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KISS Birthday Party

Mariana celebrated her 8th birthday Kiss-style in S�o Paulo, Brazil. Tribute band Killers Kiss Cover rocked the guests with a selection of Kiss classics, and played "Rock and Roll All Night" when she hit the stage in Kiss make up and costume. What a night for Mariana and her guests!
Posted on 08/04/2013


We had a KISSTASTIC rockin' night with a great Ecuadorian KISS Tribute band!! All the ex and new members were perfomed by the KISS GIRLS as well!! ECUADOR SALUTES ALL THE ARMYS AROUND THE WORLD! KISSNATION FOREVER!
Posted on 08/04/2013


HI KISS ARMY. Thought you might like to see my new KISS ROOM.Just moved it 800 km.. All set up now .Hope you all like watching it has much has i love collecting it. Enjoy.Take care .SOS...
Posted on 08/04/2013

KISS HELL FANZINE Editor passes away

Joe Degraffenreid passed away on Wednesday July 31st in Noble Oklahoma. Joe D was born on October 16 1970. Joe was a very talented person who was a very talented musician who was very passionate about his music. Joe has played with many other fellow musicians throughout his life. Joe never met anyone he didn't like. He was a fun-loving son, boyfriend, brother, and fellow musician as well as a great friend. Joe D. Spent the last 2 1/2 years playing in a band called 10BURN4. Joes passion and love was practicing and playing with 10BURN4. Joe was the lead guitar for 10BURN4 and was very talented and a awesome guitar player. Joe played his own unique style of guitar by plugging his guitar into his Marshall Amp and he would entertain many many people and they would stop what they were doing to listen to Joe amaze the crowd with his awesomeness. His guitar solos and his special way of adding uniqueness to his playing was nothing but amazing. One of Joes hobbies was collecting KISS memorabilia. He has loved KISS since he was a child. He was known worldwide for his KISS HELL fanzine. Joe was a guitar player in the band called "Faux Kiss". He was "Ace Frehley" and absolutely loved playing KISS songs as "Ace Frehley". Joe was always amazing to watch play his guitar. He knew anything and everything about music. Aside from his music his other love is his girlfriend of 3 years Jessica. Those two loved each other so much and Jessica loved going and watching Joe play his band gigs. Joes fellow band member of 10BURN4, Shawn, was Joes best friend as well as fellow musician and they loved being on stage together bringing Rock & Roll to the OKC area. Everyone that watched these two play and sing together saw how great of a brother-friend relationship they had. Joe was a great, fun-loving, and very talented full of life person and will be sorely missed by many. The music world and all the friends and fellow musicians have lost a Real ICON. Joe will always be on stage with 10BURN4 in our hearts. We Love You Joe D. Funeral Services will be held at John M Ireland Funeral Home in Moore Okla. At 10:00 AM on August 5th.
Posted on 08/03/2013


About Rock 'N' Roll, This is the band that people pay to see, this band its worth seeing, KISS isn't just music, they are more than it, they are Heroes.
Posted on 08/03/2013

Upcoming wedding

This lovely couple will be getting married at the KISS wedding chapel on Oct. 31, 2013. The groom is a HUGE KISS fan. He loved music at an early age, taught himself guitar & has gone on to be in several ROCK bands in the Omaha area. He has his own radio show & a very special guitar with the 4 faces of the KISS band painted on it. I remember when he & his beautiful bride-to-be had their first date 13 years ago at the age of 15. I have watched them grow into one of the most amazing young couples I have ever known. I just wanted to let KISS know what a positive & massive role you played in their lives & what a great musician Billy (ZOMBILLY PECK) has become because of your ROCK & ROLL. Wish you could join us in person for their celebration. It will be one that nobody will forget.
Posted on 08/03/2013

Aug. 7th is Purple Heart Day

I can't wait to see KISS on their first show back in the United States in Meadowbrook New Hampshire Aug. 7 th. It will be my 18th KISS concert. My first was when I was 12yrs old. It was the Creatures Tour. My Dad brought me to that show. Less than one year later, he died of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Which, from all the research I HAVE done. He likely got it from exposure to malathion (agent orange) while serving in the United States Air Force in the Philippines during the Vietnam War. The Veterans Administration denies ALL vets that served during Vietnam if they didn't serve "in the country" of Vietnam. Thousands more families besides my own have suffered because of this. My Mom never received any benefits because of this, and she has had a hard life since. I just wanted to let you know....I have always LOVED KISS. And, THANK YOU for your support for vets. The reason I wrote this letter, was to let you know also, that, August 7th is Purple Heart Day. I thought I'd let you know ahead of time, so you can plan a celebration maybe. Thank You so very much for the Soundtrack and Backdrop to my life. Sincerely, Lloyd Mudie
Posted on 08/03/2013

My 15th KISS - JUL 26, 2013 TORONTO

You wanted the best. You got the best ... KISS! Like many KISS fans, waiting for the next tour or even show to come close to your home town is a big deal: a big event! I've been fortunate enough over the years to have met the band, hung out with Doc, Tommy and Eric after a concert in 2009 and even had my photo of Gene Simmons displayed on his desk on GS Family Jewels. This, however, was my 15th time seeing KISS in concert and it happened during the KISS 40th Anniversary - Monster Tour. Once again, my seat was front stage, Gene's side and I had a great time! All in all, a great night and I wanted to share a few of my photos with you. Cheers Mike S. Fowler
Posted on 08/02/2013

Finally got to see my heros

After being a KISS fan since the early 80 s, I finally got to see you in Saint John, NB with my Mom (69 years old) , sister and brother in law. Thank you so much guys. Absolutely the best show I have ever been to in my 45 years. You guys are truly amazing and legendary. The top thing on my bucket list can now be crossed off and if I have the pleasure of seeing you again, I can cross the number 2 thing off my bucket list. I love you guys. Keep rocking!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 08/02/2013


Man, as i told before, KISS is the best band in all of the whole wide world, even here in Brazil, as a gift for the 40th years bday of the band, i'll give you all of my thanks, no band in the world and even in the space, can be better than those guys, KISS IS and always will be the HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!
Posted on 08/02/2013
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