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My 1-st KISS

It was somewhere in 2008, as far as I remember 15-th of May. The best and hardiest band in the world KISS was in Sofia, Bulgaria for the first time. I was very proud to be there. Very warm kiss from Sparti
Posted on 01/19/2013

you wanted the best? you got the best!

happy 40th guy's. with such an iconic band. it's so very hard to just start, to tell you how much kiss has influenced my life!. first kiss song. that really got me goin in the liss army. was strange way's. first saw them. in 1976. on the paul llynn holloween show!. as gene n paul. alway's have said. kiss. just isn't a band for everyone. it's a band that makes it's own rules. don't follow anyone's path, but your own. growing up. if you were into kiss. you wer'e usually frayed upon. outcast. but us in the kiss army, knew better. we knew. just like our hereeo's, wer'e once outcasts themselves. we would have the last laugh. and look? 40 years later. who's laughing now? rock n roll , hall of shame? kiss! has seen me through so many events in my 48 years. the passing of both my parents. girlfriends, that came and went. their music, had strengthen me, threw so many ups and downs, just to many to type. they knew. when their battle cry went out, before each show. you wanted the beast! you got the best. hottest band in the world. KISS. they meant it. they alway's said. the fans wer'e their bosses. they knew? we wer'e the most loyal fans. we were an army!. thank you to everyone in the kiss army. the original 4 kiss members to start off with. also. bruce kullick, eric carr, tommy thayer, eric singer, anton fig, vinnie vincent, mark . st john, so many roadies , managers, to mention. but surely one i have to. THEE GREAT BILL ANCOIN. for not for bill's wisdom. and believe for kiss. these 40 years. would have never happened. also to sean delaney. kiss first cheographer. taught kiss, how to move onstage. wrote songs with gene n paul also. the great eddie bandallas. genes first bodyguard with kiss. such a character eddie was. r.i.p eddie. 1952-2011. and god bless kiss. to another 40 years. hmmm! somehow. i think gene n paul. will figure out someway to make it. lol. mark. g cianfarani. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUY'S.
Posted on 01/19/2013

Best moment is still to come

I have been a member of the KISS Army since 1980 and my first gig was at Bingley Hall Stafford England in 1983 on the Lick it up tour. I have to every UK gig since that tour, but the best moment is still to come when you tour England again (hopefully this year) when my wife and two kids will attend their first kiss show with me as a family and they will see when a real show should look like! Thanks for the last 33 years of great music including albums like the ELDER and the last UK show at Kentish Town. Congratulations on 40 years and hopefully a few more years and albums to come?
Posted on 01/19/2013

KISS Concert with daughter

I attended my first KISS concert in Birmingham, Alabama in 1977. I was a 7th grader that became obsessed with KISS. Now, some 35 years later, I was able to take my oldest daughter to a KISS concert and we had front row seats! Thank you KISS!
Posted on 01/19/2013

My Inspiration

I am 41 years old and I grew up with KISS. My passion for the band was solidified the moment I heard "Tears Are Falling" in 1985. I've especially been drawn to their songs about self empowerment, getting all you can take, and grabbing life by the you know what. One of the biggest lesions they've displayed through their music and their actions over the years is that you only get out of life what you put into it... Believe in yourself and do what makes you passionate and happy, because no one else gets the credit or the blame for your own happiness but you. Set your standards and your goals high and just do it! That philosophy along with supportive family and friends was an integral part of my formative teenage years. I began to build confidence in myself. I could have been living in a trailer by now, but instead I am a successful physician who provides for my wonderful family while helping ease suffering for others. Thank you KISS for being a big part of my journey.
Posted on 01/19/2013

How you met KISS?

Dear Kiss I first knew about you in primary school, which was religious, during a school event. Suddenly I heard this beautiful song and the voice of the singer captivated me incredibly. I couldn�t resist and went to the dj and he said �It�s Kiss, the singer is Paul Stanley and the song is Shandi�. From then on, I started looking for pictures or videos. In Southamerica we didn�t get much information. I used to take pictures of the tv to have photos of you in hand. Here�s a funny, sincere, intimate and naughty video subtitled of a chat two friends and I had about how we first knew about Kiss and how you affected our lives. Kiss, what a great power! After so many years you still move us deeply like the very first day! Congratulations for these wonderful 40 years. Thank you KISS! We love you! Here�s to you! Shandi Rock
Posted on 01/19/2013

Donington 96

Donington saturday August 17th 1996, a day that will live with me for the rest of my life, unfortunately I was too young to enjoy Kiss first time round in the 70's, but having been a fan since Animalize I couldn't wait for Donington 96, as soon as it was announced that the original Kiss would be there in full 70's showmanship I was there in my mind, I couldn't wait, the original Kiss, me down the front, wow, bring it on. Then the day happened, I have to say I was blown away, nothing has come close to matching that day since, so I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Kiss (all line ups) for existing and giving me years & years of enjoyment and escapism. Keep it up lads, still going strong. Thanks.
Posted on 01/19/2013

KISS 40 years!

40 years with blessing! God gave rock and roll to us! The greatest rock and roll band of all time!
Posted on 01/19/2013

Crazy Crazy Nights

The year was 1987 the year I left school the year I turned 16 years old. That year I got the KISS album Crazy Crazy Nights with my first pay check, it gave me motivation to be strong in life and be myself, I had been into rock/metal for about 4 years then but it was KISS who made me grow my hair long I remember me and my mum watching Mr. Stanley in the video for Crazy Crazy Nights and I said yeah that's for me. I would like to thank you guys for all the years of delivering the goods I will gladly part with my hard earned cash for your wonderful sounds. All the best Mark Smith (now aged 41)
Posted on 01/19/2013
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