tired as f***! But rememering the good moments! Please, come back! We would love to see you guys live once more! We love here your new MONSTER album and having you guys for just one more time would be one of the best thing that could happen in 2013! Congratulations on those 40 years making awesome Rock music, fulfilling us with your awesome attitude, your make up and your kick-ass shows!!! Hope to get to the 50 years of KISS and beyond!!!� You're doing great, keep on the good job! Greetings from Colombia! (Not ColUmbia) Rock Hard!!! >.<
Posted on 01/17/2013

best concert

I've seen KISS for the Revenge tour, went to the KISS Konvention, The reunion tour, and the Sonic Boom tour. But my favorite show, was in between Revenge and the Konvention. KISS played at the Arizona State Fair. It was by far the best. The energy was so different compared to a full show. There was no Pyro or effects. It was basic, clean, fun, full of music. Thanks guys for a great show. I'll see you on the Monster tour!!
Posted on 01/17/2013


Well I turned 40 also. On my 4th birthday, DESTROYER was released that same day. That was what I wanted and thats what I got. Am I part of the KISS ARMY? I AM THE KISS ARMY! HERE IS TO ANOTHER 40 MY BROTHERS!!! And to Eric Carr, Bruce Kulick, Mark St.John, Vinnie Vincent, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss. Thank you all so very much as well.
Posted on 01/17/2013

Forty years of KISS

Well, first of all, I'm brazilian, my english is not very good... Whatever, congratulations KISS, for the forty years of your music and work, Kiss was the first rock band I've ever heared, and I never stopped, I'm just fifteen years old, but I just love Kiss since I was ten... Last year, in november 17th, I went to my first Kiss concert in S�o Paulo, Brazil, when the photo was taken.. Was the best show in my life, I hope that I can go to more concerts... That's all.. KISS ARMY ,,/
Posted on 01/17/2013
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