submit your kiss letter


Hi! Was in the front row/meet and greet in Detroit for the second show on 9/26/2010. Will you be meeting and greeting on this American tour? If so, I'm in!!!! Regard's Barbara
Posted on 05/26/2010

Thank You So Much !!!

Hi KISS !!! I want to thank you for your concert in Prague 23.5.2010...... It was the greatest show !!!!! I Love You !!!! You are best !!!!
Posted on 05/26/2010

KISS - Hotter Than Hell in Leipzig

Hi Kiss, yesterday it was an amazing evening. I was at your concert in Leipzig with my father and my uncle. The show was better then ever. Loud, heavy & great. It was a fantastic concert. To be in the middle of the first row at a Kiss concert is amazing. Since I was 10 years old i have been listening to Kiss. Now I am 15 and nothing has changed. When I need something to rock n roll I put Kiss and the day is getting better. Thank you for the fantastic and unforgettable show last night in Leipzig ! Greetings from Germany, Uli
Posted on 05/26/2010

KISS Sighting

Check out the TV show Glee. In an episode that aired last night 5-25-2010 there was a 5 piece KISS tribute band that playes a High School Talent Show. Maybe you can post this as a KISS Sighting.
Posted on 05/26/2010


To KISS, Please come back to MONTREAL. We want to ROCK AND ROLL ALL NITE. Also Please play the song ALL FOR THE GLORY! It's become my favorite KISS song and I think it should be played live. Come here to Montreal. ROCK ON, from, Brad Liverman.
Posted on 05/26/2010

father and daughter

Hello! I don't even know what to write... KISS has such a big part of my life. I am a guitar player and have been influenced by KISS in so many ways.. I had a horrible childhood but my KISS records and tapes were always there for me! My daughter who is now 12 loves KISS as well and she has always wanted to see the show.. I told her.. you haven't seen a show until you've been to a KISS concert!! The closest show will be 230 miles from us.. but it looks like we will be making a road trip!! Thank you KISS, for bringing so much happiness into the world!! All I have to say is.....ROCK AND ROLL!
Posted on 05/25/2010

You guys are AMAZING!

First of all i just want to say how much your band and music means to me. I'm not sure of it but i really do hope that you guys come down under for one last Australian concert. It would mean the world to me. I'm 15 years old and i know that i'm very young to like you guys but i do i am different and thats all thanks to you guys.I'm bringing back rock n roll to the teenagers of today. I don't have a favourite song because they are all amazing. Anyway i just wanted to say thankyou for bringing rock n roll to me and showing me how to rock! From your number one fan Tayla costello xo p.s it would mean the world to me if you responded.
Posted on 05/25/2010

On stage with the band???

Howdy From Texas, First of all let me say right off the bat that I am, as always, looking forward to September 18. I was thrilled to hear you guys will be making another swing through the states. Summer show with you guys......what could be better? After having the pleasure of the Meet & Greet expierence (which is another letter in and of itself) back in December I am looking forward to another awesome show. With all of that being said I just wanted to pass along to you guys a funny pic. Lately I have been jamming along to the Dallas show I purchased (if you havent done this yet what are you waiting for). And any true fan, weither you play real or air guitar, knows the live moves. So of course it came time for the fire breathing and I stopped playin and struck a pose. Luckily my grilfriend was there and snapped a pic. Classic shot but after messing with it in photoshop with one of the shots I took from the second row I came up with this. Thanks again guys and I look forward to catching up with you in September. Chris Wicker
Posted on 05/25/2010

From Daughter to Father

Dear KISS, I have been thinking about writing this letter for a long time and it is about time I did. My dad is a huge fan of KISS and has been since the start. He used to dress up like Paul and attended at least one of your concerts in the past. As such, like many kids, I grew up with KISS. No, my first words were not �KISS Rocks� or anything that epic (although I was known for sticking out my tongue a lot in younger years), but I was still a homegrown fan. Even when I began to search for music on my own I always came back to KISS. While I was in high school I did a bit of acting and was able to truly appreciate more than your music, but also your showmanship. It seemed my understanding and love of KISS only grew as I did. Awhile ago I heard KISS was going on tour again, but more than that you would be playing in Portland. Without telling my dad I began to save. I worked part time in a little music store, so every penny was stashed away. This was something I wanted to do on my own. Even though, my parents are divorced and my dad did not have full custody, we are still close. When I finally told him my plans I think he was stunned. I could not afford floor seats, but I don�t think that mattered to him. It was just important to me that he got to go, but it ended up as more than that. Not only was he excited to go, but he was thrilled; a father daughter concert. As a part of his gift I was convinced to paint up like one of the band members. Dad took Paul and then proceeded to paint me up as guess who! You bet, Gene Simmons. It�s all part of the experience, or so I am told. At the show we had a blast and were really able to enjoy every aspect, especially our time together. In short, I would like to thank you all for such a wonderful show and such a fantastic time. It means a lot to me, I was able to take my dad to see our favorite band. So, once more, thank you for coming out and thanks for the memories (of the concert and of my childhood.)
Posted on 05/25/2010

my daughter's first KISS concert

thank you guys for the incredible sensation of a proud father seeing my daughter Erika (and a friend..) dancing and singing with me and YOU last week in Milan. It has been a great pleasure for her to hear her favourite song ever Crazy crazy nights, she was totally mad!! At least thank a lot for being definetly the soundtrack of my life, of every single happy or sad moment! You are my life mates! Proud of being your fan Fabio from Genoa (IT)
Posted on 05/25/2010
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