submit your kiss letter

Thank You

I bought my first record album on October 30th 1974, it was my eleventh birthday.. Back then you were able to go into a record store and browse the stack and check out every cool cover and read the backs to find out the songs. I was so excited, I had received a really cool record paler for my birthday and was there to spend some of my birthday loot! Some guy next to me pulled out a copy of your first album and put it back. As he walked away I just had to see this amazing record cover for myself. Who were these people? They were fantastic! They scared the hell out of me! I bought it without even knowing who you were! You changed my life! Thanks!
Posted on 07/13/2012

KISS is everywhere!

I just found a picture of a Starchild in origami. Don't know who made it but definitely she/he is very talented. By the way, I'm Ines from Guatemala and I'm 17. BIG KISS FAN!
Posted on 07/13/2012

KISS Tattoo

Hey guys! Ive been a KISS fan since i was 6 and now almost over 16yrs later ive now got these beauties! hope you all enjoy!!
Posted on 07/12/2012

KISS fan family

I've been a KISS fan Since the 70's and my family loves you too. After 10 years of hard work we're going on a vacation trip to California from Chihuahua Mexico and we're talking 2 extra days to see you live in Alburqueque N.M. my 11 Year old son is so excited to see you on stage, He almost forgot about Disneyland, sea world etc. your music is been an inspiration for me and my family. It's all about love, power, and freedom. S.L.P.S. Victor.
Posted on 07/12/2012

I WON :)

Just wanted to let you guys know, I won a contest on 97.1 From Wash FM!! My face was painted as PAUL AND I WON A TRIP TO FLORDIA!!! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS AT JIFFY LUBE LIVE :)
Posted on 07/12/2012

KISS is everywhere

Hi KISS, i am Andrei Andras, from Italy, Palosco. While i was watching TG5 i saw that man wearing a KISS shirt. Later i went on the TG5 website and i took a picture of that man 'cause a want to share that with the KISS army. KISS rules!
Posted on 07/12/2012

KISS fan

I'm a Kiss fan since 1973 ! My daughter is a great fan too. And now, we are proud to present to you the next generation. Please let me introduce to you MAUD, my grand-daughter (she's 18 months old). She's a fan of the ultimate band and she wears a official Kiss T-shirt (Gene, Paul, Eric and Tommy). She's really a great baby girl but she can also be sometimes a real monster. God Bless You Four ! Dragon Jay and Fabienne (Belgium)
Posted on 07/12/2012
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