submit your kiss letter

KISS... The best!

I went to KISS in Mexico City and Monterrey! this photo is in Monterrey, is my concert number 7. Previously I makeup like Paul, Peter or Eric, Gene and Ace or Tommy now as. Send a hug to Paul in these difficult times is happening...
Posted on 10/03/2012

My Sons First CONCERT

I'm just an average 40 yr old Dad of 3 but my son who is 12 is somehow a huge KISS fan. He came to me and said Dad, KISS is coming, I said your 12 you're not going with anybody to that concert.. He said I know, but you could take me???? I thought about it and then said what the heck, I mean Crue is coming as well, right?? We got tickets and went, it was unbeleivable, his face was priceless, he'd never been to a concert and this was his first.. It was like watching a child being born, he was mesmerized. It was an experience I'll never forget as long as I live. Just Dad and him at KISS and CRUE, WOW, never forget it. But just so u guys know, you have a 12 yr old hooked. He is the ultimate KISS fan born in 2000. U guys ROCK!!!
Posted on 10/03/2012

Tribute to Eva

Hello to All in the KISS army and family-friends and fans-out of respect to Pauls mom and her recent passing i thought all of you guys deserved to read this email i sent over to Paul on his websight and sent in a genuine respecteful way:::God Bless Eva Eisen and of course her entire family and the joy and musical respect she brought to this world,Her amazing enthusiasm,spirit and support for her family and popular music and just simply in life seems almost unimaginable and she's obviously the main reason her family is all successful and continue to be magical...."Now is the time to remember the greatness and memories of the past in this life- yet in turn it will be making us even stronger for what the future"will hold-(Dan Barcan-quote)...Stay Strong and Stay Brave!!....Sincerly,Dan Barcan/New Jersey
Posted on 10/03/2012

Love Gun Cover

Since KISS if my favorite band, I decided to cover them! I'd love to hear what Gene Simmons thinks of my rendition. He is the king, after all!
Posted on 10/03/2012

Demon Kitty at The Susquehanna Bank Center

My daughter Gracie and I went were lucky enough to attend not one, but two concerts of the Tour. She wore this makeup on September 19th, to the Susquehanna Bank Center, in Camden, NJ, and swears that Gene wagged his tongue at her... ;-) Thank you so much for, once again, proving that you're the best band ever and put on the greatest show on Earth! Amy & Gracie
Posted on 10/03/2012

Pauls Mother

Dear Paul, I am sorry to learn of the passing of your mother on the 29th of september.I have also lost family members and it is a heavy burden to carry and sorrowful thing to go thru.Please,draw strength from the many of your "Kiss Army" members and fans to help get you threw this time in your life.I know it is not the same,but your music and songs helped me thru my teen-age years thru the good and really bad times.So,i just wanted to return the favor. Sincerly, Justin B.
Posted on 10/03/2012

Mexico Rock City

Dear KISS: I appreciate the visit to my country and to do that night something special for me ... this concert was dedicated to the memory of my big brother Jose Muycelo watching us from heaven .. Kiss return to Mexico with the Monster tour We want kiss!!!!!! Adn Rock and Roll All Nite Adn Party Every Day!!!!!!! Jerry Kastro. Mexico City
Posted on 10/03/2012
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