submit your kiss letter

Matt getting married Oct 29, 2011

Hello Gene Simmons, My son Matt is going to be getting married on Oct 29 2011. The theme for his wedding is going to be the Dressed to Kill album. He will be having 6 groomsmen and all of them will be in suits & will have thier make up on as the Album. His lovely bride to be has been looking to purchase a pair of boots that look like what you have worn in the past to wear with her dress. Even our pastor is going to be wearing something pertaining to KISS. We are hoping to have a rock concert theme for the reception, we already have a life size Gene we are going to be using. Looking for the other 3 guys so we will have the whole group to show. How cool this is going to be. It would be even better if you , your self & the other guys would show up to the wedding. So here is your own personal invite. Please come ! We dont have a church yet but as soon as we do I'll send the address. My son Matt has been a fan from the day started hearing your music. This would be so GREAT !!! Thank you for your time ! Cindy Dellinger [email protected]
Posted on 02/02/2011


My names Paige,i'm 15 years old & i've been a fan since July 15th 2009.When i saw your concert in Ottawa i was hooked.I hope you guys can come to Washington DC soon.I've only seen you all once,so i'd like to see you more!I hope i get the chance to meet you all.Especially Paul! Keep on rockin!
Posted on 02/02/2011

Supporting Our Troops, And Bringing A Veteran To Respect KISS Even More

Hey KISS, My name is Crystal, and I'm from Colorado Springs, Colorado and I have been a fan of yours ever since I was a little girl. I was the only KISS fan in my family until recently. My Father who is a retired Navy Sailor who served 23 years for this country, use to not like KISS until recently and now respects you all even more. What drawled him was a video that was sent to him by a friend with Gene singing with all the troops and with Tommy playing his guitar etc. When he saw this he was truly moved, he than showed it to me, and I than told him how that wasn't all you guys did for our troops, and those who served for our country. I told him how you guys donated money from your ticket sales from your shows, etc to our vets and so on. He was so moved, he said �I am now a KISS fan, and respect them more than ever!� Not many artiest, bands, etc do what you guys do and to move my father like you guys did is amazing. Thank you for supporting our troops and vets! USA! USA! USA! Rock on! Crystal Johnson �CJ�
Posted on 02/02/2011

Live Performance

Friday, January 21st, "The Mozarts", Stephan & Jack, made their first public performance as a musicians duo at a try out evening in Hazerswoude, The Netherlands. The short set list contained: All i want is you (U2), Creep ( Radiohead) and Then she kissed me (Kiss) Jack, pictured on the right was playing on his beautiful Scandali accordeon, and Stephan, on the left was playing on his "Paul" ps 11 semi-acoustic guitar. From our side it was a music-only-thing, the crowd sang along ! We would like to share this experience with the Kiss Army, world wide ! Thanks for inspiring, we'll continue to make the best out off it. Stephan & Jack
Posted on 02/02/2011


Dear KISS, My name is Imene, I am 17 years old and I am a BIG KISS FAN from Algeria This is a picture of me as a SPACEMAN!! I hope you will like it.I am so happy that you are going to record a NEW ALBUM!!! and i am so excited about that. we just can't wait for it !!! and can't wait for another WORLD TOUR!!! cause it will be my second KISS CONCERT!! AND THERE'S NO LAWYERS !!! THERE'S NO PRIME MINISTERS AND THERE'S NO PRESIDENT!!! THER'S ONLY ONE NATION!!! THAT'S THE KISS NATION!!!!!!!! KISS YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! THE BEST BAND EVER SEEN IN THE WORLD!!!! KISS WILL LIVE FOREVER!!! KISS IS OUR FOOD!!! KISS IS OUR SOUL!!!! KISS IS OUR SPIRIT!!! KISS IS OUR LEGEND!!! KISS IS OUR COURAGE!! KISS IS EVERYWHERE!!! WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!! LONG LIFE TO THE STARCHILD!! LONG LIFE TO THE DEMON!!! LONG LIFE TO THE SPACEMAN!!! LONG LIFE TO THE CATMAN!!!! LONG LIFE KISS!!!!
Posted on 02/02/2011

The Hottest Band in the World

hello from brooklyn, ny. u guys hav changed my life with ur awesome music, awesome stage performance, and special effects. im only 13 years old. i hav all ur albums. u r the best band in nthe WORLD!!!!!!
Posted on 02/02/2011

my cat loves KISS

hi guys!! I just wanted to show you this funny picture i created some weeks ago, i took a photo to my cat and she appeared showing her tongue, so i though "wow, looks like gene" and i put her on this picture, it looks really funny... well, now she looks as one more of the kiss army cheers from chile!! hope to see ya here soon
Posted on 02/02/2011

orquestra rockfonica do brasil

orchestra in northeastern Brazil that mixes music with rock and regional use of makeup kiss. The Orchestra performs classic rock Rockfon world with wind and percussion and plays at Carnival this year. Frevo Orchestra mix of rock, and test the boundaries of musical rhythms,and end of all concerts play rock and roll all nite follow link to video:,20215,2,225,VIDEOS,879-ORQUESTRA-MISTURA-ROCK-FREVO-TESTA-FRONTEIRAS-RITMOS-MUSICAIS.aspx
Posted on 02/02/2011


Ok I just found out the Rock God himself Gene Simmons was 20 minutes away from my house I live close to Fort Hood and was glad to see him visiting the troops but Gene had you come by I would have shown him my comicbook collection since I know he is into that stuff.But no hard feelings I know he is a busy man, but Gene if you are ever around here again you are always welcome at my house.
Posted on 02/01/2011
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