

Legendary rock band KISS brought its hard rock spectacle and "Alive/35 Tour" to the Wachovia Center on Monday, and though some things certainly must have seemed familiar to the KISS faithful, some things have also clearly changed.

And perhaps that's exactly as it should be.

Great songs? Check.

Dazzling stage show? Check.

Packed house? Check.

Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley flying around the arena? Check.

A good time? Most definitely a check.Legendary rock band KISS brought its hard rock spectacle and "Alive/35 Tour" to the Wachovia Center on Monday, and though some things certainly must have seemed familiar to the KISS faithful, some things have also clearly changed.

And perhaps that's exactly as it should be.

Great songs? Check.

Dazzling stage show? Check.

Packed house? Check.

Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley flying around the arena? Check.

A good time? Most definitely a check.

But KISS in 2009 is not your father's KISS, and even if you're only a 30- or 40-something, not the KISS you saw bump and grind its way through the '70s, '80s and '90s with a fixation on extremely loud amps, sex, sex and sex and a lock-up-your-daughters mentality. Perhaps it's because Simmons and Stanley are now family men themselves, or perhaps it's because they see all of those parents in the crowd hoisting their kids on their shoulders to get a better look at them. Whatever the reason, KISS gets it. The band knows its age, knows its audience, and knows what parts of it show to leave behind (lots of f-bombs, tales of sex-capades and onstage strippers) and what to keep (glitzy guitars that shoot rockets, plenty of pyro and a big, bright KISS logo.)

And, of course, they still know how to rock and roll.

The band opened its set with a fiery rendition of "Deuce" which featured the tried-and-tested choreographed moves of Simmons, Stanley and guitarist Tommy Thayer. The group has been swaying in unison to this song for 35 years, and it still works brilliantly. "Strutter" was next, followed by a jammy performance of "Let Me Go, Rock N' Roll," during which Thayer stepped up for notice with some particularly torrid riffs.

Most of the set featured songs from the band's first three albums and tunes such as "Hotter Than Hell," "Parasite," "She," and the underrated nugget "Got To Choose" displayed the group�s ongoing gift to combine gritty grooves with hefty hooks. Proof that this ability remains intact? A churning performance of "Modern Day Delilah," from the band's new CD "Sonic Boom." The riff is so cool it's sick, and playing a song so vibrant and new seemed to energize the band, which released its first album 35 years ago.

In addition to playing great, KISS still looks great. The band's new stage costumes combine elements of its older classic designs with a nice touch of the new, and with everybody in the band still in lean and mean physical shape, KISS in 2009 doesn't look much different than it did in 1979. Considering the group's emphasis on the visual, this is a big plus, though not always easy to maintain as Father Time marches on.

Props to the pride.

Thayer's guitar solo combined a few bars of classical music with some distorted metal riffs, drummer Eric Singer offered a powerful solo during "100,000 Years" and Simmons breathed fire and later spit blood and flew to the rafters of the arena for a pounding performance of "I Love It Loud." Stanley got the crowd singing along with "Black Diamond" and - proving that no one in the band is afraid of heights - the group seemed to be within arm's length of the ceiling's lighting rigs when it rose on elevated platforms during "Rock and Roll All Nite." Confetti rained over the crowd, Stanley smashed his guitar, and all was perfect in the KISS nation.

But "Rock and Roll All Nite" was not the show's closer. KISS returned with five more songs. First came a fun performance of "Shout It Out Loud" and then "Lick It Up," during which the band segued into a few bars of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again." Simmons then barked and howled through a fast-paced rendition of "Cold Gin," and Stanley flew over the audience - clear across the arena - and sang "Love Gun" on a small platform near the soundboard. The show ended with "Detroit Rock City."

KISS isn't as raunchy these days, nor is it 120 decibels loud. Despite having an excellent new CD in stores packed with strong material, the group stuck mostly to the classics on Monday. It is a band apparently trying to give its audience what it wants, though blasting some AC/DC and Led Zeppelin before the show, offering a few more tunes from "Sonic Boom" during the set and projecting a little more sweaty decadence probably would have been OK with most. The abundance of attractive women in the crowd grooving along to the songs revealed that KISS' sex appeal remains, so they should still feel free to strut it if they choose.

It's hard to imagine any KISS tour creating the amount of pure energy and excitement that surrounded the 1996/97 "Alive Worldwide" reunion tour, or one with as massive a stage show, but "Alive/35" sees KISS playing as well as ever and still packing them in. Stanley still sings better than most people that have ever stood on a stage, and he and Simmons are still grand rock stars.

Monday in Philly?

Great songs.

Dazzling stage show.

Packed house.

Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley flying around the arena.

Fathers and sons and women in tight blouses.

A good time for all.

Simply put: A very 2009 KISS concert.


By: Nancy Dunham

Kiss Alive Tour stops in D.C. to promote release of 'Sonic Boom'

Even before Gene Simmons had a televised reality show, there was Kiss.

The band that Simmons co-founded with Paul Stanley 35 years ago has now recorded more than 36 albums, which have sold more than 100 million copies. That would be a dream come true for almost any musician, but seems especially so for Simmons.

Almost from the start, the band members all but obliterated their faces with outlandish theatrical makeup and wore space age-style costumes. Hard to imagine now that Simmons' face and those of his band mates are regularly beamed into people's homes via television and the Web, but the mystery of how the rockers looked was a well-kept secret until 1983, when they finally removed the theatrical grease paint.By: Nancy Dunham

Kiss Alive Tour stops in D.C. to promote release of 'Sonic Boom'

Even before Gene Simmons had a televised reality show, there was Kiss.

The band that Simmons co-founded with Paul Stanley 35 years ago has now recorded more than 36 albums, which have sold more than 100 million copies. That would be a dream come true for almost any musician, but seems especially so for Simmons.

Almost from the start, the band members all but obliterated their faces with outlandish theatrical makeup and wore space age-style costumes. Hard to imagine now that Simmons' face and those of his band mates are regularly beamed into people's homes via television and the Web, but the mystery of how the rockers looked was a well-kept secret until 1983, when they finally removed the theatrical grease paint.

Such theatrical looks and antics didn't go over with critics who mocked the band, but a loyal fan base -- known as The Kiss Army -- arose. In 1975, the band really hit it big with its album "Alive!" and the song "Rock and Roll All Nite."

Well, the army is still alive and well, as is the band that's just begun a tour dubbed "Alive 35." Simmons said that fans could expect "new outfits, a brand-new stage and millions more put into it" on the Kiss Alive Tour that promotes the band's first album in 11 years, "Sonic Boom."

"That's just the history of Kiss," Simmons said. "Simply put, any band you go to see for the same ticket price, you know Kiss is going to give you tenfold more. That's just a statement of fact."

In addition, fans will watch the show on a massive video screen so that even those in the nosebleed sections will have up-close and personal experiences.

If you go:

Where: Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW, Washington
When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday



Is there a more dedicated fan base than the Kiss Army? The elder statesmen and stateswomen brought along a whole bunch of new recruits to witness the spectacle of what could be the best visual stage show ever, as well as a constant supply of down-home Rock and Roll cooking for the New York audience.

I am positive that the new recruits are just as enthralled with KISS after witnessing them deliver a knock-out punch on the world's greatest stage, and who knows -- they may just get the chance to introduce their kids to a KISS concert for their "KISS ALIVE 50" tour.

I don't know if it is the addition of Tommy Thayer on guitar or Eric Singer on drums, but Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons appear revitalized. They seem to be breathing fresh air again, and you would have thought that it could have been 1979 instead of 2009 because the energy they brought to the table last night makes me wonder if the band is drinking out of some kind of fountain of youth.
Is there a more dedicated fan base than the Kiss Army? The elder statesmen and stateswomen brought along a whole bunch of new recruits to witness the spectacle of what could be the best visual stage show ever, as well as a constant supply of down-home Rock and Roll cooking for the New York audience.

I am positive that the new recruits are just as enthralled with KISS after witnessing them deliver a knock-out punch on the world's greatest stage, and who knows -- they may just get the chance to introduce their kids to a KISS concert for their "KISS ALIVE 50" tour.

I don't know if it is the addition of Tommy Thayer on guitar or Eric Singer on drums, but Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons appear revitalized. They seem to be breathing fresh air again, and you would have thought that it could have been 1979 instead of 2009 because the energy they brought to the table last night makes me wonder if the band is drinking out of some kind of fountain of youth.

When I was 12 years old, KISS was not cool for my parents or their generation. My parents were not taking me to a KISS concert! But last night, I saw that my generation is now bringing their kids to see the hottest band in the world.

Paul said hello to the crowd, blasting into "Let Me Go, Rock and Roll." Eric and Tommy shared the spotlight as their playing was super solid. After the song, Paul told the crowd that he used to drive a cab in New York, and when he was driving people to see Elvis, he was determined to one day play Madison Square Garden with his band. He continued to pay homage to the NY crowd by letting them know that no matter where they might play, New York will always be their home, and "this is 'KISS in KISS Country.'"

I was hoping to hear more than a few songs from "Sonic Boom," but the only one they squeezed in between two classics was the new single, the scorching "Modern Day Delilah." I have to tell you there were a lot of fans who knew all the words to this song already.

When the band launched into "Rock and Roll All Nite..." I'm telling you folks, I don't care how many times you hear it, and how many times they play it - there is something about this song that just does it for everyone. "Machine guns" sprayed confetti throughout the Garden. The screens showed rabid fans singing along, cheering and just plain smiling. The band exited the stage as the crowd was chanting "We Want Kiss! We Want Kiss!"

After about 5 minutes, the band came out together and bowed to the audience. Paul let the crowd know that they will have the "longest encore in the history of music." As they head back to get their instruments, Paul playfully jumped on Gene's back and Gene carried him across the stage.

The night ended with the incomparable "Detroit Rock City," and I know the crowd wanted more but they were definitely satisfied with the passion, dedication and effort put into the show by Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric. KISS came home last night and proved to everyone why they have lasted for 35 years - and I know that the same audience (as well as future recruits) will be there when they come back for their 40th, 45th and 50th. Thank you, gentlemen, for a rocking evening.
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