submit your kiss letter

Met Nick Simmons and KISS in just one week! :)

Hello! I went to the tour opening in Stockholm and had the time of my life! I went to the Meet & Greet and had so much seeing Kiss play live without make-up for the very first time, and unplugged! :) The pic with them half an hour before they hit the stage was priceless....felt like a little kid all over again! Not only that, I went to the Stavanger show and at a pub in the city who did I run into? Nick Simmons! :) He was really nice and I made sure not to bother him and just asked politely to take a pic with him en heere it is..! Met Gene one saturday, and then his son of Family Jewels ame the next...and two amazing KISS concerts! GREAT WEEK! :) This cheered me up greatly since I lost my mom in march. Forever a Kiss for life, Bjørn :)
Posted on 06/11/2013

programa de tv

programa parodiando, tv mexicana imitacion de GENE SIMMONS y KISS
Posted on 06/11/2013

KISS Retrospective HITS 1300 LIKES!!

Just after 9 Weeks's KISS page.. KISS Retrospective hits 1300 LIKES!! With the dedication of station owner Rob Russo and KISS Retrospective's admin, Patty Rush who is a 40 year KISS fan, has taken the web by storm putting the word out about our show!! Over 30 countries are tuning in and expect more every week! Please come check us out!! Every Tuesday for 3 hrs has The KISS Retrospective Show!! ALL Request KISS!! The show and page are growing fast thanks to the KISS ARMY!!
Posted on 06/10/2013

My first KISS/Deployment Welcome

I still remember a day like today June 11 in 2004. It was my first KISS in Dallas, Texas during the Rock The Nation Tour. As a kid. in La Paz-Bolivia, I always dreamed of seeing KISS Live. I remember saving my school allowance to buy KISS CDs. It took me close to a year to buy my first KISS CD. Later on, when I moved to New York, I was so impressed with the US Military and thankful to the US for allowing me to be part of this country, so I decided to join the US Army in 2001. Couple of years later I deployed to Iraq, and took my KISS CDs with me.I came back to the states a year later, and I celebrated life and freedom going to my first KISS concert in Dallas. Here are some pictures I took that day, and also the Live Concert CD I bought that day. Thank you KISS, and staff for giving us the best. Your friend, Robert
Posted on 06/10/2013

Hello from JAPAN!

Hello, KISS. I am a Japanese KISS ARMY! at my high school, there is no KISS fan so no one enjoy my stories about KISS even my parents doesn't understand! but I will never stop loving you all forever because I was made for lovin' you!! haha! it is so nice to hear that KISS is coming back to tour! I don't know that I can go to the live concert, I tried to persuade them to let me go but they are so strict that they won't pay for me. I am not allowed to work because of my high school's rule. So perhaps there is no way that I could see KISS. I just wanna say that thank you for coming visit Japan again! I'm sure every Japanese KISS ARMY are looking forward to seeing you! maybe I won't be at live concert although I am so glad you guys are coming! If I could see and talk to you, I would not need anything! Ah! I love you KISS!!!!
Posted on 06/10/2013


Hi guys lml I'm a Kiss fan from La Paz - Bolivia and the only think I can say is that you've change my life!!!! Since the first time I've listened your music I couldn't hear anything else but you, you rock every single moment of my life, I really hope you could come to my country, I'm so sure you have such a big fans around here. You know...When I watch all those videos of your shows I always get crazy and wild! its just that I cant endure it no more!! I HAVE TO SEE YOU GUYS! I always asked myself "Steysi... how could you still being alive if you haven't been in a show of the band that you love the most?" and then I say... No matter how I will go to not one , nor two but as many shows I can haha really I will do it! Well...just a few days ago my friends and I took this picture (the one that is attach) we walked around the city just looking like you... and hell yeah we had such a great time...walking, singing songs, playing Kiss on our cellphones, we Rock n' Roll all nite... I do love sharing my love for you with this girls (Adriaana, Adriana & Tatiana), they love you as much as I do. Congrats guys, and keep on rockin!!! m/ yeahhh!!
Posted on 06/09/2013

KISS in the mexican tv

KISS parody of Televisa. Moments ago on Mexican television witnessed a tribute to KISS parody program by Televisa. This was thanks to one of the so-called "duels" the teams faced one side sending a parody of Cristian Castro and the other a parody of KISS. It was noted that it was made by fans, was more awful but ended up winning, we hope to get soon the video for yourself to judge.
Posted on 06/09/2013
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