submit your kiss letter

You rock

I am in State College, Pa. My wife and i said one time that if KISS and Motley Crue ever toured together that would be a concert we would see.She loved KISS and Crue. I have been a fan since I was ten. I almost 46 now. I just wish my wife was around to see this.She was a dialysis patient and I took care of her daily needs tirelessly. She developed complications. Its been a year and a half now. I hope to be able to see you guys when you come around soon. You guys totally rock. On the days i would get my wife up for her to go to her treatments we would be watching VH1 as we would be eating and dressing her. She got into groups that was very popular in the 80s and that are still now. She loved KISS tremendously and watched Family Jewels and anything KISS related.We were married almost ten years. Thank you for all the great music you guys gave us.You rock!!!
Posted on 04/23/2012

KISS Glasses

Check out the glasses now available at select Big Lots Stores. Some locations have the single glasses and some have the 2 pack set. I searched 6 different locations here in Jacksonville, FL to find these. Happy hunting !
Posted on 04/23/2012

40th KISS Birthday Party

Dear Kiss, I've been a fan since i was 6 years old so naturally my wife thought a KISS theme would be appropriate to celebrate my 40th Birthday. Even the gifts given were KISS themed. She also got me a Paul Stanley Washburn Guitar so i can play along with your music as i've been doing since i was a kid. We had a rockin time thanks to great KISS music playing throughout the party. Looking forward to attending The NJ KISS Expo in May as well as your live show in Virginia Beach on July 21, 2012. Thanks for all the great memories and future experiences Fernando Seda and Family
Posted on 04/23/2012

Little KISS

Dear Kiss, Thank you so much for posting the video of Little Kiss! And thanks to Paul Schmidt for sending the video to you! These kids (age 5-9) are your biggest fans and are so excited to be on your website! Since you posted their video two days ago, they have gotten over 11,000 views on youtube! Not bad for 4 elementary school kids! I attached a picture of them from the night of the talent show before they went on! Your band has inspired so many musicians for so many years and as you can see these little rockers have been inspired by you as well! Keep Rocking! We can't wait to see you at Jones Beach! Little Kiss will definitely be there! Sincerely, Dale Rippo
Posted on 04/23/2012

KISS brick

walking down on Sunset blvd I came across this brick wall, every brick had an iconic name carved..So I started looking for my favorite band, and there it was.. Beautiful..that made my KISS day.
Posted on 04/23/2012

My KISS 50th Birthday Party

It's my 50th birthday on 26th April. To celebrate we held a rock & roll fancy dress party on Saturday. The world's greatest Kiss tribute band Dressed to Kill performed an intimate but rocking one hour set to an overwhelmed audience of 100+ friends and family. We had Slash, Lemmy, Ozzy, Alice, Manson, Tina T, Lady Gaga, ANgus Young and of course plenty of Gene, Paul, Ace, Peter, Tommy and Erics. Most people had no idea what they were letting themselves in for but left with a big smile on their faces. Many left vowing to go out and get hold of Kiss CD's! This shot show is me singing along to God Gave Rock & Roll to You.
Posted on 04/23/2012

Big Fan

Dear KISS, I am a huge fan. I'm an 11 year old girl! The concert on August 3rd is for my birthday. It is my biggest dream is meet KISS. Mr. Stanley- I love youu. Mr. Thayer- you are awesome. Mr. Singer- Epic Drummer. Mr. Simmons- Nice tongue! ;) I would like you to know that KISS helped me though my cousin's death. She died of CF at 28. Thank you. KISS is my best friend. I personally love the costumes. I was on FB and watched the video of y'all workin' at Wal-Mart. I think y'all need to come work at ours! As you can probably tell I a also find KISS relaxing. Mr. Stanley- How are the dressing rooms? Mr. Simmons- Do you ever get tired of going on stage? Mr. Singer- Do you ever get tired of putting on the makeup? Mr. Thayer- Do you ever get bored at sound checks? God I am a huge fan. Y'all are the RockGod's of all time!!!! My screen saver on my phone is a picture of Mr. Stanley. I swich it evry week to another member. Please give Mr. McGhee my best. KISS was my Jimmie Cricket. Instead of "Give a little whistle" I was at preschool singing "Love Gun" Thank you for everything. LONG LIVE KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Gun, KISSfan101 <3
Posted on 04/22/2012


Hey guys,i'm a huge teen kiss fan from malta and like me there are alot more so if you make another european tour which i hope you do, would you please consider coming to malta??
Posted on 04/22/2012
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