submit your kiss letter

wicked lester birthday

Dear Kiss, A great moment in history for Kiss fans who love history,Wicked Lester would be 40 years ago this month,because it was born in summer 1971 and has lived January 1973!.A big thank you to Brooke Ostrander (R.I.P),Gene Simmons,Steve Coronel,Paul Stanley,Tony Zarrella and Ron Leejack. Happy Birthday!!!!
Posted on 01/10/2013

In Memory of My Big Best Friend and Big Brother Jimmy

Today is the anniversary that i lost my best friend and big brother James R. Bandlow! I was six and found KISS in 1973 and introduced him to you! We were both hooked!! We went to so many KISS concerts together! The last one was in 2000 when we took my youngest son Nick. He died January 9 2004 nine days before by birthday, He was thirty-ninel He has been gone nine years but the pain is still strong!! He was by best friend and I miss him every day but I go on to keep his memory alive and our KISS memory alive! I have been to 28 KISS concerts and still going and will keep going as long as KISS does!! He loved God of Thunder and Gene!! He was the best big brother a girl could have and I miss him every day!
Posted on 01/09/2013

KISS Consert

Well , at long last. After 35 years, Im going to see my firts Kiss show here in Australia. Ive been wanting to see Kiss since 1978 when i was 9 years old. We lived in the country , so it was a bit hard to get to a major city when I was young. Kiss have toured here before, but circumstances at the time, failed me to see a show. So now, the wait is finally over!! When the tickets came on sale, I was at work and my wife booked after a 3 hr wait to buy the tickets! She then phoned me to tell me the good news! I was a little disapointed though as i did not know about the meet and greet tickets untill some time after. i went back to book, but they were all sold out. My wife did not know either.I would have loved to be at the meet and greet. If anyone going to the sydney show, and have a couple spare meet and greet tickets, please please let me know via face book. Anyway, To the best band in the world, After 35 years of waiting, Im so so looking forward to the show, Bring it on!!!!!!!
Posted on 01/09/2013

NJ KISS Expo 2012 Video

Hello KOL, Wanted to share this video of the 2012 NJ KISS Expo KISS Costume contest judged by Peter Criss where my sister Corina won the child contest!!!..... Really cool speech given by Peter Criss as well!... Enjoy, "CJ"
Posted on 01/09/2013

Thank you

You might not read this, I don't know. But I'd like to thank you for your wonderful music. I heard the first song when I only were six years old and that song was "I was made for loving you" and quite frankly, I did not understand the lyrics at all since I was six and from Sweden. But from that day I loved your music and could never get it out of my mind. It is truly beatiful. I would go on your concert in Sweden but I'm afraid I can't afford it, it's my dream to see you live though. Thank you for that, cincerly Linus (15 years old on sunday)
Posted on 01/09/2013

My first KISS Concert

When my dad said he bought tickets to your guys reunion tour i thought he was lying. Im like why would kiss come to colorado. But you guys were awesome
Posted on 01/09/2013

gig in KISS makeup

Thought you'd get a kick out of this. This was a Halloween show about ten years ago with an old band of mine in Ottawa. We played rock n roll all nite, i sang it and ripped out a trumpet solo you'd be proud of. Cheers and congrats on the new platter Monster. It kills.
Posted on 01/08/2013

Letter to the Editor

Letters To Editor . Letter to the Editor, Sotelo & Johnson Thanks for help with parade float Story Comments ShareShare Print Create a hardcopy of this page Font Size: Default font size Larger font size . Posted: Friday, January 4, 2013 9:42 am | Updated: 9:45 am, Fri Jan 4, 2013. Casa Grande Dispatch | 0 comments Editor, Casa Grande Dispatch: We would like to make sure that all the people who made the KISS float possible are recognized for their efforts. The KISS car and banner flags were provided by Jerry Boales. The KISS truck was driven by Albert Rodriquez. Rose Capps made the Christmas decorations, helped with makeup and walked as a fan. Carol and Susan Durant helped with details. Dana Lipscomb and Becky Richards towed the float, provided the space to build it, fed the work crews and provided support supervision on the float. Raphael Borbon loaned us the flatbed. Susan and Randy Wortman loaned us their park bench. Matthew Valencia, Lakota Fire Thunder and Trevor Helmke dressed up to be the band. Cody Nixon dressed up and walked as a fan. Bill�s Auto Service and Marvin Dickman rescued the entire event by repairing our generator within an hour of the start of the parade. We also want to thank the 20-plus fans who joined our float as we rode down the parade route. Thank you all for making this dream possible. Marco Rivas Sotelo and Yvonne Esther Johnson Casa Grande The Group of Friends/KISS Army contact info. Ace of Space- [email protected] or (520)350-4896, Dragon Knight- (520)233-1299, Aceberto-(520)431-4040, Jerry aka Demon Knight-(928)242-4292
Posted on 01/08/2013

Please come to south dakota

Dear KISS, im 15 years old and im in love with you guys. i have been to only one of your concerts with motley crue. it was amazing!!! will you guys please think about coming back to the stirgis rally!!! it would be really really amazing - Tyson Shangreaux
Posted on 01/08/2013
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