submit your kiss letter

Better than Mickey Mouse

This summer we skipped Disney World, Kings Island and Cedar Point. I wanted to give my son a vacation of a different kind. We drove five hours to see the Hottest Show On Earth and the guys did not disappoint. It was very cool meeting Gene, Paul, Tommy and Eric before the show. I can't imagine my son being more excited meeting Mickey Mouse than he was meeting Gene. About halfway through the concert he fell fast asleep. It had been a long day. He woke up during Rock and Roll All Night and said "It snowing daddy." It has been a very tough week for us. My father passed away several days ago from cancer. I wasn't sure I should come. I'm so glad we did. A little escapism was just what the doctor ordered. Thank you to KISS and Paul Hayeland.
Posted on 09/13/2010


Hey KISS I want to personally thank you for getting me into wanting to play music. Every since I saw you guys in Houston in 2004 I decided music is what i wanted to do with my life. Ever since then I have picked up a guitar and been playing for more than 6 years now. And have played in many diffrent bands and still haven't stopped. You guys have inspired me to be a great musican. I am going to see you guys for my 3rd time in Houston on September 17th. I really wanna meet you guys could you guys make this happen I would appreciate it so much to meet the band that gave me inspiration, and drive to play music.
Posted on 09/13/2010

Tribute to You

It's 1am & my ears are ringing, I hope not for the last time. Tonight I had the privilege of seeing your concert in Cuyahoga Falls with two great friends & my wife. It was the first time ever for the girls & one of many shows for myself & Johnny. I'm very proud to have seen you perform & witness Eric back on his home turf. I was especially proud to be a fan of KISS tonight when you presented an enormous check to the Wounded Warriors Project one day after the 9th anniversary of Sept.11th. I realized that KISS is not just a rock band that sells out concert venues & generates tons of cash, they're a great part of our community & they're forever dedicated to the greatest country in the world. As confetti rains down on thousands of specators & as the amplifiers reverberate the songs we love, there stands the men of KISS with generous hearts, giving back to us, the fans like no other band can give. To Paul, Gene, Tommy & Eric, thank you guys for an awesome night...and thank you for being great Americans, a band of men I'm always grateful to see peform.
Posted on 09/12/2010

KISS has a new fan in Toronto

Hello KISS! I saw you guys for the first time on Friday when you played Toronto. Before that night, I knew very little about you guys or your music; I went with a friend who loves you guys. But I must admit, I had a great time! You guys put on an amazing show! I was promised a great experience and it was. Not only did I enjoy your show, but your fans are amazing! A huge part of the fun was meeting the people around me and them all "educating" me on KISS. Even met a cute guy in the row ahead of me, who I unfortunately lost on the way out leaving the concert. So, if the cute guy from Burlington in Row U, is reading this... send KISS a letter and perhaps we can figure a way to hook up! Thanks KISS for perfectly ending the Summer of '10!
Posted on 09/12/2010

DTE show

Hi guys, So much great stuff I could say about the 9/11 show at DTE�all of which I know you've heard before. So, I wanted to focus on one small thing that maybe hasn't been noticed as much, but which says tons about the health of the band. Paul: last night was my 18th Kiss show, stretching all the way back to the 10th Anniversary tour for COTN. I have never - NEVER! - seen you smile so much on stage! You looked great, and sounded great, and you just seemed to be having such a fantastic time. And why not? 36 years in and you're averaging a nightly audience of 14,800 on this tour. And judging by all the parents MY age who brought their kids, you're creating the 2nd (or perhaps 3rd?) generation of fans. Good for you, guys! Good. For. You. Thanks for all the great tunes�please to keep them coming! Scott Harding
Posted on 09/12/2010

My drawing tribute to KISS

Kiss Hello! My name is Pierre. I am from Lima, Peru. And still fresh in my mind their visit to my country on 14 April 2009. The concert was the best, most spectacular and let me tell the public was satisfied and happy. Based on that fact that I was inspired to make my drawing I wanted to pay homage to the band in some way and as I am a graphic designer I think of it that way. Hope you like it. I just want to add something else .. my country, Peru is waiting to enjoy the tour Sonic Boom! Thanks guys for the music and continue to give joy to the world Pierre Andr� Reyes Vivanco Lima, Peru KISS ARMY PERU
Posted on 09/12/2010

Friday sept. 10 2010

What an amazing night.I have loved Kiss since 1975 and use to crank up the old 8-track, I was able to bring my 13 year old daughter who has asked me to take her as she is following in my footsteps loving her dads favorite band, she was in full make-up of the cat and I as the demon. This was her first concert and I told her that she was going to see the most amazing show ever and that you won't see anything like this at a Justin Beiber show. Well guys you didn't disappoint us or Toronto, My daughter Maddy said when Kiss come back she wanted to be closer than we were in row 7 and I must agree. Gene and Paul you guys made the best decision to bring Eric and Tommy into the Hottest and Best Band in the World, Thanks guys and Maddy and I will see you next year FOR SURE * KISS ROCKS *
Posted on 09/12/2010

Picture for Paul Stanley

My name is Scott & am 8 years old. I was at the TO concert this weekend! I have microtia too. I drew this picture for you! Thanks for a great show!
Posted on 09/12/2010

KISS in Charlotte

I have been a Kiss fan for 30 years and have seen them 5 times in concert, thinking that I would probably never see them again. Three days before their concert in Charlotte, my wife called me at work and said she had an early anniversary present for me. It was a 5th row ticket to the concert. Needless to say I was ecstatic. I then began thinking about my three children, who have never seen them and who I have raised to be Kiss fans. My daughter is 12 and twin boys who are 9. I was able to get 4 tickets for them and my wife, unfortunately they were not near me. It was the best concert I have ever seen. Well over 2 hours of pure rock and roll. The energy and music was great. The people around me nor myself never sat down. I met up with my wife and kids after the show and they loved it. My wife said the boys rocked out through the whole show. My kids can grow up now and say they have seen the greatest rock band ever. Thank you Kiss for giving me and my family a night we will never forget.
Posted on 09/12/2010
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