submit your kiss letter

Long Way Down

Just wanted to pass along this AMAZING acoustic cover of "Long Way Down" I found on YouTube. Looks like they posted it less than a week after Monster was released. They do a GREAT job with it! The KISS Army is amazing!
Posted on 11/09/2012

Please come back to Scranton!!

Hey guys. I went to my first KISS concert back in September, and you guys were amazing!!!!!! I know that now you're on the monster tour, and I was really hoping that you would come back to Scranton!!!!!! I really wanna hear Tommy sing outta this world (My fav song on monster) live!!!!!!! I hope that you come back soon!!!!! I want to see you many times in the future!!!!!! Oh, and P.S. I know I'm a little late, but happy birthday Tommy!!!!! I love you so much!!! Jess Hess
Posted on 11/08/2012

Picture: KISS Halloween pumpkins from Italy!

Hey there! Hi from Italy! Me and my girlfriend, for Halloween have made Kiss pumpkins :) It's a bit late but I would like to share them with the Kiss fan comunity :D Is it possible to have a link on your page, if you like them? Would be awesome! Thanks for your time! (here's a link to the picture)
Posted on 11/08/2012

Thank you

Paul, Gene, Eric, Tommy: Thanks again to return to Argentina. We are always waiting for him and for me and my children is like getting our family will always be part of our lives and our hearts. We wished to greet them personally, but we know that many of us who love them and know them all would be impossible for you. A big hello and a big thank you for all you have done for us without knowing it. Alejandro and family. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posted on 11/08/2012


Hello, My husband and his friends are hardcore KISS fans. They are always present at your shows whenever you tour in our area. In the recent years they have always talked about dressing up like you for Halloween. This year they did and won a local costume contest! I wanted to share the photo with you. I hope you enjoy! Rock on, Shanna
Posted on 11/08/2012


kissero se es y se siente es un sentyimiento que no se puede parar!!!! Con mi familia!!! Gracias KISS POR VENIR A LA ARGENTINA UNA VEZ MAS, FELIZ CUMPLE TOMMY!!!
Posted on 11/08/2012


Hey guys. Besides the unforgetable show of yesterday, here`s a picture of the distinction that was brought for Kiss as a distinguish memeber of our Capital City Abrazo Kissero !!!
Posted on 11/08/2012

Alfin KISS!

Hola ! Me llamo Sophie (tengo 14 años) y ayer 7/11 fui al concierto de KISS en el River Plate, Argentina que ha sido mi sueño durante años ! :D Ver a KISS en vivo fue lo mejor que me pudo pasar en la vida! Lo triste es que soy muy bajita y por eso me costaba ver bien, aunque pude disfrutar bastante de Tommy Thayer (happy birthday!) que estaba tocando cerca de donde yo estaba y si me ponia de puntillas o saltaba podia ver perfectamente a Paul, Gene y Eric ! :D Aunque conocer en persona a los integrantes seria de verdad asombroso, mi sueño siempre fue asistir a un concierto en vivo, mas alla de verlos cerca mio o no, yo lo que deseaba era VERLOS... y fue increible ! la voz de Paul cuando cantaba en español, y esas bromas que hacia, ademas de los solos de Tommy, y el show de sangre y de fuego de Gene, y sobre todo la honda de Eric (me encanto)!
Posted on 11/08/2012

Just a fan

I am only 20 years old and KISS is one of my all time favorite bands. My father was the one who introduced me to you guys and everytime id listen to a song he would tell me what it was about or some detail about the band that i wouldve never knew or guessed, since then im a huge fanatic and now feels like the only connection i have with my dad since he has passed. Your music rocks and helps me escape when im feeling down. KISS will never die!! you guys are awesome would love to see in Pittsburgh, PA sometime soon!!
Posted on 11/07/2012
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