submit your kiss letter

Donald Duck A KISS fan

Hi I am Christina. I like to draw and I decided to do a drawing combining two of my boyfriend's most favorite things; which is KISS and Donal Duck. Enjoy!
Posted on 04/11/2012

KISS, part of life

Hi! Just wanted to show off my Starchild tattoo and give a great big thank you for all the music and entertainment. I can't really put my finger on what it is that you guys got that others don't. It might be that charisma you've been singing about. I can't imagine living a day without your music, and can't wait for your next album to come out. I'll be the frst one to run to the store. To be able to see you live, or meet you in person would be like a religious person meeting God, you are that great to me! KISS isn't just a band to idolize, it's a way of living! Keep up the good work, please. You're needed here, above the arctic circle....
Posted on 04/11/2012

My KISS Art 2

Hi KISS, I'm a KISS fan from S�o Paulo - Brazil and this is my new KISS art with Creatures Of The Night cover, a digital painting. Thanks for all.
Posted on 04/11/2012

My KISS Arts

Hi KISS, I'm a KISS fan from S�o Paulo - Brazil and this is my KISS art with the originals members. Thanks for all.
Posted on 04/11/2012

3rd Generation KISS fan

I just recently found out I am expecting my first child in October. I have tickets to the Tinley Park concert on September 7th, so I will be about 8 months pregnant at the concert. My baby will be a 3rd generation KISS fan :). My dad brought me to my first KISS concert when I was young, and my baby will be at this one with me. I can't wait to see how the baby reacts to the concert!! I just thought the guys would like to know this :)
Posted on 04/10/2012

I Love It LOUD

Guys , I have been jammin with ya since 73, I have never grown tired of jamming to KISS after all these years,every time they play one of your tunes on the radio no matter where I am, I crank it as LOUD as it will go. And I will crank it til I meet the GOD OF THUNDER. Cant wait to see you in Columbus Again, Remember Vets Memorial? hehe,,I do... Keep on Rockin every night and partying every day! Woooo!
Posted on 04/10/2012

Major KISS fan

Hey guys I totally LOVE your music it makes me feel great. The song Psyco Circus is by far the all time best song but of course I rock out to all the songs. I live in Wisconsin so last summer my roommate and I went and saw your concert at ROCK USA in Oshkosh it was my first time experiencing the full effect of KISS and let me tell you IT WAS AMAZING. I listen to your music when I am at work and in my vehical and of course at home and I am head bangin the whole time. I also want to send Gene and Shannon a HUGE congratulations on there marriage way to go my roommate and I watched it on tv it was beautiful. I wanted to also say keep up the AWESOME job you all rock.
Posted on 04/09/2012
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