submit your kiss letter

Concert at BOK in Tulsa, OK

Thank you so much for coming to Tulsa. You guys are awesome. My family and I had a great time. I hope you guys come back soon. You guys are indeed The Greatest Band in the World. I live and breathe KISS! I love you! Your Biggest Fan, Beth Dickten
Posted on 12/22/2009

Hey All Merry Christmas!

Dear KISS, How are you guys? I am doing well. I have been a big fan of you guys since the beginning and the moment I heard your songs. The songs I love the most is Beth and Rock n' Roll All Night. I have been practicing those songs on my own electric guitar. And I am beginning to get it now. I just hope I get to meet you guys in the future. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ROCK ON FOREVER!!!!
Posted on 12/22/2009

KISSMAS 2009!!

Hi Guys! Thanks again for an awesome tour this year here in the states! Now before you head off overseas. I just wanted to stop by and wish all of you a Merry KISSmas and a Happy Rockin' New Year!! See you all in 2010!! DemonBry. Atlanta, Ga.
Posted on 12/22/2009

Bandit Rock KISSmas Special dec 23!

Hey! Bandit Rock in Sweden will be the official radio station for the 2 Sonic Boom Over Europe shows in Sweden this summer! As you can tell from the picture, Bandit Rock DJ:s Antonina Kobylinski and Fredrik Stenberg are already gearing up and getting ready to rumble! In the picture you can also see a newspaper outtake from the Unmasked tour back in 1980. It says "KISS - are they dangerous? Sex, blood and violence - Expressen at the premiere" Bandit Rock 104.8 in Goteborg, Sweden recently did an interview with the Demon himself! The Bandit Rock KISSmas Special featuring Gene Simmons will air december 23rd at 6 pm CET (Central European Time). You will be able to catch the show through the web radio broadcast - Boom!
Posted on 12/22/2009

KISS everywhere

Hi, last Saturday night I was playing Silent Hill origins on my PS2 and suddenly what was my surprise when in the Motel inside the games room there was a pinball table with KISS and GeneĀ“s face
Posted on 12/22/2009

I Just want to say Thanks!!!

Dear Gene, Paul, Tommy and Eric, Thank you so much. You have no idea what a gift you gave me, when I was lucky enough to take my son to your show in Dallas on Dec. 6th. I'm not dying, or expect to anytime soon, but having the chance to share the KISS Live experience with my son, was as important to me as the 1st baseball game I coached him in. I was probably his age (13 or 14) when I saw you guys for the first time. To watch him watch you with the wide eyes of a child was more than I could have asked for. It really was amazing. I've ordered the DVD from the show, so not only can I relive the experience over and over, but he will have it. I hope he remembers it as fondly, and as dearly as I will. I hope we get the chance to share another show together, but if we don't we'll never forget this show! Rock and Roll!!! Your fan, Mike Frye
Posted on 12/22/2009

Crazy,Crazy Nights

Hi! I just made an facebook-group for us who wants kiss to play "Crazy, Crazy Nights". So if you want kiss to play this song on the "from the beginning to the boom"-tour just JOIN THE GROUP!
Posted on 12/22/2009


Twas the night before KISSMAS and all through the land, not a demon were stirring not even his band. My platforms were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that the Gene would soon arrive there. My family was nestled all snug in our beds, while visions of KISS concerts rocked in our heads. My wife in her nightgown and me in my KISS cap, had just settled down for a long winter's night's nap. When out of my sleep, I arose with great wonder, I sprang from my bed thinking "Is that God of Thunder?" Away to the window I flew with a flash, tore open the blinds and threw up the sash. The moon shone down on the fresh fallen snow, it gave an eerie dark feeling and a sinister red glow. When what to my wondering eyes should catch, but a axe bass tour bus pulled by eight huge black bats. With a painted costumed driver, so lively, so mean, I knew in a moment it must be the Gene. With studded batwings flapping, his team swooped as they came, and he whistled and shouted and called them by name. Now Paul! Now Eric! Now Tommy! Now Doc! Now Spiro, Now Spike, Now Hayeland let's rock! To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! Now rock and roll! Rock and roll! Rock and roll all! So up to the housetop, by the chimney they flew with a sleigh full of boxes with the Gene riding too. As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney the Gene came with a bound. He was dressed in silver and black from his head to his toe, his armor was shining, his tongue hung way low. A big leather studded bundle was flung over his back, with a long black case sticking out of that sack. With a wink of his eye and a growl from his mouth. I started to ask him why he flew so far down south. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, he slid out an Axe bass case, then turned with a jerk. And laying spandex fingerless glove to his nose, the harness was connected and up the chimney he rose. He flew to his sleigh, to his team he said Oh Yeah?!?! Then they flew like a KISS jet straight up in the air. But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight. Happy KISSMAS to all and rock and roll all night! Gene, Thanks for getting my axe bass to me for Christmas! And thanks to Paul, Tommy, Eric and Gene for bringing us "THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH" this year. I hope to see you again in 2010. -Bill France Logan, WV
Posted on 12/22/2009

Tommy Thayer

Hello KISS FANS, I just wanted to share this with all. Tommy was in an Hughes and Kettner/Tommy Thayer Signature Edition Duotone Amplifier ad in the 2010 Holiday Guitar Review Guide. --Michael L. Aldana
Posted on 12/22/2009


Thought I would share these awesomely delicious KISSMAS KOOKIES my friend & artist Mike Maas made for me this year! Happy Holidays to the KISS Army everywhere!
Posted on 12/22/2009
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