submit your kiss letter

Taking My Dauther To See KISS

II took my 17 year old Daughter to see the show in Kansas City, MO on 12/10. I told her last summer that the first concert I wanted her to see was a KISS concert. Well since then we had a local fair here in our hometown Springfield, MO and they had a show called the 80's Invasion Tour. The lineup was L.A. Guns, Firehouse, and Great White. I took her to that because I thought it would be fun for her, and it was. I knew KISS would be touring North America soon and I waited patiently for them to come to a city close by and within a few months announcements were made and they would be in Kansas City, MO on 12/10! As soon as tickets went on sale I purchased two Premium Package tickets (still haven't received anything over and beyond the tickets by the way) and we had seats center stage 5 rows from the stage, Leading up to the night of the show I would show her videos on YouTube of KISS, including the opening sequence and Deuce to try and get her prepped up for the show. She wasn't too familiar with a lot of songs but she was getting there little by little. Five nights before the show, she went with a friend of hers to a local concert at a hall that might seat a few thousand at most. Breaking Benjamin and three other bands were playing there. Finally the day of the show had arrived and we made our way up to Kansas City. The night couldn't have gotten there any sooner! My Daughter, Samantha, couldn't believe the size of the venue and just that alone she began to get excited! Once we were inside and I showed her the inside of the hall she was like, 'OMG!'. So, we took our seats and sat through a band that warmed up for KISS that was local. Then after what seemed to be an eternity, the lights finally went out. Samantha started screaming because she couldn't believe it. Then the announcement, "ALL RIGHT KANSAS CITY....YOU WANTED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST....THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD...KISSSSSS!!!!!!!". She was unbelievably taken aback the whole show!! She even got down on her hands and knees trying to find a guitar pick Paul had thrown into the crowd, and she found it! The whole experience was just awesome guys!! I am glad she went to go see those other concerts before she went to go see KISS because now she has a comparison and can see how the big boys do it!!! It is really something to take your child to a concert and see someone you yourself saw when you were their age, and let me tell you ROCKED just as hard the other night as you did then! Thank you!
Posted on 12/13/2009

KISS fucking rocks

YOU GUYS ARE THE SHIT! I don't give a rip what any of these old-school, die-hard purists have to say about Eric and Tommy. As far as this guy is concerned, if they were chosen by the great Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley then they are WORTHY. I saw your San Diego show a couple of weeks ago and it was FUCKING AMAZING! You guys just keep up the spectacular work, you still put on the best show and are top-notch performers. Truly the BEST!
Posted on 12/13/2009

Kansas City show!

I Just want to say what a show! Once again KISS Showed everyone how its supposed to be done and they Rocked! Everyone had a blast and before the show we all got together to get ready to see KISS by celebrating and getting pumped up! We had someone there who put the make up on for everyone across the street at Mcfaddens and just had a blast! Even the waitresses was decked out! The Kiss Army was in full force that night! One again thank you Gene, Paul, Tommy and Eric for an awsome show and look foward to seeing yas again on the Sonic Boom Tour! (I caught the St Louis throw Paul said in when he was talking about Kansas City, lol) This was my third show on this Tour and everytime way to awsome!
Posted on 12/13/2009

KISS name ink in

I wanted to send you a picture of me getting your signatures inked in after the show in Kansas City. I called ahead of time to Mercy Seat Tattoo when I got my meet & greet. Chris, the tattooist, gladly reopened the shop to do your signatures. He's a huge fan too. I just wanted to say Thanks again for signing my back. I'll wear KISS proudly for ever. I can't wait for you to come to St.Louis so I can do another meet & greet. I also gave you all pictures of my KISS tribute bike, I really hope you enjoyed them. Thanks again for 35 years of Rock n Roll! Dave Bement
Posted on 12/13/2009


To KISS, I know that the second single is Say Yeah and I do love the song and I already emailed my radio station to play it. However I think the next single should have been All For The Glory. That has become my favorite KISS song of all time. Everything from the melody, lyrics, and the backing vocals make it great. Eric's singing is great on that tune. To me it's not only the best song on Sonic Boom but it is the best KISS song of all time. YOU WANTED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST, THE BEST KISS SONG OF ALL TIME ALL FOR THE GLORY! Please release it as a single, from, Brad Liverman
Posted on 12/13/2009

Now that I can get personal...

I covered the KISS show in Council Bluffs/Omaha for and it was so hard to keep it professional when I wrote my review because all I wanted to say was "Holy %&^*$# that was freakin' AMAZING!" I can't even tell you how much this night meant to me. It was my 7 year old daughter's first concert! She's a third generation KISS fan - my dad bought 'Rock n Roll Over' for me when I was her age. She was a little scared at first with the explosions and fire but after about three songs she was standing in her seat with her fists in the air. She talked about it the whole way home and it took another hour to get her calmed down enough to go to sleep. She even wanted to know which one of you she could marry when she grows up! (haha) Thank you so much, not only Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric but to the entire KISS crew for making it all happen and for marking a rite of passage in my little girl's life. April Jones Omaha, NE
Posted on 12/13/2009

The Greatest Rock and Roll Band of all time~

I just want you to know how much I love your music!I grew up with it in the 70's,my first favorite was "I was made for lovin' you"think I was 7!I have followed you guys ever since.Our son grew up listening to Kiss,and he loves you guys as well.You truly are the GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND OF ALL TIME......WE LOVE YOU! Gene Simmons...Family Jewels is one of my favs!My son and Nick look ALOT alike.
Posted on 12/13/2009

Modern Day Delilah (Percussion Ensemble)

Hello all! I just wanted to share with you all a video I recently recorded. It's an all-percussion version of the latest KISS Klassic, "Modern Day Delilah." (I'm a 19-year old college student majoring in music business/communications) It's got everything from marimbas, xylophones, vibraphones, snare drums, and even timpani piled on there. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it (and listening to Sonic Boom!). I think it only goes to show that contrary to popular belief, KISS can hold their own in musical bearing with the best of them, so thanks for being such a great influence (KISS has always been my favorite group; rather than growing up on Disney or Nickelodeon, I wore out two copies of KISS Meets The Phantom of the Park [maybe that explains the way I am!], and I saw you all when I was six on the reunion tour)! Keep up the great work and hopefully I'll get to see you all on tour when you come back around to the US (Indiana please!)! Who needs Chopin & Schubert when you've got Stanley & Simmons?! ;) Thanks & Happy Holidays! Travis Humbert
Posted on 12/12/2009

Best night of my life

Gene, Paul, Eric & Tommy. Thank you guys for last night's concert at the Mid America Center. Ever since the date was announced I have been crossing the days off the calendar just waiting to finally live a moment I had been waiting years for. I have never, ever, seen anything like last night - it simply blew my mind. Oh yes, I have bought many Kiss concerts on DVD but I see now that you have to be there in person to fully get the true experience. I was so swept up in the music, as silly as this may sound, I felt like I was a part of it and got quite the workout rocking out to what is basically the soundtrack of my life. To top it all off, I got some seriously cool swag from the merchandise table, my favorite being autographed sticks from Eric Singer. I will always treasure them as well as the experience. At the very end you thanked the crowd for coming out. To you I say, no, thank YOU for taking me away from all of life�s problems for a few hours. As you said, Paul, that IS what rock �n roll is all about. Nobody does it better. - Ken
Posted on 12/12/2009

ALIVE 35 and Sonic Boom

Where do I start...I'm gonna be 43 soon and I've seen you guys at least a dozen or so times and loved'em all. This year my family and I were in the 9th row in Philly. Un-freakin-believable!!! That show was the best I've seen and heard. I stiil talk about it with my kids. My children are 13 and 17 and were blown away!! It was too cool to stop and look around at the crowd in the arena. It was neat to look at the guys on stage and see their interactions with each other. As far as the new album, I am totally loving it. You can tell after the 1st listen. It's been a while to have an album like this one. I only wish it would get more air time on the radio. The stations don't know what their missing!!!! I'm currently learning the songs and rock'n along. Love you guys and THANXS
Posted on 12/12/2009
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