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MTL show with Shinedown

My dream since i'm 12-13 years old, is to see a greatest show of one of my favorite band : KISS. Maybe soon in Montreal, july 29, 2013.
Posted on 06/09/2013

The news and everything KISS KISSONLINE Spanish

From 29 years ago KISSFEVER is providing Spanish-speaking fans of KISS the news in Spanish. Today we implemented a new tool on our site that allows the possibility of updated the news constantly. KISSFEVER 29 years bringing the word to the Spanish-speaking KISS ARMY!!! THE ONLY FAN CLUB IN ARGENTINA AUTHORIZED BY KISS
Posted on 06/09/2013

Graduating in the KISSmobile

After getting his drivers license last year, my son Sebastian started driving my vehicle to school. With the large KISS sticker on the back, the kids quickly dubbed it the KISSmobile! Here is Sebastian on graduation day, Dressed to KILL with the now legendary (in the Twin Cities area!) KISSmobile. KISS has been a huge part of my life, and now the tradition lives on with the next generation of the KISS Army. Congrats Sebastian. You make us so proud everyday. Here is to a MONSTER future. Dad and Angie
Posted on 06/08/2013

How KISS Changed My Life

Hi my name is Macey and I'm 21 years old. I have been a KISS fan since I was 11 years old. How did me becoming a fan and you changing my life started. Well here how everything all started with KISS. I was 11 years old, only started first year day returning to school as a Year 5 student, a few weeks later was when I was told by my parents, my brother who at the time was 10 months old was diagnosised sick with a very rare illness Immunodefiency Disorder, due to that event was when I developed depression and was severely bullied for it all. I started going through my parents CD cabinets to find any depressing music I could listen to, to help me let my emotions out and thats when I found your CD and soon as I started playing that CD I felt so different, connected, music that expresses the same things I had felt and it was the first amazing experience of my life. Years gone by I am now 13 years old and started my first year of high school without a doubt I again became victim to bullying, I was bash and beaten up everyday, I would come home refuse to tell my parents what been going on because your music was the only thing that was helping feel peace calm and relaxed, than a few months past by my parents went to quicky go down to the shops for 5 mins, within those 5 mins there was a fire in the house thanks to your music giving me bravery and confidence I managed to safe my brothers and sister as well as myself and escaped alive, even though I was badly trumatized and still am to this day, I kept myself together and strong and pushed through day to day, but the problems at school got worst and bullying became a personal attack targeting me about the house fire. By the year 2008 when I was in Year 11 I started doing wrong things because of the pain and suffering from being bullied and beaten up day after day start taking things that were bad for me and at the end of the day I just wanted to die. Now 5 years later in 2013 my life has completely changed because of the band and your music. Even though I suffered so much darkness in my life through schools, illnesses and other things, my life has now changed for the better and never looking back. My brother has fully recovered from his illness, I have a job, got my drivers licence, met the true love of my life, me and boyfriend have a 1 year old baby girl Anastasia, engaged to the man of my life and own my own home. I ended up with everything and my bullies ended up with nothing. This how you have changed a sad little girl to becoming a strong woman, beautiful fiance and wonderful mother and that is why I love you all so much and how much your music has changed my life. I didnt get to see you in Adelaide but one day maybe on day when you guys do come back I'm going to give you all big hugs and thank you all becoming and being the greatest inspiration of my life. Speak Soon Kind Regards your true and faithful fan Macey xoxo
Posted on 06/08/2013

tour to south africa

Dear paul, Gene, tommy and eric I have been a huge fan of KISS for many years, and I was wondering whether you have planned any tour to South africa in the near future? I'm sure you will find a very warm reception in our country. I hope you will have great success with the remainder of your Monster Tour, and thank you for your phenomenal contribution to Rock. Kind regards Rick Zaayman Margate, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
Posted on 06/08/2013

40 Years of KISS

Hello from Austria. this is my modest contribution to 40 years Kiss. currently a collection of 150 images. there are even more. see you at the Nova Rock Festival in Austria. Best greetings from carrkizz, Kiss Army Austria. rock on
Posted on 06/07/2013

Gene Simmons Hard Rock Cafe Helsinki full fan video

Hi, I'm from the UK and have just in the last couple of days returned from Helsinki, Finland to see Kiss on the new 'Monster' tour. It truly was an AMAZING show, the new spider rig really made it special, coupled with a few rare gems such as 'Psycho Circus', 'Heaven's on Fire' and 'War Machine'. The band were incredibly tight musically, and seems to be getting better the more I see this amazing line-up. Helsinki was my 10th Kiss concert since 2008 (and hopefully I will see many more). I also managed to attend Gene's appearance at the Helsinki Hard Rock Cafe on Tuesday 4th June. It was incredible being just a few feet from the great man, and although it was brief, made my visit to see Kiss in Helsinki that bit more special. I'd like to please share with you the full video recording which my Dad made from Gene's appearance. Please see the following link from his Youtube page: My Dad has seen Kiss around 45 times over the years, the first of which was at Kiss' first European concert at Manchester Free Trade Hall in the UK, and hasn't looked back since, managing to see every line-up of the band in that time!! Thank you for your time, I hope you can share this email with the wider Kiss Army, that would make me and my Dad really pleased!!!
Posted on 06/07/2013

Songs in Europe

Hy, next week I am with some friends at your Shows in Copenhagen and Berlin. I am very happy about the setlist you have played yet in europe. Our favorites are "Watching You", "She" and "Parasite". Perhaps it is possible to play it for the "German Old Men".
Posted on 06/06/2013

Prague looks forward to KISS!!!

Hi, Here is poster which I saw near Old Town Square in Prague. Czech Republic looks forward to KISS and we can't wait to see you. Rock and Roll !!! See you next Friday TR Prague, Czech Republic
Posted on 06/06/2013
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