submit your kiss letter


Hi Im Jennifer Im 18 years old & live in puerto rico , and not to long ago a became a KISS Fan & the best thing that ever happened to me was listening to your music. Last year i went to my first KISS concert March 12 in Coliseo Jose Miguel Agrelot& it was the best day ever in my life I cried I danced i screamed I sing along to all the songs :) Theres no other concert as amazing and mind blowing as a KISS concert it was the best night ever i still regret not painting my face but i get a second chance, im going to fly to houston texas withand meet my cousin to get to see you guys on august 3 in the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion and without a doubt im painting my face as the catman! i just love peter even thought hes not in the band anymore. I Love your music & i will forever be a true KISS Fan ! You guys are the best !
Posted on 04/19/2012

Long time fan!

Let me start by saying I became a huge fan of KISS at a very early age (see picture). Me and my friends used to make wooden KISS guitars and dress up to have KISS concerts (smoke bombs, fake blood and all). I was always Ace and loved acting out the long guitar solos. That was over 30 years ago and I am still such a big fan today. I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters and it has been so much fun introducing them to KISS and all the history behind the band. My youngest daughter (8 yrs old) is very into it and would choose KISS over Beiber any day! One of the items on my bucket list is to see KISS live as I have never had the chance over the last 30 yrs. This year I will FINALLY be able to mark that item of my list! I recently purchased tickets to see you guys this September and I am so excited. I have waited an eternity to see you guys live! Thanks so much for keeping it real and making such great music over the years! Can't wait to see you guys in September! Brad
Posted on 04/19/2012


I was researching some fun color facts for work. In my unit we all where the same color on what we call "Thirsty Thursday". This week was black. In the midst of the research I see right there on the sight that KISS is mentioned as black being a signature color. <> This is planet KISS and we are just fortunate to live on it. :)
Posted on 04/19/2012

KISS kids

Hi. My name is Jo�o Pinho, I´m 31, and I´m a Kiss Army member in Brazil since I was 10. Those two are my nephew Gabriel and my niece Beatriz. They both are 3 years old. At the easter holyday, they asked me and so I painted Kiss make up on them. They love kiss as much as me. I guess it runs in family.
Posted on 04/18/2012

Starchild walking down the aisle

KISS ARMY ROCKS!! I wanted to share this photo of me walking my daughter, Ashley, down the aisle during her wedding rehearsal on September 17, 2010. My original plans of wearing my KISS makeup during the actual wedding ceremony, which was the following night, was nixed by my entire family - so I settled for the rehearsal instead. Thank you for the opportunity to share this photo with other KISS fans. Tom
Posted on 04/17/2012


Dear Paul,Gene, Eric and Tommy, I am sending this letter to you all because I could just not have made it thru the last month without Kiss!!! Thank You all for giving me so many days to look forward to and really be able to smile!!! I lost my job due to downsizing on March 12th after 12 years of being there, so you can see how I am feeling, like a total loser! But I tell you what I bought my ticket to the Monster Tour on Sept. 18th in Scranton, Pa.!!! Broke or not I would not miss out on seeing such a Great Concert, life is to short to not have such great memories!!! I will be there!!! With all the pictures and videos of the Monster Mini Golf opening on the 15th of March, The Tour being announced and than being on Jimmy Kimmel Live on March 20th (yep that is my Birthday) You guys truley made that day just so very exciting, not that I don't have the best family and really great friends but when I listen and watch Kiss I just feel so so happy and all my problems just disappear!! My birthday was just full of excitement with all the news that day!!! Than on the 30th with the live webcast in New Orleans, wish I could have been there!!! Couldn't wait to watch the Country Music Awards on April 1st to see you all!!!! I loved the Grand entrance you all made!!! Than to see Kiss 2 nights in row perform on Dancing With The Stars on April 9th and 10th.....I could not wait for those 2 nights!!!! You guys truley rocked!!! So as you can see, I have not missed a single chance of seeing you all!!!! I can only tell you all how truley Thankful I am that Kiss has gotten me through such a really hard time and with all that I truley felt the need to share my story and really Thank Kiss for being there for my inner soul!!! I hope to be able to make the cruise sometime in the future!!!! I am so excited for the album Monster to come out, I bet it is going to kick ass!!!!! I just love Kiss and you guys are the Greatest!!! A big Thank You for sharing such wonderful talent with the world!!! See you all in September!!!! I can't wait!!!! Thanks Again, Michele
Posted on 04/17/2012


The hottest show on earth tour was my first meet and greet experience with kiss 2010. I purchased a meet and greet for the show here in Charlotte and it's going to be even better for the Monster Tour. Among all of the great stuff you get a soundcheck experience! How awesome is that!?
Posted on 04/17/2012

What do you think?

I been a fan for over 25 years. My brother got me into the KISS music. I have always wanted to go to a concert, but either my schedule did not permit or something always came up. Anyway, this year, you guys are coming to my hometown on September 2. I haven't been home in two years. This will be the perfect excuse. I called up some old friends and they agreed to go. So, for the first time in 25 years, I will finally get to see you live. It is a dream come true. I have often played with graphics. One day maybe it can get me somewhere. In the meantime, I keep racking my brain for ideas and I came up with this image for this years tour. I would never sell it, don't worry. But I wanted to share it with you all. I will put it on a t-shirt and wear it to the concert though. It will be one of a kind. With any luck Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric will get to view it. Let me know what you think?
Posted on 04/17/2012

my Name Is Branden

Hi KISS, my name is Branden, I'm 6 years old and I love your music ever since I was little. Today I wish I could listen to some of your music because I am a little bit scared. My parents took me to the doctor because I had some bumps on my legs. The doctor told my parents and me I have leukemia and now I have to go to another doctor today so they can take out my bone marrow in a hospital. I wish they would let me listen to your music when they do it, but my parents told me I have to be very still when they take out my marrow and if I hear your music I will want to dance. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. When I'm done in the hospital, I am going to tell my parents I want to listen to your music when we go back home. Love, Brandon PS - my parents helped me with spelling because I'm not a very good speller yet.
Posted on 04/17/2012
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