
Colosoul Magazine's Interview with ‪Tommy Thayer

by Matthew Picken / Colosoul

Tommy Thayer is an amazing man. He has a long and very interesting history with the band Kiss, aswell as his original band Black and Blue. We got the chance to have a chat to Tommy during some time off. Check it out.

Good morning Tommy

Hi Matt, how are you doing?

Not too bad thank you. How have you been?

I�m doing good, just been enjoying a little bit of down time the last month or two although it seems like there�s always something going on, and we are getting geared up for Australia and New Zealand soon, so we will start rehearsing in a couple of weeks and will be down there next month.

We are looking forward to seeing you here.

We and me too.

You started your music career in 1978

Yes, in 1978 I graduated high school and I started getting into some real bands in Portland where I was growing up and that�s where I first meet Jaime St. James who I ended up forming Black and Blue with in 1981. We then moved to Los Angeles in 1983 and in 1984 we got a record deal with Geffen Records and released Black and Blues first self-titled album. I then meet the guys from Kiss in 1985 when Black and Blue was their support act on their Asylum Tour. That was when I meet Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, and Eric Carr.

Did your working relationship start with Kiss then?

I got to know them then, but in 1996 Black and Blue hired Gene to come produce our Third record Nasty Nasty and then again on our fourth record In Heat in 1987 that was released in 1988 so once I got to know Gene more working with him and Black and Blue things evolved from there and he asked me to come write some songs with him for the next Kiss record which was Hot in the Shade

The songs you co wrote with Gene; Betrayed, and The Street Giveth and the Street Taketh Away were included on that album?

Yes they were the two songs that ended up on Hot in the Shade and soon then after Black and Blue ran it course so to speak and broke up in the late 80�s early 90�s and I ended up working part time for Kiss behind the scenes primarily to begin with and then it became a full time job with in a year or two later. So through the 90�s I was working in the Kiss organization not as the guitar player but more as management type stuff and then it was playing studio and demo guitar to producing and directing videos and that sort of thing.

It sounds like you have done just about everything with this band.

Lol. Yep that�s true

It just blows me away how many fans don�t know just how much you have been involved as a part of Kiss for so long.

The cool thing for me is that I have had a unique perspective on the Kiss organization having worked behind the scenes and now being in the band for 12-13 years. I have had a one on one personal relationships with all the guys who have been in Kiss and I know them all pretty well. It has given me a good overview and perspective on all things Kiss, and besides, I have been a fan ever since their first album in 1974 so I know a lot about it.

I have heard at one point you were painting Paul�s house and helped out around Gene�s home too. Is this true?

Well for the record, I would like to let everybody know right now I never cleaned gutters at Gene Simons house, so please everybody I NEVER CLEANED GUTTERS! But that�s Wikipedia for you. With all theses knuckle heads who want to put all this crazy stuff into your profile. So I never cleaned gutters but I did help Paul do some painting at his house, that part is true.

Is it also true that in 1986 you worked with both Ace Frehley and drummer Peter Criss to help get them back up to speed with their own stuff written in the 70�s for the Kiss Alive tour?

es that�s true they where planning on the reunion tour, Peter and Ace needed to get up to speedon the playing and parts they were playing and I was able to help. Both Paul and Gene asked me to go through the parts and rehearse with them and get them straightened out so I was able to help out in that regard definitely

In 2002 you first put on the spaceman make up for a privet concert in Jamaica, was there ever any talk of creating your own personal persona?

No, and in 2002 that was a transitional time, I did some shows like the Jamaican show and a few TV appearances, but it was a kinda fill-in really because there wasn�t any touring in 2002. By February 2003 we did Kiss symphony in Melbourne and that was my real coming out. It was my official first gig with the band and that�s where it all started. Back then there was absolutely not any consideration for a new make up design, never was and never has been since and that�s a smart decision made by Paul and Gene primarily because when you build a brand and a band for over 30 years well at that stage you don�t start changing things around and messing with the chemistry and magic that make it happen.

Never have I thought it was a good idea to create a new make up design as Kiss is identifiable by these four iconic charters and I don�t know why any body in there right mind would ever want to change that. If you go back they did try after 7 years back in 1980 � 81 when Eric Carr came into the band, but it never really worked then. These guys are smart and know its not a good idea. Its been very successful sticking with the design for the band as it has been for the last 13 � 14 years. It�s undeniable how well it�s gone so I think it�s been the right decision that was made at that time to stick with the original designs.

So as they say don�t mess with a winning formula.

Yes and its easy for people who aren�t involved to say �Oh you should do this and you should do that� but I say start up your own band and keep it going on a huge as a success for 30 to 40 years and then come tell me what you think I should do. Most people will never be in that position, we know what we are doing, Trust me �

As you said before your first official appearance with Kiss was here in Australia with the Melbourne symphony Orchestra. Does Australia hold a special place in your heart for that?
It does, it was my first official gig as the lead guitarist for Kiss so Australia is very special to me and I remember that show and the whole lead up to that show like it was just yesterday, being in Melbourne we got there a week early to rehearse with the symphony in there facility in Melbourne and it was magical and is some great memory�s for me to do that. I felt that there was a bit of pressure at the time because we were recording a live album and also recording a DVD that became Kiss Symphony DVD and then the live four, so for a first gig there was a lot to have on my plate and in the end when it was all said and done I felt really good about it, so it does hold that special place in my heart and being in Australia to do that was really special and I will always remember that with a great fondness

Since then Kiss has done a lot of touring, promotion, TV shows and even bell ringing at the New York stock exchange. What has been the highlight for you?

That�s a great question, because part of the amazing special thing about being with Kiss is having the opportunity to do all theses amazing special and unique things.. like you said, ringing the New York Stock Exchange or being a part of a huge Doctor Pepper campaign with commercial�s played all the time on TV or doing a movie with Scooby Doo and Kiss and doing our own voice over parts.

You know you sit there and ask yourself, I cant believe I�m doing this how cool is that. Theses things continue to blow me away, so its hard to say what is the most special and unique experience. All these things are so cool, so I like to take it all in, and it continually reminds me what a unique position I am in, and I never take that for granted, being in one of the biggest rock bands in history is just an amazing experience and an amazing ride and every day is something new and special. I am just blow away constantly

The Kiss 40th Anniversary Tour is 92 shows all around the world, it sounds like a grueling schedule. How do the band keep it up and keep the energy going?

Well we are very dedicated and passionate about what we do. This band is a great combination of people who enjoy being together all the time. We enjoy hanging out even when we are on days off, on and off the road we go hang out, have dinner and we love being together on and off the stage so that makes it special and makes it work, so that whole attitude is a very important part.

Kicking off the Australian leg of the 40th Anniversary Tour with the 85th show here in Perth what should the fans expect?

I think its really impressive that you know that this will be our 85th show and I love Perth. I have had so many great experiences� there throughout the years. It�s a beautiful city, I love the climate as it kinda reminds me of southern California with the dry sunny weather, it�s always great to be there. We are bringing a unique stage that we used last year while on tour in North America that we call the spider stage and it�s really if not the most unique and dynamic stage that Kiss has ever toured with. So that is a special thing that that stage will be with us in Perth for our first Australian show. This stage is incredible it moves with us up into the air and different things, its really fantastic and I think everyone is going to love it.

Yes, I have seen photos of the spider stage and it looks incredible, is it you favorite stage to work with so far out of all the Kiss stages?

I think that the spider stage is the definitive stage for me, it�s the coolest Kiss stage I�ve ever played on, or toured with by far.

We love it when bands of your caliber come to Perth, should we expect to see you come back again after this tour in future years?

Lol. I think we are just taking this just one tour at a time and one year at a time. I would hate to think that this is the last time we are coming to Australia, but we don�t look that far ahead because who knows. I hope we will be back some time in the future, but you never know. 

A fan I spoke with leading up to this conversation said to me that he would be quite happy to see you play by yourself Tommy, as he was so impressed with your singing and song writing.

He is too kind and I really appreciate that.

He also said if you ever wanted to give one of your guitar�s a new home here in Australia he would be quite happy to give it pride of place in his house, I honestly think his wife would lose her spot in the bed for it too.

Lol. Well, who knows? I don�t have that many guitars that I can give them away.
I have to say I really enjoy playing the guitar in Kiss and I enjoy singing, its been the trill of my life and there�s nothing better in the world. I think a lot of people dream of being in the poison that I�m in as lead guitarist for Kiss, its something that I cherish and I love doing. It�s cool that people are paying attention and I get off on that, especially with so many great people, fans, guitar players and admires that value what I�m doing. I really do appreciate that.

At 13 you started playing guitar, what advice would you give to any younger guitar players?

Well you know its about working hard and putting in the effort and working for it, but I think the important thing in life is to some how find just what your calling is, what�s your vocation, where is your place in life and what makes sense. I think finding that is a part of the journey but its important to find what you are good at and where you are needed and what makes sense and once you do that you just work hard to follow that path. It�s about finding your calling, what is it that you don that is important to people that they want from you. I think that is a good way to look at it. Sure you need to work hard and all the usual thing�s that people say you need to do but it�s really about finding that special thing that you enjoy doing and you are good at and that people need you for.

Over the years, Kiss have put there face and name on so many things and products, what would you like to see them do next?

Lol. That�s a tough question because it seams like everything has been done from casket�s to condoms, lunch boxes and action figurer�s, it�s a tough question as I love it all, the merchandising, but at the end of the day I really believe its about a great rock and roll band. That is the thing I like to emphasize because this is a great band with a legacy and history of great music, amazing production, shows and image. I think that is what the core of Kiss is and really about. I like to stay focused on that and make sure that�s great and we do that better than everyone else. Kiss started out as a band that was flamboyant, that put on this amazing theatrical show and it�s important we hold true to that and preform great songs and write great music. Its important to stay true to that and to give fans what they want to see from Kiss and not focus too much on other things.

If your entire music career could be described as one song by any artist what would it be?

How about; The Long And Winding Road.

Thank you so much for your time today Tommy!

It�s been great talking to you, hopefully we will see you when we get down there and that you enjoy the show.
Take care

KISS will be here in Perth paying at the Perth Arena on 3rd of October
Tickets are still available for the Perth show at ticketek.com.au but will not last long.
Further shows in Australia
October 6th: Hidmarsh, South Australia
October 8th: Melbourne, Victoria
October 9th: Melbourne, Victoria
October 10th: Sydney, New South Wales
October 12th: Newcastle, New South Wales
October 13th: Boondall, Queensland




KISS front men Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley along with restaurateur Michael Zislis, and Dave and Dell Furano, are opening family-friendly restaurant, Rock & Brews.

According to the release:

�The restaurant, slated to open in January 2016, will feature the brand�s signature quality American comfort food and a full bar with one of the area�s largest selections of international and craft beers. The rock-inspired environment will include concert lighting; multiple flat screens sharing concert-style rock videos and sporting events; and, rock artwork, including a Great Wall of Rock featuring rock legends. Both indoor and al fresco dining will be available. And, with something for everyone, Rock & Brews will offer a lively play area for children and the patio area will be dog-friendly.�

Photographer Melissa Mackaly got a taste of the rock-inspired restaurant. Take a look at her photos below.

Rock & Brews is located at 5351 Nebraska Furniture Mart Drive, The Colony, TX 75056.

CLICK HERE to view more photos



KISS co-founder Gene Simmons looks ahead to band�s next generation

�IT�S not all about me.�

They�re five words you�d never expect to hear from the not insubstantial tongue of the ego-driven, larger-than-life co-founder and money man of KISS, the band that�s as much marketing exercise as music maker.

But as Gene Simmons � blood-spitting, fire-breathing god of thunder and lord of the wasteland � confronts his own human mortality, he admits this beast he built called KISS is bigger than even him.

Fourteen years after the so-called Farewell Tour, Simmons and co-founder Paul Stanley can see permanent retirement on the horizon.

�In terms of the physical wear and tear, we can�t do this into our 70s � it�s just not gonna work,� Simmons, who has just turned 66, admits.

�The bass player in this band � that�s me � has to wear 50 pounds (23kg) of armour, eight-inch platform heels, spit fire, fly through the air, put on two hours of make-up � even before he hits the stage.

�Sometimes when I felt tired I�d go, �Goddamn why couldn�t I be the bass player in the Stones?� You put on a T-shirt, a pair of sneakers, stand still, you don�t have to break a sweat, and just remember the right chords. And that�s it!�

Simmons is man and myth, with comic books and action figures in his image. Recently, he rubbed shoulders (and compared tongues) with another comic icon, Scooby Doo, in an animated movie.

�When we started KISS, the fact that we actually fought Doctor Doom and met Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four in the very first issue of our own comic book, I said, �what the hell!�.

�It�s beyond beyond. We�re not only real people, we became Marvel superheroes � wow!�

And it�s that overarching mythology that will allow KISS to continue, without its founding members.

�The wish is that after me this great thing called KISS could continue with somebody else, like a relay race,� Simmons says.

�As long as the integrity and commitment to what we do lays intact, why can�t it be like a football team where somebody else worthy gets the ball tossed to them or kicked to them so they can go for the goal?�

And, of course, the quest for replacement members would be carried out in the full glare of a reality TV show.

�A few years ago Mark Burnett, who created The Apprentice and Survivor and a few other things � and he and I did a show together called Jingles � we went around town and pitched KISS: The Next Generation,� Simmons says.

�In other words, we have no problem whatsoever actually doing it publicly, getting four unknown guys who would be willing to devote their identity, their heart and souls to this thing.�

Simmons and Stanley leave quite a legacy, in music and marketing.

�It�s gone way beyond anything we ever imagined,� Simmons says. �You can go to Las Vegas and see rehearsals for the KISS Vegas show that�s coming up, and during the day or night you can visit the KISS golf course right across from the Hard Rock Hotel. And, of course, ride around town in the KISS limo service. And when you�re in Los Angeles you can go watch football and go see LA KISS play ��

A KISS theme park has been considered (as seen in the Scooby Doo movie), �and for a while there was talk about a �KISSino�,� Simmons says.

�Hey, it�s endless: 5000 licensed products. I mean, the only thing left is KISStianity, isn�t it?�


On their last tour of Australia in 2013, KISS played the unlikely venue of Mackay in north Queensland. This time around it�s the almost-as-unlikely Newcastle, which could be Australia�s answer to Detroit Rock City.

�We�ve always had the point of view that where you�re born is an accident of birth,� Simmons says. �To use the American analogy of always playing New York City, well, some people don�t live there, some people live up in the mountains some place.

�So we�ve gone to cities and played places we�ve never heard of before, especially in Canada where there were more people at the concerts than actually live in the cities.�


With KISS releasing albums Sonic Boom and Monster in quick succession, Simmons says the demands of touring have delayed the recording of more new material.

�There�s more material coming up, but it�s all about time,� he says. �I started writing a song called Your Wish is My Command, which has that �fire in the belly� thing, it feels like a fresh KISS song. I�m very excited about it, because the hardest thing to do is to write something valid that has the same kind of hunger and innocence as when you first wrote a song.�

Also in the works are a KISS movie, a television series and a video game.

Ever the straight shooter, Simmons doesn�t shy away from the police investigation into child porn that was downloaded via his home internet connection.

Neither Simmons nor his family are suspects and it is not known if the offence happened on the premises or via infiltration of his wi-fi network.

�They (the offender) have to be in the area, either inside the home or one of the people coming to clean. We have people coming into the house all the time � food deliveries, workmen � or they were nearby,� Simmons says.

Despite, or perhaps because of, his lack of tech savvy, he�s beefed up his internet security.

�Oh, sure. The FBI came and helped us put in a firewall, whatever the hell that is.�

KISS play Brisbane Entertainment Centre on October 13


KISS Frontman Paul Stanley Becomes Shareholder In Badlands Pawn, Gold & Jewelry

There is no better endorsement for an entertainment complex with the tagline �Guns, Gold & Rock N Roll� than one of the world�s top selling rock & roll legends wanting to be a part of it. KISS� Paul Stanley, one of the most recognizable front men in rock & roll as well as an artist, songwriter and businessman, has become a minority owner in Badlands Pawn, Gold & Jewelry in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The 70,000 square foot retail, business and events center opens Thanksgiving Day and includes dozens of entertainment options including a pawn shop, radio network, television network, shooting range and concert venue.

Stanley is a long-time friend of Badlands founder and CEO Chuck Brennan. The Badlands family of companies also includes Badlands Entertainment, Guns, Gold & Rock N Roll Radio Network and Badlands Motor Speedway. Brennan is a philanthropist and businessman who founded several businesses including Dollar Loan Center and the non-profit Brennan Rock & Roll Academy in Sioux Falls, SD.

Stanley said Badlands Pawn, Gold & Jewelry is an entertainment destination unlike any other in South Dakota. �Sioux Falls has never seen anything like this,� said Stanley. �The country has never seen anything like this. The first one is in Sioux Falls and it is a template for more to come. It�s very exciting to see and be a part of.�

Stanley became an owner in Badlands following his most recent trip to perform with the Badlands House Band at their world premiere concert. �The concert almost didn�t happen because the city was completely flooded that night,� said Brennan. �Paul and Jack Blades from Night Ranger were guest performers and really showed their commitment to music and our success by waiting more than two hours until the power was restored and they could go onstage. Paul�s friendship over the years and support of the Brennan Rock & Roll Academy and now Badlands, really means the world to me. If Paul Stanley says what we are creating is outstanding, consider it outstanding.�

Following his performance with the Badlands House Band, Stanley toured Badlands Pawn and the Badlands Motor Speedway before deciding to invest in Brennan�s vision for Sioux Falls. �He opened up his checkbook and bought all the remaining shares of the original offering,� said Brennan. �I couldn�t be prouder to work with Paul, and our incredible team of entertainers and professionals, to bring my vision for Badlands to fruition.�

�I admire Chuck,� said Stanley. �He grew up here and wants to give back here�with the Brennan Rock and Roll academy and now Badlands. This will become a nationally-known tourist attraction. It will be a destination that will boost the local economy with jobs and commerce, and a tourist destination that people will come from all over the world to visit.�

Stanley said he was especially impressed with community-minded efforts that were planned as a part of Badlands Pawn, Gold & Jewelry. �For me, a place that comes into a community has to justify itself by being a member of that community, giving back and being a good neighbor,� he said. �The state-of-the-art shooting range will give members of law enforcement a chance to practice free of charge and provide firearm lessons to citizens.�

Stanley said every part of Badlands is being designed with the most important element in mind�fun. �If it�s not fun, it might not be worth doing,� he said. �Everything about Badlands is fun. It�s revolutionary. It�s terrific!�

Badlands Pawn, Gold & Jewelry, opening Thanksgiving Day, will become one of the state�s largest tourist destinations in the heart of the newly coined �Sioux Falls Sports & Entertainment District.� Badlands Motor Speedway, formerly Huset�s Speedway in Brandon, SD, is set to become a premiere sprint car facility and home of the prestigious $250,000 Rock & Roll Gold Cup, an annual 3-day racing event. It will officially open at the start of the 2016 racing season.

For more information, visit www.badlandspawn.com and www.badlandsmotorspeedway.com.


KISS's Gene Simmons Breaks Ground for Texas Rock and Brews


If the effort put into the groundbreaking ceremony for the Colony's Rock and Brews restaurant is a gauge of what to expect, then the people of the Dallas / Fort Worth, TX area are in for a four-star dining experience every time they step foot in the coming establishment. For lack of a better way of describing it, Rock and Brews is an ever-expanding franchise co-owned by KISS members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley. This newest location will be the first one in Texas.

Mr. Simmons stated he hates the term "franchise" and would rather people think of Rock and Brews as a family-friendly home away from home or place where you get treated like a rock star even if you aren't one. Great service and excellent food is what's on the menu. To prove it, food from their New Mexico location was brought down for the groundbreaking event for everyone to sample. Servers were dishing out barbecued ribs and pulled pork sandwiches for patrons to enjoy while Simmons mingled with city officials and members of the police and fire department. He took the time to take photos with each and every person who wanted one.

A spectacular dining experience for anyone no matter how or what they eat was promised by Simmons. He was very excited to share with me the fact that Rock and Brews has vegetarian and gluten-free dishes on the menu. Let's also not forget the presence of gluten-free beer.

Simmons and bandmate Paul Stanley and local businessmen Brett Anz and Perry Mann decided to set up shop in the Colony because of the population boom in the North Texas area. The KISS legend told me it was a perfect location to get established in the area because it�s right off a main highway. Simmons stated that if people are stuck in traffic and see a giant restaurant establishment known for great food and drinks, what will they want to do? Get out of the traffic and have a good time while waiting for the craziness to die down.

After breaking ground with an invisible shovel, Simmons made his way to the fence surrounding the tented area where the event took place. He greeted fans there waiting to get autographs and pictures with the towering Demon from KISS. Never wanting to disappoint, he made his way around the barrier to get right into the thick of things. Simmons spent a good 10 or 15 minutes signing items in between taking selfies with folks.

The 9,000 square foot Rock and Brews will be located in the �Grandscape� Center in the Colony by the Nebraska Furniture Mart and the coming Toyota headquarters. Rock and Brews is scheduled to open in early 2016 with a grand event that Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley will attend. The exciting occasion will benefit wounded warriors and active military members. They will be on hand to talk to and take photos with patrons.

You can see more pictures from the Rock and Brews Colony, TX groundbreaking right here.



An exclusive KISS Cadillac T-shirt will be available during the the KISS Cadillac Homecoming 40th Anniversary Celebration on October 9-10. The KISS Cadillac shirts have been officially licensed by KISS and will be in limited supply.

The design is elegant in its simplicity. The front of the black T-shirt will feature the official traditional KISS logo. Below that will be �Cadillac� is large letters. On the sleeve will be �1975-2015, kisscadillac.com.� Event co-chair, Joy VanDrie notes: �Our KISS Cadillac T-shirt has never been seen before and will never be seen again.�

Jim Neff, event co-chair, explains that the license agreement is very specific. �The shirts cannot be sold online or at a retail establishment. They can only be sold at the KISS Cadillac event or at the Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau. All proceeds must go toward the KISS Cadillac monument fund (a charity).�

The demand for these one-of-a-kind shirts is sure to be very high. In order to be completely fair to everyone, the KISS Cadillac planning committee felt that those people supporting the event by purchasing a ticket to the KISS Cadillac tribute concert (October 10, 2 PM, featuring the World's Best KISS Tribute Band, Mr. Speed) should have the first opportunity to buy a shirt. All net proceeds from the concert go to the Cadillac Viking Athletics Boosters and Cadillac Viking Band Boosters. 

The only way to positively guarantee getting an event T-shirt is to buy a VIP concert ticket, because a shirt is part of the VIP package. VIP tickets are available only online at kisscadillac.com

General admission ticket holders will have an opportunity to buy a shirt as they enter the concert. These shirts will be $10, cash only, and one T-shirt per concert ticket. First come, first served. Tickets will be marked indicating a shirt sale. (General admission tickets are available for $10 online at kisscadillac.com or at the Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau in downtown Cadillac.)

For those who want to purchase shirts prior to the concert, the Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau will have an �early pick up� for both VIPs and general admission ticket holders on October 7-9 from 12 - 4 pm. VIPs can pick up their packets. General admission can show their ticket (or buy one at that time) and purchase a shirt. Tickets will be marked indicating a shirt sale.

After the KISS Cadillac event, any T-shirts remaining will be sold at the Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau to the general public. �Overall, this sales policy is the best way to give everyone a fair opportunity to buy a rare piece of official KISS memorabilia,� says Neff.

KISS Cadillac Homecoming 40th Anniversary Celebration information is on the event website at www.kisscadillac.com, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kisscadillac, on Twitter at https://twitter.com/kisscadillac, on Instagram at https://instagram.com/kisscadillacneff, in the Cadillac News in print and on www.cadillacnews.com, and on www.neffzone.com/kiss.


Shop Official KISS Merchandise