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My KISS Birthday Cake

Here's a picture of my Kiss Birthday Cake!!! My good friend surprised me yesterday on my Birthday with this delicious cake made of vanilla rum cake and chocolate ganache during a rock n roll gathering with close friends. I was really surprised and a very Happy Birthday Boy!!! David Miami Beach, FL
Posted on 01/18/2013

My KISS History

Summer of 1999 in Brazil, I was 15 and walking on the beach with my family. I saw a stand with some rock T-shirts and a showing tongue Gene shirt pop out. My mom replied "WOW that's old" and I asked her if that was an old cartoon and she said it was a rock band back in the days. I was intrigued so I bought the shirt and Psycho Circus album and became a Die Hard fan ever since so all my friends. Last show you guys did in S�o Paulo my girlfriend and I were there. Thanks for the rock and roll
Posted on 01/18/2013

Thanks KISS for this 40 years

Thank you for continuing rocking during these 40-year career, and inspire so many people and serve as an example for so many people who dream of having a career in music, thanks for giving me so many unforgettable moments, like the 2 times I saw you live in Sao Paulo, BR. Thanks for the coolest songs that have heard, And I hope you continue releasing cd's, dvd's and do a lot more touring, and will continue for many more years ... THANK YOU KISS
Posted on 01/18/2013

I congratulate KISS with great date!

I heard in 1980, almost fresh album DYNASTY! Then KISS were banned in our country .I me then neighbor Oleg said that KISS is not from Germany not from somewhere else!)) He put me on his KISS then a reel to reel tape COMET! And he was still a tiny black / white photo on the cover DESTROYER ragged on the coners.And neighbor said then that he was told that among musicians Kiss a Girl!))))))))) and then we wondered who it is))))))))))) and then on the little pictures where it was decided that she vaguely is Ace Frehley (but we did not know what one called.) But the most interesting thing that we already know them stage names and call them so)) - Dragon, The Boy with the star, and the Catman and SpaceMan.) And since this is my favorite band, and then I asked my mama to get me a guitar and I started back then pick out songs like Magic Touch, 2000 man, Charisma, Sure know smth. and a year after persistent of painstaking I played them in the yard, along with the things AC / DC from the album Highway to Hell.A fuzz guitar sound I did inserting akkust.guitar pickup and connected to a large receiver URAL))) normally buzzing)) )))))))))))))))) And then almost at the same time one of my school friend, Oleg, too, showed me colored German magazines photo concerts KISS!!!!!!!!! !He then somehow him father brought back from Germany! .I here then we have already begun to understand more then the band itself!'s. So, guys, I congratulate KISS with great date!Listen to KISS and let it be rock and roll all night!))
Posted on 01/18/2013

Minha historia com o KISS

Meu primeiro contato com o KISS foi aos 13 anos, jogando video game e tocando a musica " Detroit Rock City ", ent�o resolvi pesquisar mais sobre a banda, dias depois, ouvindo uma R�dio local ( Em S�o Paulo/Brasil e curiosamente se chama Kiss Fm ), ouvi novamente, mas dessa vez foi a " I Wanna Rock n' Roll All Nite " e fiquei meses com essa musica na cabe�a, dai em diante comecei a gostar de rock a ponto de come�ar a tocar guitarra. Quando me fala que o primeiro show � memoravel, eu n�o acreditava muito, ja que a mesma musica que tem no show ao vivo tem no no cd, mas mudei completamente de ideia, gra�as tamb�m ao KISS. em novembro do ano passado, fui surpreendido com um show confirmado do KISS em s�o paulo, proximo do lugar onde moro, justamente no dia do meu aniversario, ent�o n�o perdi a oportunidade de ver a banda pessoalmente. Fiquei impressionado com a musica de abertura e me lembrei de quando comecei a gostar de Rock, justamente a primeira musica que ouvi no estilo foi a de abertura, no primeiro acorde da " Detroit Rock City " senti uma sensa��o unica que me causa arrepios s� de lembrar, e fiquei mais feliz quando na musica " Love Gun ", Paul Stanley ficou a poucos metros de onde eu estava. Quando o show acabou, senti que realmente foi memoravel e unico o show, pois al�m de ter sido meu primeiro show, foi no dia do meu aniversario, e mesmo n�o tendo ficado perto do palco e pegado ao menos uma palheta, vou guardar a lembran�a desse show at� ficar com alzheimer, mas se tudo der certo, sempre que puder irei nos shows do Kiss no maior numero possivel de turnes que a banda tiver em S�o Paulo, e sempre ser�o minha banda N�1.
Posted on 01/18/2013


The first song that i hear from KISS was Detroit Rock City. This changed my life completely. 12410 days later KISS is still the number 1.
Posted on 01/18/2013

KISS 40 years

A fan since I was made for lovin' you back in 1979, but saw them for the first time in 1996. What a great experience. I'll never forget that day. Still my favorite band, they will always be.
Posted on 01/18/2013

My history with KISS

In 1976, in the January, I was born. with seven years-old, the Kiss band were in Brazil, but my dad won't let me see the show them. Since so, I love Kiss, and my great dream was watch to the show. Then, in 1999, I finally watch the better show of the world, in the Psycho Circus Tour... I can't forget of that day: was wonderful! And last year, me and my daughter - Jady - that was three years old on 1999, we were watch the Monster Tour, and we stay without voice, screaming like crazy people.... I never will forget that day and I always Kiss in my heart and in my soul, because I am crazy for rock n' roll because you guys exist... You´re the best! Simply this!
Posted on 01/18/2013

40 years kicking ass

Hi, I am 21 years old and I am from Brazil. My story with KISS is short and recent. I'm a big fan of Metal, but also love hard rock and other musical genres. My first and only show of Kiss was in Arenha Anhembi, November 17, 2012, in S�o Paulo. It was a spectacular presentation. I recorded a video (nonprofit) doing her makeup and going to the show. Check this: I always liked Kiss, since I was 15 years old. I had a band this season and played several covers, and one of them was Detroit Rock City. Today I'm much closer to the band and I can only say that KISS made a great contribution to the history of Rock N Roll. 40 years kicking ass. Fuck yeah! Thank you. Note: In the picture, I'm Gene Simmons makeup.
Posted on 01/18/2013
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