submit your kiss letter


Hi guys, wanna thank for your work, for your music you did whole life. You are the hottest and the best band ever. Hope to see you finally, cause you are my favorite band. Have to say that I worship original band KISS - Paul, Gene, Ace, Peter. Thank you guys I love you!
Posted on 07/04/2012


been a fan since 1975 seen yall every time youve come to huntsville al would like to see yall again in the rocket city looking forward to the new album and tour . i like to thank you for being there when i was growing up life was not easy there was a lot of medical problems with my sister she passed away in 2006 of cancer. but every time i was down when the kids at school would pick on me i would go home put on a kiss record i has them all turn it up loud and lose myself into the music. i still find at 47 married with 5 kids 10 grandkids if i feel down put on some kiss and i feel part of the band and i want rock n roll all nite thanks guys
Posted on 07/04/2012

New song

I love "Hell or hallelujah". The opening figure is a marriage of "i stole your love" . "all American man" and "any way you slice it".All seem based loosly on the traditional "fascinating rhythm" I love how paul attacks the air with his vocals .there is an aggression that feels as if hes speaking to you personally and very passionate about what hes saying.I love the line"one more time" it makes the song feel if your listening to it live .if this is any indication of whats in store then tghis will make 2 home runs ina row (sonic boom being the other)
Posted on 07/04/2012

Hottest Band in the World!

Hey guys! I just wanted to say how excited I am to see you all for the 2nd time, August 5th in San Antonio, TX. I am bringing my dad for his 54th birthday (he has never seen you!!!), since he is the one that introduced your amazing music into my life over a decade ago! You are and have been my favorite band in the entire world since I was nine. I have a decent sized KISS tattoo on my back even. Just wanted to say hey and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 07/03/2012

cincinnati concert

hey there! i've been a fan since i was 8 years old, and now at age 25.. I finnaly get to see yall in concert. Growing up, i didnt have many friends, the ones i did have spent there weekends partying and getting high, and i would go to my room, in which the top bookshelf i had lined with foil. and laced with christmas lights, and set up my kiss dolls,and blasted kiss music on my jvc all weekend.The band that got me through my fathers drunken rages, and the bullying at school. even still today when i have a bad day at work, i put on my kiss record, and all my problems go away, itslike magic, and come august 31st, my second biggest dream,is going to come true, seeing yall in concert. as soon as i saw yall were comming to twn, i saved my money(whatever i had left after takeing care of a family of 3 me my husband and 2 year old daughter) and got a great seat seat number 446. and if your wondering my first dream, its to meet yall, but maybe someday if not, Ill take the concert, AND I AM ECSTATIC! SEE YOU AUGUST 31STAT RIVER BEND!
Posted on 07/03/2012


Yet another hard driving, yet incredibly catchy,ass-kickin' KISS classic!! Best Kiss song I have heard in over a decade- and I LOVED Sonic Boom, so what does that tell ya? KISS are the masters of their hard rocking craft, and they continue to steamroll over their naysayers just as easily as they have steamrolled over every other band that has taken a stage in the last 35 years! If this tune is setting the table for what the rest of the new disc will be like, then get ready KISS Army, because we are about to be STOMPED on by one ferociously fantastic MONSTER!!! Paul, Gene, Eric and Tommy, THANK YOU!!!
Posted on 07/03/2012

KISS goes good with anything

They called off the fireworks in my town due to the dry ground in case of fire! go figure. Atleast we have KISS new Cosmic comicbook to create a Black Void of fireworks to work our imaginations. I picked up a few comics today and a couple Archie meets KISS. I also ordered KISS4K off Too bad #5 is sold out. I like the new single from MONSTER. Can't wait to hear the whole album break loose. I like to picture KISS as superheroes that come to earth and double as Rockstars. I said this before and i will say it again KISS goes good with anything!
Posted on 07/03/2012

My Guitar Cover of Hell or Hallelujah

here is a link to my cover of the new KISS single, Hell or Hallelujah. Once I bought it, I thought that it was so awesome that i had to pick up my guitar and learn it. -Graham Strang
Posted on 07/03/2012

Funny Finnish rap artist make a video witch is parody of Lick it Up :)
Posted on 07/03/2012

Your Music

Hi Kiss, My name is Callum and i'm 12 and live in England! I REALLY like your song ,Crazy Crazy Nights, because even though my friends enjoy modern music I still really love old rock and it reminds me that even though there is modern music and loads of people like we will still stand strong as the Kiss Army! Please answer to this if you can but I understand that you have VERY busy lives! Callum A.K.A your #1 Fan
Posted on 07/03/2012
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