submit your kiss letter

Meeting KISS

To Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric: Although it may sound cliche, meeting KISS in 2009 on the KISS Alive 35 Tour in Atlanta, GA is without a doubt my all-time favorite KISS memory. Words can't describe the nervousness, anxiety, and excitement which were all rolled up into one the morning leading up to that night. I was fortunate to share the experience with my father, who's been a KISS fan since 1975, and my beautiful mother. There was something incredibly mystifying about seeing the four guys; I've seen them without their makeup hundreds of times, in fact I had already met Tommy and Eric at the coffeehouse before this night, but I was still awestruck just standing in the same room as them. It was like I had never seen these guys before, it was so surreal. One of the most significant moments of the night came when we first entered the room. There was a chilly silence in the air, I guess everyone was so nervous. We were maybe fiftieth in line so we had a little wait. As soon as we stepped in there, my father and I (somehow simultaneously) roared "Yeah!" while pointing at the guys. And perhaps the coolest thing I've ever seen was Paul pointing right back in the way only Paul can, it was unreal. That suddenly broke the silence and I'm proud to have shared that moment with my father. The best was yet to come when it came time to have the guys sign all of our stuff. I don't think I was able to get any words out when Paul got to me. I was able to praise Eric, Tommy, and Gene, but I couldn't find anything to say to Mr. Stanley. My dad told him, "Paul, I've been waiting my whole life for this." And leave it to Paul to perfectly narrate the moment...he goes: "Well ya know what? Today's the day...and tonight's the night." Pretty simple but hearing it from the wild whaler was indescribable. Congrats on 40 years guys! I'm so proud to be a part of the army! Here's to 40 more!!! David
Posted on 01/17/2013

Part of who I AM

It was 1975, I was 5yrs old, my brother had an 8 track of KISS ALIVE. I didn't know who they were, but the cover of the 8 track was four guys that were different. They were like right out of a Universal monster movie. I listened to the tape over and over. I fell in love with the music and was hooked. My brother never did get the tape back. The 70's was a great time to be a KISS fan. I caught a lot of flak in the 80's during school for being a KISS fan, but I stood tall. Now at 43 I'm still the biggest Kiss freak. I have been to many KISS concerts. I own a whole lot of Kiss stuff and it is throughout my house. My wife and kids are KISS fans and have been to concerts. My kids first concerts were KISS concerts. It means alot that I was able to share my love of KISS with my kids at a concert. Kiss is part of my fabric it IS who I am. KISS songs and albums have marked the time in my life. It is the soundtrack of my life. It is a huge deal to alot of us long time fans that our band we love dearly has been around and producing music we love for so long. There are lots of people like me that don't know life without KISS. And I would not change it for anything. I am so greatful for all the music. Thank You and keep ROCKIN'. _I,,I
Posted on 01/17/2013

KISS Memory

My favorite memory is watching "KISS MEETS THE PHANTOM OF THE PARK" back when I was 12 years old. My guys were like Superheroes! I was with a bunch of friends and it was so cool to see them in a movie! 2nd best memory definitely when I got to see the original band perform during the Reunion tour. I was too young to see them the 1st time around so this was spectacular for me! ACE ROCKS!!
Posted on 01/17/2013

my 40 years with KISS

I have been a Kiss fan from the start. I took my sister to see them in Little Rock AR, when I was pregnant with my now 22 year old son. Who I took to see Kiss when he was about 10yrs old. The people behind us at the concert thought it was awsome that it was his first time to see Kiss in concert, but was his second time to hear them live in concert. By the way he kicked the entire time I was at the Kiss concert where I was pregnant with him. I'm sure he was dancing. I love you Kiss and hope the hear more from you! KEEP ON ROCKIN!!!!
Posted on 01/17/2013

Fan Memories

I can say at 40 years old, I have been a KISS fan since I can remember. Even before Phamtom came out, I remember seeing and hearing KISS on the radio as a child. I loved the loud bombastic sound. As I grew up, so did my loyalty for KISS. When I would wake up in the morning for school I had the tape player or record palyer set to come on with a KISS album. I have seen each incarnation of the band live and the music and show still remain the draw. Now that I have kids, they have been to the past 2 tours with me and they love it. My mom says they pretend to act out KISS moves like I did when I was young. This is the impact you have had. Keep rocking KISS. There is no one or no group waiting to fill your shoes.
Posted on 01/17/2013

KISS 40 Years

What can I say that so many others haven't said? As a barely 11 year old kid in the summer of 77 I heard my first KISS song "Got To Choose"and first album Hotter Than Hell. I sorta liked music before but this was different. There was something purely magical about those opening riffs that sounded like nothing I had ever heard and I would just stare at the speakers in amazement. This band has been my fortress ever since through good times and bad. KISS definitely changed my life and I'm still listening to this day. I am in a tribute band called KISS America playing and singing all those classic songs(as Paul) as well, and nothing else comes close to the feeling that the music-yes THE MUSIC-gives me.And I learned how to write songs of my own as well because of KISS. So to hell with the critics and that clueless Hall Of Fame because they just do not understand what KISS is all about. And it's more than just a band who wears make-up! To Gene, Paul, Tommy, Eric and past members: I can't thank you all enough for always, without fail, delivering the best show and sound in all of rock and roll.
Posted on 01/17/2013


Back in the summer of 1975, I was 9 years old, I was travaling with my family down here in Brazil. We stopped in a gas station, after the meal my father bought a cassete tape, orchestra or something, but the guy who worked there made a mistake and gave the wrong tape to my dad. It was a rock tape, Suzy 4, Slade and KISS. When I heard the tape(my dad was about to throw it away) my soul went to mars when I heard KISS(c'mon and love me and strutter) and when I came back to my city and saw Alive I I was in love with KISS. And that's how my KISSTORY had begun. I watched all the KISS concerts here in Brazil(the first one was in 1983 and the last one was in nobember 17 2012, best concert ever.)
Posted on 01/17/2013

Happy Birthday

Happy 40th Birthday :D First let me start by saying that you are my favourite band and that your music and lyrics have helped me get through some very hard times in my life...Once me and my girlfriend had a discussion and i asked her sorry playing in my guitar and singing "Everytime I Look At You" :D And the first music i ever dedicated to her has been "Forever" ;D You are an example to me,you have overcomed all your problems and when things were looking bad you managed to turned them around and overcome them and that ability is one of the qualities that i most value Hope i will see you soon in Portugal in this Monster Tour :D Never stop rocking and continue to be a roll-model to all of the KISS Army! Congratulations for the 40 years of pure and true Rock N' Roll Thank You m/
Posted on 01/17/2013

KISS drawing

I'm stuck at work due to the weather. It's either raining and now it's pour snow. Since I can't do much I decided to make use of my time and attempt to draw Ace. Not bad for my first attempt. I've been a KISS fan since 1977. I've drawn a little bit off and own over the years mostly Gene and Peter. It's not the best I could do but given the the fact I was trying not to get caught at work I think it turned out pretty good. David
Posted on 01/17/2013

the tour was the best!

It took an act of god and alot of money to get this group of hooligans to see KISS on their last tour but it was worth it all the way!. 6 of these people had never seen KISS and walked away wonderin why it took them so long to see them! The youngest finally seeing first hand what his dad and I have been talking about for the last 27 years. Thank you KISS for the years and the memories..
Posted on 01/17/2013
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