submit your kiss letter


Just wanted to let you all know what an AWESOME album Monster is! I LOVE you guys have done for a long time now. Keep Rockin! Cant wait to see you back in the land of Aus! Kate
Posted on 10/15/2012

KISS represented in Art College

Hello! My name is Geoffrey Blasiman and I'm a Sophomore at the Columbus College of Art and Design. As a life-long KISS fan, any time I get to represent the band in a project, I do it. The first image is a Kabuki-style Gene Simmons vector t-shirt done in Adobe Illustrator. The second is an album re-design digital painting done in Adobe Photoshop for KISS' latest album, Monster!
Posted on 10/15/2012

KISS @ Mexico City, 2012

Thanks Guys, you are the best, if you know you are my favorite band, and I very happy cause you rock Mexico City, I hope you will came in 2013, I will be there!!
Posted on 10/15/2012

My 7 ytra old son :)

Hello. This is the opartunity i have waited for. My7 year old son is a huge fan of kiss, and i just bacame aware that you are playing on viking arena, norway this summer. This is the perfect christmas present for ny son. He has been asking for this for a long time. at the babtism of his little brother he showed up in full kiss outfit. he was almost 5. For his 6 birthay he arranged a kiss party. 18 kids in kiss customs, playing guitars, drums and watching kiss Movies on big screen. A perfect party! And all of Them sang i Was made for loving you as his birthay song. Last year he cried when we wore unable to go to Holmenkollen, so this christmas he will reach the roof when i give him his present. I cant wait. So i just wanted to thank you for coming to norway once again. Love maylinn, mum ;)
Posted on 10/15/2012

David Letterman

Just watched the video on the site of your October 12, 2012 David Letter Performance. I have been a life long fan and still love the energy that the band shows even when performing on a very small stage with limits. Enjoyed watching Gene especially. His movements and facial exaggerations make it all worth it and shows his knowledge of performance...that needs to be translated when working in a smaller area. As he said before...he appreciates the fans and makes each show like the only one that he is ever going to perform. Also, the sound was great too! Even for a small stage, the sound of the instruments had that classic Kiss sound. Keep it up guys! I am only 42 and seeing you guys perform keeps me excited and involved in music!
Posted on 10/15/2012


i just want to thank you guys for the years of rock and roll dedication and love the new album. I just wanted to say thank you guy keep on rocking
Posted on 10/14/2012


KISS, I am happy/proud that MONSTER is the #1 album. You guys deserve it as this CD is AMAZING! I have to admit though my favorite song is Back to the Stone age and I'd love to see that one as a single and played live. Thanks for the great album, I have listened to it many many times and loving it more and more. Thanks Gene, Tommy, Eric, and Paul for the great music. KISS ROCKS!
Posted on 10/14/2012

STAND - Sonic Boom I really love the song "STAND" from Sonic Boom. So a friend of mine and I decided to do cover of it on YouTube. Hope you guys think it is worthy of posting and everyone likes it.. Keep Rockin' KISS!!
Posted on 10/14/2012
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