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Carolina digs Monster

Here's a picture of my six year old daughter Carolina with her copy of Kiss Monster. She's digging the album and can't wait for her introductory Kiss Army kit to arrive in the mail!!!! Long live the Monster!
Posted on 10/10/2012


After purchasing KISS' new album, Monster, I have nothing but so many good things to say. This album is a MONSTER!!!!! Pure High Energy Rock 'N' Roll at it's best!!!!! This is an album that will kick you in the teeth every time it hits your speakers!!!!! This is my review for the album: Hell Or Hallelujah: The opening track is an absolute face melter. I had the pleasure of hearing this live during this past summer's THE TOUR with Motley Crue. An absolute blasting anthem!!!! Wall Of Sound: Gene's Vocals are in great form on this track. The song reminds me of classic KISS circa 1989. Definitely sounds like a song that could have been featured on Hot In The Shade. Freak: Paul's lyrics about alienation is a very fitting tribute to all us freaks who were ever put down for believing in what we believe or looking how we feel comfortable. "I love being Me" has never been said it such an honestly fun way!!!! Back To The Stone Age: Classic Fun!!!! Gene is having so much fun on this song, Preaching the Gospel the only way he knows how.... with total awesomeness!!!! Shout Mercy: An absolute awesome KISS song with great guitar work by Mr. Stanley and Mr. Thayer. Long Way Down: A Great Radio Jam that is certifiable modern rock at it's best!!!! A song that many artists today should listen to and take heed in the wisdom of the lyrics. Eat Your Heart Out: The intro is classic Humble Pie. I always love hearing bands having fun in the studio and the intro to this stellar track is fun!!!! Gene's Bass work is really featured on this track and it screams awesome!!!! The lyrics are classic Gene!!!! The Devil Is Me: Only The Demon could speaks words of this caliber with deadly precision. Outta This World: Tommy Thayer's vocals and guitar work are outta this world on this track. Classic Rock 'N' Roll and great lyrics. Makes you almost say, "Ace Who?" All For The Love Of Rock 'N' Roll: The Guitar Screams Classic KISS from it's start. Eric Singer's lyrics set a tone for fun and makes for a great Rock 'N' Roll anthem!!!!! A fun sing-a-long track which I think will make for a great live song!!!!! Take Me Down Below: With a title such as this....I can think of only one thing that I want to do while listening to it...which is much to graphic to put here. Last Chance: Definitely a track that I will be listening to when preparing to hit the stage with my band. A song that definitely gets you pumped to go the distance and makes you wanna explode with perfectionism. KISS MONSTER is definitely an album for KISS fans!!!! No fan or human for that matter should be without this album. Just a fun all killer, no filler album of pure rock 'n' roll that truly shows that KISS can still slay and surprise!!!! Can't wait to see the new tour and hear these great songs live!!!! It was definitely worth the wait!!!!!
Posted on 10/10/2012


Hi, i just wanna say that your new record is the best since Detroit Rock City' I wanna thank you for coming to SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL next summer!! Me and my 11-year old son just cant wait to see 'The Hardest Band In The World' ........ I've been a fan of you since 1976!! You Rock! // Anders
Posted on 10/10/2012

KISS in La Nacion

today KISS appears in a Costa rican Newspaper call La Nacion, the report is about the new KISS cd Monster , speack a little of the story of the Best Band on The World the report shows to the song list of the Cd and the cover of the cd. for my was very interesting and exiting to saw KISS in a national Newspaper,expecting to see MY idols Here in my Country! Costa Rica Att: Juan Carlos Campos KISS Army Costa Rica
Posted on 10/09/2012

Tweet KISS Winner!

Thank you so very much Gene, Paul, Tommy & Eric for the incredible opportunity of being part of KISStory by selecting me to premiere your brand new song 'The Devil Is Me' on my personal Twitter page for the entire world hear! I would also like to thank all those in the KISS Army who followed me on Twitter for their amazing positive tweets & congratulation wishes! The response was overwhelming. The KISS Army really is the greatest community to be part of. Strangers who feel like friends, like minded people who share a love of Rock n Roll & who are proud to worship at the stacked heels of The Hottest Band In The World. I will never forget these past couple of days. The sheer excitement of checking my emails & discovering I was the winner of the Tweet KISS competition, I still can't believe my luck. I never win anything & for me a KISS fanatic from Northern Ireland to have had this responsibility was a real honour, I truly enjoyed every minute of it. I am also so thrilled to have won a signed copy of 'Monster', I will treasure it forever. A massive congratulations on 'Monster' it is awesome! It rocks so hard, it's such a perfect follow up to 'Sonic Boom'. The production, the playing, the songs, everything has blown me & I'm certain everyone away. An outstanding team performance, you've never sounded better, well done guys! KISS thank you once again for this phenomenal privilege! I cannot wait to see you in the U.K. for the MONSTER tour in 2013 & I'm hoping that you announce your dates real soon. KISS Army Forever, Denver McCord
Posted on 10/09/2012


Hi Gene, Paul, Eric and Tommy thanks to put my other drawing, I made these for you, I hope you like it. I just have the ticket for the next september 7 show in Buenos Aires. I love it loud RAMI 6 years
Posted on 10/09/2012


Hey Guys, here is the Ltd.German bonus when you get the ne "MONSTER" CD at the SATURN Shops. 2 Cups with each two KISS Members.A cool item for the collection. Regards Thorsten
Posted on 10/09/2012


TO KISS, MONSTER is like Sonic Boom times a Billion. I just got it and it is AMAZING. Gene your vocals and bass playing is at it's best. Eric your drumming is totally amazing and All for the love of rock and roll, you sang it well. Tommy your solo's were amazing. You song, blew me away. Paul, your vocals were amazing, I have to say KISS you guys stepped it up. I love this album, PLEASE PLAY THE WHOLE ALBUM LIVE. MONSTER=AMAZING. CONGRATS TO KISS, YOU GUYS ROCK!
Posted on 10/09/2012

Future tours

Hello , the hottest band in the world! I understand,80% of all the letters are like "Please,come to ..." and this letter is like this too :D KISS, RUSSIA LOVES YOU! KISS Army Russia is VERY popular here, so I'm 100% sure that your concert in Russia will be more than successful. Unfortunately, you've been to Russia only once , so I hope you will come here again! RUSSIA LOVES KISS, RUSSIA WANTS KISS!!! Take care, your best russian fan , Igor.
Posted on 10/09/2012
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