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special meeting on KISS kruise 2

So I have a very special Kiss Kruise story to share with all you Kiss fans. Last year on the Kiss Kruise 1, my family and I were about to take a picture with Kiss. After waiting in forever long lines, and hurry up and waiting, we finally got our chance to meet the band and take our picture. Well lo and behold, as we stepped up for our picture with the band an unknown man jumped in the middle of the picture. To our surprise and even Kiss, the picture was snapped and we were sent away, that is until Gene Simmons, grabbed us and said, come back lets do it with you guys. So we shot the pic again and it was the Jones family, with �Lil Gene� AKA Aidan and his guitar. The photographer Will Byington, told us not to worry he would get us the good photos and to his credit got us all of them. (Even the one with the unknown Kiss fan�lol) For the past year we wondered who the man was who jumped into our original picture? Fast forward to the Kiss Kruise 2 and what a wonderful time it was. We were in cabin 9092 and had decorated our door with a phenomenal array of posters, lights and pictures from the last Kiss Kruise� (You see there was a door decorating contest, that we didn�t win, but should have�lol) So on the 3rd nite we returned to our cabin and outside of our door was a man and a woman, looking intently on the poster and pictures we posted. Guess what? It was the man who jumped into our picture the previous Kiss Kruise! I said to myself, how could he have found our door, with (our) and his pic on it and how could we be walking back to our cabin while he and this lady were admiring it? As we arrived he was so enthusiastic and saying, �Hello its me Wellington. I�m the man in your family picture from last year!� He stated that he was just married and that he and his new wife had found our door and were amazed they found the picture that he was in with our family.(I think he said he is from Wales) He said he had no family last year and saw ours and had to jump in! It was an amazing Kiss Kruise moment, that was just that� It could not have been arranged�If it had been just minutes later or earlier, the meeting would not have happened� totally in the moment. So the Jones family met �Beef Wellington� as I call him and his new wife, then never saw him again. And all because we love Kiss! Totally Kisstastic! Wellington, if you see this please contact me and lets do it again next year! Congratulations on your wedding and new beautiful wife! Rock on! Kiss Kruise 3 Christopher Jones (New York)
Posted on 11/09/2012

Argentina 7-11-12

This happened the same day that kiss played in River Plate in the fast food Mc close to the stadium, working and giving tribute to the greatest band in the world ... KISS!
Posted on 11/09/2012

Please come back to Kansas City!

Hello KISS! My sister and I attended our first concert in Kansas City MO 1979 together I was 15 and she was 11. It was the Dynasty Tour, We had recieved the Kiss Solo albums under our tree the prior Kissmas. We refered to it as that back then even, To this day we exchange Kissmas gifts. I wanted to go so bad with my best friend to the KISS Dynasty Concert and my mom made me promise to take my little sister too. I didnt want to, but agreed to get the tickets. It was the greatest event in our lives seeing KISS and a bond that has never broken between us. In 2010 the Sonic Boom tour came through and I was low on money it was early December. She presented me with a ticket and took me to the show! Squeeze Kansas City in on this tour before Kissmas if you can so I can return the favor to her
Posted on 11/09/2012

Concert in Sao Paulo

Hello Kiss!! I'm looking forward to see you guys!! And I'm here BEGGING you to play HEAVEN'S ON FIRE!! It is one of your best songs, everybody loves it! (if you add C'mon and Love me and 100,000 years would be AWESOME) *___________*
Posted on 11/09/2012

Chile 2012

Hi friends of KISS! Newly I�m so excited for the concert in my country. I�m 34 years old and big fan of your music, your KISSTORY and your contribution to the music in the world. In this new visit to Chile, it would be a dream come true to know you personally, take a picture with you, and obtain an autograph for my vinyls and keep it as an unforgettable moment for all my life. Respectfully, I make this request as a fan of your band. Hopefully this dream would come true! PS: sorry for my english, I tried to do my best! but well this is very important for me. Thanks! you rocks!
Posted on 11/09/2012

Happy Birthday Tommy!

Hello Tommy, I hope you had a great party? I love your new song "Outta this world." I have Monster album at home and I often listen to my walkman. I see quite often videos of your new song on your website It's pretty cool to see you sing your song. Congratulations! Take Care !! Maryhot
Posted on 11/09/2012

Expo KISS 2003 - Brazil

Lembrando o passado... Expo Kiss 2003 aqui no Brasil onde consegui uma foto e um aut�grafo de Eric Singer quando ainda era loiro.... Cara de "Revenge" ou "Alive III". Grande trof�u que guardo com orgulho! Abra�o para Paul, Gene, Tommy e Eric. Estamos esperando semana que vem aqui no Brasil no primeiro Show em Porto Alegre/RS. "God Save The KISS"
Posted on 11/09/2012
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