submit your kiss letter

we want you to greece

Hey guys my name is savas and im from Greece plzzz guys if you want do me a favor , we want you here in GREECE for a live full of hard rock, you saw the 2008 again but we want to see you and hear you, try to come, you know that here you have crazy fans who do their best to see you. m/
Posted on 07/11/2011


OMG!! Can't wait to see you @ ROCK USA !! I have been waiting to see you in concert like way too long!! I am 45 yrs old & I am like a kid in the candy store !! I wish I could meet you in nephew you was killed by a drunk driver almost 2yrs ago & loved you also & wish I could dedicate to him @ the concert .. Patrick LaLonde miss you sooo !! Thank you, Jayne can't wait to see you!! ROCK ON!!!!
Posted on 07/11/2011

Thank you for concert

I just wanted to drop a note and say how thankful I am that you guys played Grand Falls - Winsor, Newfoundland on July 9th. I have been a loyal fan since 1976 when I first heard Detroit Rock City off the Destroyer record. It changed my life. Through the good years and the not so good years I've always had you guys in my heart and soul. I've bought every record you've released and you've always been my favorite. I honestly never thought I would get the chance to see you live, especially living here in Newfoundland.After every tour I figured my chances were getting worse and worse. So when I heard that you were playing here on July 9th, it didn't matter what I had to pay, Iwas going. You didn't let me down. Also the fact that you played in the pouring rain, only verified why I have stayed loyal all these years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was a dream come through. ( i'm sorry that the platinum pass was too much for me to swing , but to see you live was more than enough).
Posted on 07/11/2011

Birthday cake

This is the birthday cake that I had a good friend make for my boyfriend Matt's birthday. He is a big KISS fan and a big Gene Simmons fan.
Posted on 07/11/2011

Eric Carr Tribute

Hello, KISS. This year is the 20th anniversary of Eric Carr's tragic death. I've always wondered why Animalize Live & Uncensored wasn't released as a live album, and since it is the one of few live releases with Eric Carr, I want to ask you if you would release the Animalize Live & Uncensored as a live album(with a title like Animalive). It would be a great tribute to Eric and a great gift for the fans who didn't have a chance to see him live. I know that there is a video album with him, but no live albums were released with him. I hope you will read this and release the footage as a live album. With much love, your fan from Croatia
Posted on 07/11/2011

Fernanda Martins

Hello guys! This picture is taken from Apotheosis's show, in Rio.My face was painted to my husband, Roberto (it's the first time he painted some face), in our house.I realize my dream ... I Hope When You Come Back To Brazil , you realize my dream: take a picture with you! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Posted on 07/11/2011


Just have to say thank -you for the amazing concert u guys put off in grand falls!!!!!! we came out from st. john's and loved every minute...the rain was a drag...but i got to hear BETH...and that was worth the rain and cold.......have to be honest, u gained 2 more die hard KISS fans this weekend!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!
Posted on 07/11/2011


Hello to Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric. I want to make this as quick as possible. Right now i'm listening to 100000 years and i have only one wish that i hope someday to come true. PLEASE COME TO ROMANIA. I (like other thousand fans) really want to see you on stage. Sincerely a crazy KISS fan.
Posted on 07/11/2011

Grandfalls-winsor Picture

The 5hr drive to the concert...Who cares... Sleeping in the Van... Who cares... Downpour of rain during the concert... Who cares... My friends and I being at this concert, HELL YEA we care! In fact we are in this Picture. Could we PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! have a Hi-Res Copy of this pic to show we saw.... "The hottest band in the world!!!" KISS!!!
Posted on 07/11/2011

Salmon Festival - Newfoundland

See you last night for my First but not last time, It was your first time here in Newfoundland and you guys Rocked the "Rock " and as you said enough pyro to take down a low flying plane ;) was not your full stage but you made my day, Best concert i have even been to. Please come back xo :)
Posted on 07/10/2011
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