submit your kiss letter

Santa Claus

This a picture of me as Santa Claus and my KISS coffee house mug. If you look close enough you'll see I'm wearing my KISS solo faces watch. Thought you'd get a kick out of it.
Posted on 12/02/2009

mrs gianni musso

this is my ticket from kiss concert milan 18 may 2010. kiss the best band in the world ciao Gianni from bologna italy
Posted on 12/02/2009

30 Years Ygo, KISS in Amarillo, Texas

December 3rd, 1979... Thirty years ago Thursday, I and some friends from Lamar Elementary were driven by my best friends' mom from Lamar Elementary to the Amarillo Civic Center after school to pass various protesters and stand crushed in a line for the concert event of a lifetime. It was not my first concert, but it was the best ever. After an unknown band was booed offstage (the Rockets?), around 8pm, the lights blacked out, the fog and smoke rolled offstage as the spotlights and lasers in red, blue, green and purple hit the stage. Strobes started going off, and, as the announcer screamed, "You wanted the best, you got the best, the hottest band in the world..." up they rose. Comic book heroes, part Elvis, part Justice League, part Beatle-level hysteria..."KISS!" Fire, bombs, and Rock 'n' Roll deafened and blinded us all, and I for one was never the same. Only another KISS fan would understand, but I share it nonetheless. Thanks for it all... Michael Archer, Amarillo, Texas
Posted on 12/02/2009

KISS is everywhere

Hi KOL, yesterday I saw a report about KISS on the german TV-Station ZDF. The Video can be watched here: Greatings and rock on' Jakob
Posted on 12/02/2009

Passing the rock and roll torch

Gene, Paul, Eric, Tommy. I Just got home from the show in Glendale Az. and was so inspired I had to write in and let you know what a totally wonderful experience it was! I took my 8 yr old son to his second concert. He was amazed entertained and totally engrossed with KISS! As for myself when you played Black Damond I closed my eyes and was instantly catapulted back in time to my room I was 14 yrs old and just learning to play bass guitar. Yes! Black Diamond was the first song I ever learned and holds a special place in my heart. It truly made my night leaving the arena with a feeling of not only reliving some of my fondest memories, but sharing Kistory with my son was the absolute best! Keep up the great job guys! You truly are on top of the mountain and the rest of the music business should take a good look and bow down to the kings of the night time world! Thanks for the great time! Dave
Posted on 12/02/2009


let me make this short&sweet KISS is the greatest band ever.I hope there are more u.s. dates to come.Long live the gods of rock!!!!! I have seen kiss 14 times&want to add to the count as much as i can.
Posted on 12/02/2009

I you all KISS

your rock n roll music make me feel some feeling thats nobody understanding.I love your music since i was child with my father.My father also like yours.......I LOVE KISS FOREVER
Posted on 12/02/2009

KISS @ Gelredome!

Finally I am gonna see my heroes!!Saturday the 18th of June 2010 Kiss will be rocking the Netherlands!I am 41 years old, and a fan since 1978 but never had te chance to see them live! Now I have my tickets to see you guys!!I can't wait for the Boom to begin!!!, Greetzz, and Rock On!!
Posted on 12/02/2009

Can't Wait to see KISS

My dad and I can't wait to see all of you guys preform on the 12/11/09 in Council Bluffs. My dad was at one of your concerts in Omaha in 1975.Your Sonic Boom cd is Great. from Bo Vercetti
Posted on 12/01/2009

KISSmas Tree

Hey Guys...... So...I was putting up my Christmas tree this past weekend and adding my KISSmas ornaments as I always do and I decided to snap a few pics once everything was in place. After I snapped a few pics of the tree I turned around to get a quick pic of my kittie Spencer and he was doing his best Gene Simmons How funny is that? I guess he forgot he is a "kittie" not a "demon". The whole family loves KISS even Spencer - The Cat Demon!!!!!! Happy Holidays.......
Posted on 12/01/2009
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