submit your kiss letter

KISS; the band of the century!

Hello Gene, Paul, Eric, and Tommy. I recently just went to my first Kiss concert on Saturday at the Palms in Las Vegas. And I have to say... It was.. AWESOME! I have been to other concerts but this was by far the best. It makes me want to bring shame to all other bands, because you guys rule it out. My dad had told me I wouldn't be able to go and I was super upset.. But a week before the concert he sat me down and gave me an envelope. Sure enough, two pairs of tickets were inside. That was the second best day of my life, second to the concert of course! I really wish I would have been able to meet you guys but I am just grateful I got this oppurtunity. I wanted the best, I got the best! Keep on Shouting It Out Loud and Rock and Rolling all Nite. Thank you guys so much for a night never to be forgotten!
Posted on 12/01/2009

Eric Singer

Hey Eric its Gavin again and i was wondering if you could email me at [email protected] well i love your drumming and i went to your concert in Toronto and Tell the rest of the band to come back. so how did you get into kiss? I would like to know were u live and maybe email me some of kiss drum tabs because believe it or not i drum too. and i would love to learn. PLEASE come back. Well i should go see ya YOUR PAL GAVIN
Posted on 12/01/2009

My Sonic Boom

Hi Kiss! I'm from Brazil, and my Sonic Boom is here! In my hands! And, OH MY GOD, is awesome! Thanks for rocking Brazil this year, and come back in the next.
Posted on 12/01/2009

I Love It Loud!!!

Finally got so see you guys at your show in Philly on October 12 and will be seeing you again in Pittsburgh on December 13! Been a KISS fan since the reunion in '96, I remember you guys presenting at the Grammy's that year and instantly fell in love with your music and awesome performances. Now a 23 year old teacher, I knew of only one thing to be for 'Famous for a Day' during my High School's recent "Spirit Week" during our Homecoming Celebration...the picture is self explanatory.
Posted on 12/01/2009

My late 15 year old son - Sanjeeve.

Hi, first letter I am writng to you, but in brief, I have been a fan since 1977, I have seen you over 20 times, from, Vancouver, Auburn, Spokane, Seattle, Detroit (1st reunion show), and in 2008 in Las Vegas, just to name you a few of the cities. I have met the band backstage over 4 times. I am however writing this letter to speak about my 15 year old son Sanjeeve who passed away earlier this year on June 29, 2009, in a car accident. My son Sanjeeve was also a huge KISS fan. He was featured in the papers with me in 1996, and was on TV with me that same year. Both stories were because of our KISS collection. Our collection is well over $125,000.00. My son Sanjeeve never got to meet the members of KISS, but through this letter I hope this is some acknowledgement for my son Sanjeeve. The enclosed picture is of me, and my son Sanjeeve who was only three at the time. Thank you.
Posted on 12/01/2009


We would like to wish the HOTTEST Band In The World a very Merry KISSMAS, Thank You for all of the Awesome Music, Concerts you have given to us, we love ya, Take Care Gene, Paul, Eric and Tommy and have a Great Rock and Roll KISSMAS!! Your KISS Fans, Steph and Shirley
Posted on 12/01/2009

KISSmas thanks!

Wahay.. the best Christmas present of all.. A KISS UK tour in 2010. Thanks fellas for giving us what we want over here in Europe.. it'll be a blast! Merry Kissmas one and all!!! Wavey Dave in England ('Cartoons by Howarth' on Facebook- come and join me and talk some Kiss dudes!)
Posted on 12/01/2009

Photoshop Design

Dear KISS, I had to pad my portfolio for job interviews to prove I could sufficiently use Adobe Photoshop. As one of my new pieces, I decided to create a tribute to KISS. Here is the finished product. Thought you all would enjoy it. -Colin
Posted on 11/30/2009

Nov 22, 2009 Show

I just wanted to drop you a line letting you know how much my son enjoyed the show. But first I need to let you know we almost didn't make it. Friday night (Nov 20th, 2009) before the show my wife got a call from the kids complaining that they did not feel right and could not think straight. When my wife called me and told me what was going on, I knew it had to be an issue with the heater that had just been turned on for the winter. I told her to talk the kids out of the house while I called the neighbor to rescue them (they have a key to our home for just an emergency). The wife and I raced home (we were at work) while in constant communication with everyone, when we got home the kids had been taken in by my neighbor, we found them in bad shape and my son was blue in the lips. Turns out that the roofers had knocked the pipe out of the exhaust port of the heater and the house was being filled with fumes when the heater was turned on. After much kid care, me and my friend (the neighbor who tended to my kids) vented the house out. It took all of Saturday for the kids to get back to their normal selves. My son was very thankful he and his sister survived a possibly deadly night. The one thing that kept my son in good spirits was knowing that he would be going to his first KISS concert (second if you count the fact that he was in his mothers belly during the show in San Jose in August 1996), I also had to promise my little girl that I would pick up a shirt for her at the show. The night was great, he got his face painted, we were in row 16 of section B and my son was wowed the whole night. He couldn't believe we were able to feel the heat off the flames. He will never forget this night. He spent the entire day after the show listening to the concert off his KISS usb drive in his room. A Fan for over 30 years Jose
Posted on 11/30/2009
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