submit your kiss letter

Manchester Show

Just wanted to share this photo of Joseph and Thomas with the KISS Army taken before the Manchester show. What a night!!!
Posted on 05/29/2010


Thank you last night,We love KISS and this show was the best ALL OF MY LIFE.Thank You,Thank You,Thank You. KISS!!!! :)
Posted on 05/29/2010


Hi KISSOnLine! I am Romano Mancini (FireHouse), the admin of the group of facebook KISS � Italian Army ( ). I started this group last year. We publish the dates of the concerts of the best Italian tribute-band, share videos between us, images, interesting links, but especially News! For several months we translated articles of KISSOnLine and sended them to our mail-list''''( And we published them in our group. We will be online soon, with a web site. If you talk about a collaboration, we would be very happy and pride about that! We are here for you! We are here for KISS! RoCk On GuYs!
Posted on 05/29/2010

Berlin daily press

Here an article from the "M�rkische Oderzeitung" 28.05.2010. They write that your show is an earthquake! A really boom! Greetings Peter
Posted on 05/29/2010


Hi KISS !!! I love you :).. KISS is the best group of the world.. I was at the concert KISS in Ostrava ( Czech Republic ) and it was the best :).. realy best, good luck KISS ♥
Posted on 05/29/2010

Brazil Concert!

Hey guys! I missed the last show here in Brazil. I was devastated. I bought the Sonic Boom directly from the United States at launch. It's AWESOME! I dream someday see you alive and have this great record signed by you. Kiss Rocks Forever! When you come to Brazil? Come to Fortaleza (my hometown) Please!! Brazil is not only S�o Paulo and Rio! Here we have beautiful beaches, hot girls, great nights!! I'll take my whole family for the Kiss Army and see you ALIVE!!! I hope to fulfill that dream of seeing you alive and I know that my devotion to you is just a little thing for your success, but i hope that still makes the difference! Rock On! KISS FOREVER!
Posted on 05/29/2010

After 20 years waiting

Blessed Gods Of Rock and Roll! Thank you for this great show in Budapest! I became all what I was waiting for 20 years! The monumentalism of your art. The art of rock, and the show. You are the greatest musicans in the hole world, and further in the universe. And thank you Gene for your mentalism, that you never forget your roots. When you start to sing the hungarian folk song, " Az a sz�p, az a sz�p" I've droped a lot of tears, and think there were a lots of people, who cried too. We are love you wait back. God Gave KISS to us. Rock and roll Ád�m Demecs
Posted on 05/29/2010

KISSes from Berlin

Hi KISS Army & KOL Team, After the awesome KISS show at the sold-out 02 World in Berlin we went to the Hard Rock Cafe and celebrated with the local crew and many fans all nite. Thorsten (as Gene) and Tommy (as Eric) from the look-alike band "first KISS" were also there and posed for many pictures with fans. The Hard Rock Cafe played KISS music clips on heavy rotation! This was a great way to honor this outstanding KISS night in Berlin. We will never forget this KISS event in our lifes. Keep on rockin', Oliver St. Jones
Posted on 05/29/2010
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