submit your kiss letter

KISS in Leipzig -- it was great

I just would like to thank you. The concert with you was my first rock concert ever! And it became fantastic. Thank you Kiss!!! Your music is the best music on earth. When I am driving car I often hear kiss and open the car window :-) thank you for the great concert. I will remember it my whole life.
Posted on 05/27/2010

Budapest show

Dear Kiss! I have a six years old sun who loves Kiss very much!He has seen a Scooby-Doo cartoon with the Kiss.In the cartoon the band played the shout it out loud so it is my son fauvorite.When I showed him the real band on dvd he had got like them.The Kiss is one of my fauvorite band. I was there on the 1996 hungarian concert.Tommorow I am going to go to the concert with my son and my wife.So Kiss, You will have to play the shout it out loud for my son. Thank You
Posted on 05/27/2010

Berlin Show 26.05.2010

Thank You for a great evening in Berlin yesterday.The show was a awesome experience and thy pyros was a great sonic BOOM. i hope you we could see the Band near Future again. Thorsten & Petra
Posted on 05/27/2010

My KISS Wall!!!!

I just want to say Thank You KISS for your music that is my Music too for many years since 1982!!!. This is my favorite place of my house "The KISS Wall". I got all the albums, my favorites are "Destroyer", "Creatures Of The Night", "Revenge", "Hotter Than Hell" and off course "Sonic Boom"...Thank you guys; Paul, Tommy, Eric and Gene!!!! You ROCK my entire life!!!!! And Thank to my girlfriend Lorena my Kiss partner for a lifetime that "Love Her All I Can"! Adri�n Rebolledo, from Cinco Saltos, R�o Negro. ARGENTINA
Posted on 05/27/2010


Sorry about that. Anyway, I'd love to come to your concert, but I'm only 14, so I don't know if I could go to any of them. I live in the U.S. My favorite song off Sonic Boom is Modern Delilah. I also like Firehouse. I have lots of you're songs on my iPod. I have some of you're CDs. Sooo that's about it! Bye, also did I tell you guys, that you're my FAVORITE band!!!
Posted on 05/27/2010


Hey KISS! I'm a HUGE fan. I collect merchendise (Which I do have a lot of) and I know I'll never sell it. EVER!
Posted on 05/27/2010

The Feeling

Hi Kiss! This is the first time, I am writing a fan-letter to anybody. During the last month I recognized, that there is so much really bad music. It seems, Electro is the Disco of our time. And there is nearly no counterpart. There are great bands, but none of them has the Rock'n'Roll-Feeling. Not like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin or Kiss. The last band, that had this feeling and transported it to their fans, was Nirvana. Years ago, this was easier. Listening to the radio was an event at home. Now the bands have to be trendy. The Feeling disappeared between synthesizers and DJs. And then I saw your show in Vienna on May,20th 2010. I knew your songs but never had this strong connection as the Kiss Army members. But now I have. The lights went out, you appeared on the screens, the curtain fell down, explosions, was amazing. And then i had it, this Rock'n'Roll-Feeling I missed so much. So thanks for being a straight Rock'n'Roll-Band. Thank you so much for this feeling. You can't imagine, how important this is! You are one of the last great bands. Hope, you come back soon! And maybe you are touring in 20 years so that my child, that is not born already, can see your show too ;-) See you in Vienna! Your new Kiss Army Member!
Posted on 05/27/2010

I'll Die Happy

Dear Guys, went to see the show in Manchester on 10th May, took my 3 nieces with me, 2nd generation, 2 of them had never seen Kiss before and we all loved loved loved it. If I never get to see another Kiss show I'll die a happy person, not for a long time yet I hope !!! You ARE the best band in the world, keep on rocking and come back to England soon xxx
Posted on 05/27/2010
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