submit your kiss letter

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hi paul,gene,eric and tommy i would like to say that i am a big fan of you i love your music the master i am colombia but when they came i could not go i would like to know if they will return?
Posted on 07/12/2011


I was watching my usual episode of the Doctors today and saw Paul Stanley talking about how important your ears are and to my surprise spoke about being born with Microtia this is something close to my heart because I too was born with it. Growing up was very hard not many people know about this type of birth defect, I was called every name in the book and my mother even dealt with scrutiny from doctors accusing her of not taking care of herself while pregnant. I am a 25 year old woman now and while I don't see myself as any different I do remember what it was like being a kid and try my best to make public awareness and just thought it was great he spoke about it and enjoyed sharing it with my mother. Even though the Dr. Burt Brent assured my mother over and over again this was nothing she did it always is nice to hear from someone else they too have dealt with the same issues. Thankyou for help making awareness. - Lindsey Ann¤t=Childhoodpictures2.jpg
Posted on 07/12/2011

Paul Stanley

My letter is in regards to when Paul Stanley was a guest on The Doctors program on TV. My husband was listening to Mr. Stanley speak about hearing loss from loud noises. So thanks to him I was finally able to convince him to be seen by an ENT doctor. It turns out he needs two hearing aids instead of only one. So thank you again for the excellant show. Mrs. Patricia J. Gebhardt
Posted on 07/12/2011

Remembering Eric Carr

I can�t believe that Eric Carr would have been 61 today! To me KISS will always be, as Paul once said �forever young�. I remember the day I met him like it was 5 minutes ago. It was November 1990, He came to a club that I use to play in, and from where I was standing, I could see the front entrance. I said to my friend Kenny, (while pointing), �Dude, Eric Carr is here� all I saw was massive HAIR!!!! He was like yeah right, Eric Carr here? I said DUDE, its ERIC! While still pointing and following him around the bar to where we were. When Kenny realized it was Eric, he (Kenny) asked for my keys so he could get his camera, thank god he only lived 5 minutes away. In between that time Eric came over to where I was and we looked at each other and he said, hey what�s up? I said how�s it going Eric? He asked if we had met once before, and I was like, homina, homina, homina, No, I said. By this time Kenny came back and I asked Eric if it would be okay to take a picture with him? He said sure, no problem. As you can tell by the picture I was very happy. Saying that Eric was �COOL� does not even begin to describe him, Eric was very down to earth, easy to talk with and not stuck up. I have met Eric�s sister, Loretta, and his parents, and they were all very easy going and great to talk to. My son Eric (who is just as big a KISS fan as I am) was named in honor of him. That was the impact Eric Carr left on me. �Happy Birthday Eric� you are missed!!!!
Posted on 07/12/2011

Changed My Life

Hey Kiss my name is Tyler Sharpe and i just wanted to let you guys know how much you totally rock. I'm only 18 but I've seen you guys twice and both times were incredible. When I was age 13 to 15 I had a very rough patch in my life and even when I felt like I had no one you guys were always there. I am and always will be a kiss fan I love you guys.
Posted on 07/12/2011


We just released a script in a book that came in the top 5% of the prestigious Nicholle Fellowship competition against about 6,500 other scripts. The KISS influence is undeniable. There's one character who is so obsessed with KISS he insists on wearing Paul's makeup, and then of course there's the drummer, Gene Stanley. Right now it's being looked at by one producer who's known for releasing very successful comedies. KISS, thanks for the inspiration! If you didn't turn me onto rock and roll when I was younger this wouldn't have happened. If you want to look at it the description of the book here's the link.
Posted on 07/12/2011

Aussie Tour

When are you next coming to Australia? I've been to your last 4 Aussie Tours and to the totally AWESOME KISS Symphony in Melbourne (You guys totally rocked my Birthday ;) ) I have educated my daughter well, and now she is 4 she is dying to go see KISS! She doesn't understand that you live a long way away and wants to know why she cant see you in Concert. I have promised her that when you come back (and I know you will) that I will take her and she can dress up as Gene. Looking forward to seeing you down under as soon as possible. Amanda and Miss 4.
Posted on 07/12/2011
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