submit your kiss letter

Happy Birthday Paul

Paul Stanley I wish you a happy birthday and a happy day, your mother must be proud of all your achievements we hope to see you soon in mexico monster tour in 2013 we expect you to accomplish more years and delighting follow us with your wonderful music "Kiss Is My Religion '
Posted on 01/19/2013

Meeting Paul Stanley

The greatest moment of my life as a KISS fan, was getting to meet Paul Stanley without his Starchild makeup. I've loved him since September 1977. I'm 44, and love KISS more than ever. I always tell Paul how beautiful he is. That always brings a smile to his face.
Posted on 01/19/2013


HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!! God gave you to us, You Gave us ROCK N ROLL...! Peace brother.. And Many more atcha!
Posted on 01/19/2013

KISS - Soundtrack of my life

It was 1976. I was 11. I was looking out of the bay window of my parents house on a dreary winter day in New Jersey. I saw this blonde haired teenage girl walking down the sidewalk past my house. She was carrying a record album. I remember that it was brightly colored. I saw orange and blue and red and silver and black. And there were these wild faces on it. Not long after that I went to a department store with my mom called Two Guys. Back then the store had this "Top 40 Record Wall" back in the electronics department. It was about 4 feet high and 20 feet long and all the top 40 best selling albums were displayed. As I was looking at the display I saw the exact same album cover that teenage girl was carrying. I was like "Whoa! There is that record that teenage girl had" I had never heard a single song from that the record, but I had to have it. If that girl liked it, then I wanted it. So I went to my mother and asked her to buy it for me. She took one look at it and said "I am NOT buying that simple shit!" But I begged and pleaded and she finally relented and bought it for me. When I got home I put it on the stereo. The gentle sounds of acoustic guitar came out of the speakers..."In the mornin' when I raise my head, and I'm thinkin' of days gone by...." I said to my mother "See mom, this isn't so bad." The music continued...."And the thing I want out of life...IS!!!..." dadadadadadadadada... DA "I WANT YOU!!! I want you!!!!" Oh....shit....! I had never heard anything so cool in my entire life! The guitars ! WOW! The POWER! Meanwhile my mom was shouting "Turn that simple shit down! Turn it down!" Right then and there I knew it was cool. If my mom hated it, then it was COOL! I've been a huge KISS fan ever since. I started playing guitar in 1980 and today I have my own original rock band called Smashing Saturn. It all started that day in 1976! I LOVE KISS, always have, always will.
Posted on 01/19/2013


With simple words is impossible to describe a man who became a hero, the man who changed the world with his amazing ability to be perfect, to me, the greatest frontman of rock and roll with the best band in the world, can be also the guy who changed the lives of people, but when you become an idol, has no way to describe what we feel, but its a love far greater than any other, that love is sincere and I proud to be your fan. I know you Paul, will never read this, but I want that the world know, that I and millions of people in the world love you, and I am forever grateful to you for having and being this legend, on January 20, 1952, was born a wonderfull men and one of the best artist the world has ever seen, Stanley Harvey Eisen, YOU born to shine and LIVE TO WIN! My congratulations, you deserve everything that you had and if we got the best, its because you are the best! kisses, with love.
Posted on 01/19/2013


Happy B' Day dear Paul Stanley, health, piece, love and rock and roll all night and party every day in your life!! Brazilian Kiss Army loves you, thank's for all.... PARAB�NS, FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO... Vida Eterna ao nosso Deus do Rock!!! Brazilian Kiss Army Team: Ricardo Cruz Lopes, Cinthia Mendes, M�rcio Augusto.
Posted on 01/19/2013

meu primeiro tapa

Quando eu tinha 8 ou 9 anos o kiss veio ao Brasil, eu fiquei fascinada com todo aquele tumulto e queria ver o show que foi televisionado s� que minha bisav� e eu moravamos juntas e ela n�o queria que eu assistisse essas coisas. Muito teimosa e curiosa esperei que ela dormisse fui a sala e quando o show estava no auge senti u,m belisc�o seguido de varios tapas. Minha av� � falecida eu a amava mas ela n�o conseguiu matar minha paix�o pelo rock e pela minha banda favorita KISS, eu fui finalmente v�-los meus idolos. bjs Cris
Posted on 01/19/2013

frist album

i frist heard about this new band called KISS.My best friend came over to my house he had this album called destroyer I thought cool. I went out and got every album that was out I was hooked. then i got to see you at Kemper in Kansas city, mo. my l life changed. i told my friends that if i ever got the chance to tell you how much you influcnced my life i would. Igot to see you in kansas city on your last concert here. My wife heard me talk about you guys burt never got to see or hear your music. to say the least she's a fan now. like eric sings it about the love of rock&roll. from a fan Gary L. Walker
Posted on 01/19/2013


I live in Sweden and since the early 80's, the "KISS" followed with me at all times. When I was in school, I could sometimes dream away into a KISS concert. I can even do today 25 years later. KISS is something unique and I am very happy to KISS continued year after year. 80's KISS has a special place in my heart and I hope that I enjoy KISS 50-year celebration in 2023 also. I've seen lots of KISS concerts over the years and I have collected on LP, CD, VHS, DVD, to name some. To follow the KISS's like to follow a favorite team in sports. And what a great moment when I sat with my sons and watched "I love it loud" video for the first time. It almost felt like going in a time machine brings me back to the 80s. I look forward to seeing KISS 2013 in Stockholm (June 1), Sweden Rock Festival (June 6) and Copenhagen (11 June) Magnus Fredriksson, Gothenburg, Sweden
Posted on 01/19/2013

thank you

to say thank you is not enough to the band that has meant the world to me from seeing 4 mad lookin guys on tv in the 70"s in the uk to having ur posters taken off my wall due to them scaring my lil brother being told ur weird because u love the band and the fact u are here 40 yrs later is amazing crying tears of saddness when eric carr passed away to seeing the make up back on to the triumph of sonic boom and now monster words cannot say enough so a mad disabled 45 yr old mad from liverpool in the uk can say this "THANK YOU KISS THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING FOREVER" ps my wife says paul you have a sweet ass
Posted on 01/19/2013
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