submit your kiss letter

first concert

Hey KISS, The Hottest Show on Earth Tour, when you guys came to Mansfield, MA, was my first KISS concert..... I dressed up as Gene "The Demon" Simmons.... I hope to go to my second KISS concert in Manchester, NH this Tuesday... Best of luck on your summer Tour..!!!!!!!!! Your #1 Massachusetts fan, Wellsley "Gene" Pina P.S. I am known as "Gene" on the football field..!!!!!
Posted on 07/07/2011

Concert at Bayfest, Sarnia

The concert last night was amazing! Thank you so much! I have never had such a good time at a concert! I was in the VIP licenced and truly enjoyed the show. I am also a huge fan of Gene Simon's Family Jewels and have to say that I didn't realize how much weight the camera really adds. Not that I'm saying any of you or Gene's family are fat, gosh no, but you look so much better in real life. Thanks again for the awesome show last night. I won't forget that show, ever! If you're ever in the area again, I guarantee I'll be there. Your new fan, Sharon
Posted on 07/07/2011


Hey kiss i saw you guys at the spokane arena and i loved it you guys were asome you put on a great show iv ben a fan for a long time and im only 15 years old you guys are probuly my fav ban in the world thanks for putting on a great show!!!!
Posted on 07/07/2011

From your biggest fan..

I finally decided to write you guys a letter, and I hope you will read it. I was on your concert in 1999, when I was only 1 year old, and I listen to your songs everyday. Today, I'm 13, and I wanna go to your concert again 'cause I think you guys are amazing. I live in Bosnia, and I'm hoping that you'll make my wish come true, come to Bosnia and have a concert. Your biggest fan, Alma <3
Posted on 07/07/2011


Hello, I am one of your avid fans of Italy wished much to see you live here in Italy there are many people waiting for you, but you can usually do a few dates here and why? I love your music and I follow you always hope that with all the your commitments be able to find something to please answer me on the European Union would be a great thrill for me: D
Posted on 07/07/2011


Hello to the Band of my Life. I send you an Artwork, my sister petra done for she is painting the rest of the band. All the best for the future from germany, Jason Wieger - fan since 1979
Posted on 07/07/2011

Thank you

Miss Shannon Tweed Mr. Gene Simmons, Thank you for visitng our military. Thank you for teaching your children to respect our country and our military. God Bless, PJDouglas San Juan Capistrano, CA
Posted on 07/07/2011

My favorite band i hope to see you again

Hey Kiss your my favorite band.Im 14 and i've been listening to you guys since i was 5. Your my all time favorite band.You guys inspred me to learn how to play guitar.I've seen you 2 times and it was like nothing I could have ever dreamed!!!! And I hope you come back to Charlotte NC so I can see you a 3rd time.Your the best band in the whole world and no one will ever top you. And as long as the money is there im going to keep adding to my kiss collection. And hopefully meet you one day. That would complete my life. Your biggest fan Patrick Shields
Posted on 07/06/2011


Hey Gyes,I just wanted to say thank you for being who you are and being so good to your fans.I remember seeing you gyes way back in 1979 or 1978 in Halifax Nova Scotia.It was my first rock concert I ever saw and the best one I've ever saw.It was at the old Fourm building here in Halifax Nova Scotia.Its still here standing.I remember sitting on the board that surrounded the ice and the heat that was comeing off the flame thrower was hot I could feel it hit my face everytime they went off! so again thankyou so much for the memories and the great music over the last 35 years.Keep On Rock'in! thanks a fan for life Gary Berrigan!
Posted on 07/06/2011

I love you guys

I love you guys. Your the best band. Im 11 years old. Will you come to ethir New York or New Jersy if you dont i will cry.So please come.I dressed like you Gene. Your the best band.
Posted on 07/06/2011
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