submit your kiss letter

Halloween Photos

Just wanted you guys to see me and my son Trevor on Halloween night. I've been a loyal fan since 1975 and will be as long as I remain above dirt. Keep on Rockin' !!!!!!!! Lannie Davis Hartsville , S.C.
Posted on 11/04/2009

ATL show

Dear KISS,i was anxiously awaiting ur atlanta gig,i ve been a LONG time fan of the band,way back when i first saw ur first tv appearance on IN CONCERT back n the day,i must admit,i kinda fell away some when u guys droppd the makeup,i wrk at the arena n the ATL and that was my 3rd x seeing u guys there,6 x total in my lifetime,i can say with ALL HONESTY,u guys put the FUN n rock and roll,regardless of the lineup,u do inspire fans of the rock world to believe n your dreams and stay TRUE to the game,the MAKEUP is what makes KISS-KISS,the sound was tight and the pyros was definitly n sync,i KNOW i was the first to buy SONIC BOOM at the walmart near my residence btween 2-230am,after hearing MDD on ur website,it was funky fresh,THANK U KISS for staying true for 35ALIVE,and putting FUN in rock and roll shows,KNIGHTS IN SATAN SVC? NO!!! KIDS ITS SILLY STRING, keep ROCKIN!!!!!!!!
Posted on 11/04/2009

Dressed To Kill

I was in New Orleans for Halloween with my girlfriend at the Voodoo Music Experience. We hit Bourbon Street afterward and found a classic rock cover band playing. Because I was dressed to kill, I got to go up on stage and do my best version of Paul.
Posted on 11/04/2009

Saving My Life

I Wanted The Best, And I Got The Best!! Thank you KISS for saving my life. Ten years ago (this Saturday) I started a stretch of bad luck that hospitalized myself for panic episodes and severe depression - I was really into the void. During that time I had many crazy, crazy nights. At times I felt that I might not make it through. A few things helped me finally find my way. First, my wife was there as a friend to the end and someone to talk to when times were tough. Second, I found out that I was going to have a son and a reason to live - my 2,000 man. Finally, the music of KISS acted as my personal mantra through the pain and the music was a source of inspiration. Since then, things have been great and I am now living things my way and with great expectations. This Saturday, November 7th I am trekking over 6 hours with my wife and son to Minneapolis to bring closure to this dark period in my life and pledge my allegiance to the state of rock & roll. Thank you Paul, Gene, Ace, Peter, Eric C., Eric S., Vinnie V., Mark St., Bruce K., Tommy T., and any others that made this great music and great band the HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD!!! Forever in your debt, Craig Reuter
Posted on 11/04/2009

New KISS Book

I just received the new Ultimate Kiss Fanzine book and it is fantastic. So many never before seen photos.My two favorite photos are on page 55: Paul circa 1977 in Love Gun uniform but NO make up and the other of Paul and Ace in regular clothes just laughing and having a good time. Nice to see there were happy moments during those days. Swidman64
Posted on 11/04/2009

halloween was awsome

hi guys you were the first concert ive been to and it rocked it was october 17 at the bilo center here in greenville you guys rock i was tommy thayer for halloween and i was the crowd pleaser wich means everyone loved me i have to say keep on rocking out the fire works and the tounges
Posted on 11/04/2009

KISS concert in Birmingham

I took my wife and 2 girls to KISS show in Birmingham on 10/24 and it was GREAT as usual! I have been huge fanatic since 1978, and have attended about 25 KISS shows. My girls have been with me to about 5 shows over the past 10 years and they also loved the new stage show. My daughter Sydney wanted to put on the makeup, so we turned her into Paul. She attracted lots of attention! Never stop rockin! Sonic Boom is the BEST!!! 35 years and still the Hottest Band in the World!
Posted on 11/04/2009

Halloween Rock Stars

Dear KISS; An affordable KISS makeup kit from Walmart, and, for one night, the kids got to taste what it would be like to be a rock star. During Trick-or-Treating, the response was incredible! People called their spouses to the door, "Honey, it's KISS!" Strangers would cross the street to tell of their KISS stories, "My brother got to see them 9 times since 1975!" Sometimes, the other kids would just stop and shout, "Wow! Cool! It's KISS!" There were no drugs. There were no fights. There was just a little greasepaint and a whole lot of fun. Thank you for letting our kids share in your glory! What you do matters to a whole lot of people. It brings strangers together, and makes us all part of this KISS Army, this KISS Nation, this KISS World! Much love, Michael Archer and family...
Posted on 11/04/2009

You made it, we wait it

My beloved God's! I'm a KISS fan since 10 years, from Hungary. Now, thank's for your inspirations, I'm playing in a rock band on bass like my idol Gene. Here's a funny picture about us, on one of the rehearsals. I'm wearing my lovely Kiss pullover. I go crazy from the new album. It's hotter than any other albums today. The best EVER. I'm waiting for your world wide tour. I have to see you once in a life time. I'm waiting for you, we are wainting for you. HUNGARY WANTS YOU
Posted on 11/04/2009
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