submit your kiss letter

ANTMAN Dressed To Kill on the KISSKRUISE!!!!!

Another epic KISSKRUISE is in the bag. Had the most amazing time with the KISS NAVY. I can't thank you guys enough for doing these cruises. Partying with my fellow KISS fans from around the world is the greatest!!! See Ya on KISSKRUISE V!!!

Posted on 11/09/2014

My tribute to the band that saved my life

My band, The Gloria Story, recently released this Music video - "Live your Life in shame" that tries to capture the feeling of being a Kiss fan, in the early Days of NY glam-scene. Perhaps at one of the first shows at Coventry '73. It is our tribute to our heroes in Kiss! Some people ask me (Filip, vocals): "Isn't it just a lame attempt at milking the Kiss-community for views putting out a tribute like this?" Trust me - as a Kid I was very ill. My health wasn't all that good. Without hope and without spirit my future looked pretty dull. But suddenly, in my early teens, a friend turned me on to "Kiss - Destroyer", the 1976 Bob Ezrin masterpiece. It opened up a door, showed me an alternative world - where ordinary men could be superheroes. Paul Stanley was the character that appealed most to me; the Star of the centerstage - ouzing with confidence. Years later I learned that Paul himself had multiple issues growing up - like a deformed ear and being deaf. He was bullied and had social issues. He created his larger than life stage-persona to be everything he couldn't be in his private life! No wonder I could relate to that! When I got older, I also regained my health. It was a long road, and a constant struggle. But I always had Kiss as an inspiration - always encouraging me to be ME, and to believe in myself. As an adult - I am well. I feel great - fit and strong. And, thanks to inspirational people like Paul, I've become quite the performer myself. I couldn't have done it without the band who saved my life: KISS! I will be forever grateful to them. And the least I could do for them is to write a song, congratulating them on their wonderful journey and thanking them for the music, passion and encouraging power during 40 years of rock! I love KISS! So - no we're not trying to get views by connecting ourselfes with Kiss. It is a pure and honest tribute. And we are very, VERY grateful for the wonderful support our video has received by Kiss-fans all over the world! Thank you!

Posted on 06/30/2014

KISStastic year!!

This year will be my first KISS concert on August 26th! I'm very excited, because I have been waiting since 2009 to go see KISS, so this will be a epic year for me. So far, I been to a couple of "Kiss-related" events, including the LA Kiss game in May. I even bought a cake to celebrate not just their induction to the hall of fame, but celebrate their 40 years of their success.
Posted on 06/28/2014

Huge KISS Fan!

I am 9 years old and i have ben a kiss fan for many years. i am going to my very first kiss consert finaly tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!!!! 6/29/14 white river ampa theater in washington state.i look forword to meeting the deamend.
Posted on 06/28/2014

Get it right...

KISS played at Eielson AFB in Fairbanks Alaska in June 1974 with Savoy Brown...............I know because I was there and it was my first concert I was 13 at the time. Will be see them for my 25th show in Houston Texas August 31st. Without KISS I wouldn't have had a soundtrack for my life and would still be a virgin!! Billy Ray
Posted on 06/28/2014

Brents KISS imovie

Hi, My son Brent is in Middle year Yellow at Colac Specialist School, Colac Victoria Australia. His class had to pick a subject to make a iMovie, Brent chose KISS!!!!!! Here it is:
Posted on 06/28/2014

Great Show at USANA

I saw your show at USANA in Salt Lake last Monday June 23, 2014...FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC!! This was my 3rd show, my wifes first. Your stage production is second to none- Incredible! I took my two youngest (12 & 15) to see you at Rio Tinto in Sandy, UT in Sept of 2010. They loved it. There were a lot of "seasoned fans" there who also brought their kids. Two things that were just awesome about that concert. 1st, Paul leading the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance after awarding a big check to Wounded Warriors. 2nd, not one "F" bomb from you guys. As a parent who brought their kids, I really appreciated that. You're a class act. Thanks for the music. KEEP ON ROCKIN' GUYS!!!
Posted on 06/28/2014

KISSTastic Year!!

From: Devena on 06/28/2014

This year will be my first KISS concert on August 26th! I'm very excited, because I have been waiting since 2009 to go see KISS, so this will be a epic year for me. So far, I been to a couple of "Kiss-related" events, including the LA Kiss game in May. I even bought a cake to celebrate not just their induction to the hall of fame, but celebrate their 40 years of their success.

Posted on 06/28/2014
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