submit your kiss letter

Brents imovie

From: Gary and Brent Foster

Hi, My son Brent is in Middle year Yellow at Colac Specialist School, Colac Victoria Australia. His class had to pick a subject to make a iMovie, Brent chose KISS!!!!!! Here it is:

Posted on 06/28/2014

Great Show at USANA

From: Duane Jensen

I saw your show at USANA in Salt Lake last Monday June 23, 2014...FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC!! This was my 3rd show, my wifes first. Your stage production is second to none- Incredible! I took my two youngest (12 & 15) to see you at Rio Tinto in Sandy, UT in Sept of 2010. They loved it. There were a lot of "seasoned fans" there who also brought their kids. Two things that were just awesome about that concert. 1st, Paul leading the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance after awarding a big check to Wounded Warriors. 2nd, not one "F" bomb from you guys. As a parent who brought their kids, I really appreciated that. You're a class act. Thanks for the music. KEEP ON ROCKIN' GUYS!!!

Posted on 06/28/2014


Swedish rockers THE GLORIA STORY holds Kiss as their main influences. This video, packed with cool Kiss-references (like hot KISSING girls with the solo-album theme coloured lipsticks) is The Gloria Story's way of saying "Thank you KISS for the Music during 40 years of rock and roll and congratulations to the Rock and Roll hall of fame induction!" Good luck on tour with Def Leppard!

Posted on 06/28/2014

July 3 Request

©Medek1_ I created this art for the America's Independence day. We'd love to hear "I Want You!" when KISS plays Sacramento July 3rd.Have a safe Holiday.
Posted on 06/27/2014


Hi! I finally got KISS 40 Years: Decades Of Decibels japanese CD. Marcelo, my 4 year old kid, looks very happy about it! Cheers from Brazil! Diego Vianna
Posted on 06/27/2014

Request, PLEASE

Boys!!! Please, please, please can you find a way to perform STRUTTER and DEUCE July 8 at the Forum? I've been checking out recent set lists online and neither song is on there I love you guys! I've just got hear you do those songs live again. Thank you!!! Gloria
Posted on 06/24/2014

Best Concert

Thank you guys so much for an amazing breath taking concert!!! As a kid i always thought i would never had a chance to go to a concert of Kiss But my dream of a life time came true !!! :) I gave my voice and power toward this and every song i sang along to i attach to because i grew up rockin out in my car seat to Kiss!! and learning the meaning to the songs from my dad. You guys are amazing and funny Thanks Kiss love always your #1 fan :) :D
Posted on 06/24/2014

Meet the Starchild!

I started listen to KISS when i was 10 years old kid back in 1998, and that's all started when i can found the Psycho Circus action figures in my local toy store. Fast forward to 10 years later, i flew all the way from Jakarta, Indonesia to Sydney, to watch KISS for the first time in my life, on KISS Alive 35 Tour in 2008. That was still the best day of my life, and my letter also displayed on kissonline main page back at that time. (Pictured on the right). But sadly, i haven't got the chance for meet and greet back then. After i flew back to Jakarta, Indonesia, i started writing my first song with my band, thrash metal band called Gigantor, and finally release our debut album in 2010. The concert was the thing that inspired me to pursue my dream in music. I proposed my girlfriend (now my wife) to KISS's Forever song and we're just married on 17th of May 2014. Our honeymoon destination is Los Angeles and New York. I saved all my KISS shirts and jacket to wear in New York to honor their hometown, when miraculously, suddenly i walk into Paul Stanley in Rodeo Drive, LA. I run to him while screaming his name, and asking for a photograph, And i am so lucky and humbled to talk to him in person, the number one person that inspired me. Paul was very nice, and i really really wish i could talk longer to him in the future. Thanks to Paul Stanley, and thanks to KISS for the adventure that you all gave to me in my life. Still hope that one day i can watch KISS here in Indonesia, and meet all of the members in person. God gave rock and roll to us!
Posted on 06/24/2014


I doubt you will be reading this but im 12 years old and ive been a fan for a long time now. i also very much enjoyed the concert in Salt Lake City last night. Gene, Paul, Eric, and Tommy great job
Posted on 06/24/2014
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