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sonic boom

best album i have brought since revenge i thought that you would not top revenge but you have with sonic boom hope you have a happy xmas and new year see you in london when you come here bye bye for now
Posted on 12/25/2009

Merry Christmas

Gene,Paul,Eric,and Tommy,It's Christmas Day and from your devoted KISS family member,me, the best to you! Hope you are able to enjoy a much deserved time with family. Yes Paul, I am remembering your Christmas wish for our troops to be fully taken care of. That extends to the men and women in law enforcement as well.My Christmas light strand is blue and on to keep a vigil and support especially needed here in Washington due to recent circumstances.Many of them serve or have served in the miltary branches as well as protecting us here. Love and blessings! Karen, Centralia Wa.
Posted on 12/25/2009

Merry KISSmas

Just wanted to wish the guys a Merry Christmas and happy New Year....Hope after you are done in Europe you come back to USA and do another leg of the never ending Alive 35 tour.....My son & I do a lot together; camp, fish, watch Godzilla movies, and go to concerts....He's seen Yes with me 3 times, Rush twice and KISS last Oct in Toronto.... One of the best times we ever had was seeing you in Toronto....We're from Rochester, so we drove 3 hrs right after school; listening to KISS all the way to get ready for the show.....he is 14 and I'm almost 50 so he had a thousand questions about the 70's and rock concerts back then and of course the other times I saw KISS. We stayed a couple blocks from the concert venue so it was an easy hike there and back. We bought (well, I bought) shirts, posters, and the live c.d.....the entire night was a great experience; we saw many other kids there much younger than him and in make up so it was an unforgetable I look back on 2009, that will be my #1 most fond memory...we're getting ready to go to my mom's for Christmas dinner; so I'll ask him what his was...I won't be surprised if he says the same thing. Anyways, keep rockin...we LOVE KISS and keep it going. JY
Posted on 12/25/2009

"Jeeves" Simmons

Just a follow up of one of a mutual fans Bill, who sent you a photo from in front of our restaurant " Legends Burger House" in San Pedro, Belize. We just recently changed our concept from fine dining to a burger joint named after our son Legend. We just ran with the theme and decorated with legends from all walks of life. Left with a traditional six foot butler, we anted to change him into a legend as well. We could't have chose a better fit to be literally the face of our business. I've never seen so many people take pictures, Thanks again Gene for being here every night!!! LBH
Posted on 12/25/2009


Merry KISSMAS KISS. The Minneapolis show rocked. It was halarious when Paul said: We were in Chicago last night and the crowd went BOO! So Merry KISSMAS to the Hottest Band In The World. PS: I have the fanzine and Hotter Than Hell books. kissrocks8989
Posted on 12/25/2009

Greetings from Russian KISS Army!

Greetings from Russian KISS Army! Thank you so much for your shows in Russia! Finally we had a chance to see and hear you live. These were really magnificent to say at least! Thank you for SONIC BOOM! This album just blows us away, it's the real pure energy and pleasure. And thanks a lot for Russian Roulette! Please come again! We hope to see you once more while your SONIC BOOM OVER EUROPE TOUR 2010! We wait for you! HAPPY KISSMAS!!! Russian KISS ARMY
Posted on 12/25/2009


Hello KISS and all Kissmaniacs out there. last week i meet a member of the family. ace and me had a short but great time in frankfurt germany. now that 2009 is almost over, i'm getting ready for sonic boom over europe in 2010. first tickets are in, and i'm still hoping for more german shows. please......make it happend and give the german kiss army what they deserve, because we want more of the hottest band in the world. merry kissmas and a happy new year, Arcossi from Germany
Posted on 12/25/2009

Seasonal best wishes

I'm sure I speak for all British and European fans in wishing good health, happiness and continuing success to Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric, Doc, the Kiss crew members and all their families in this season of goodwill - and heartfelt thanks for bringing joy to the lives of all of us in the Kiss Army. Also, best wishes to all my fellow Kiss fans - especially the many many little kids who have taken this classic, iconic band to their hearts - god bless you all. I'm looking forward to witnessing a massive Sonic Boom over Europe next summer. Till then, I hope the band have some well-earned downtime with their families after what has been a mega-successful 2009. Thanks guys.
Posted on 12/25/2009


Hey Guys' I know it's a little late, butI just wanted to say thanks for a crazy crazy night!!!! I finally got to attend a KISS concert with my 15yr old daughter...ROW 22 on the floor..Paul flew right over us, My daughter went nuts, and at the end we were indeed pummled, delierious, & exhausted! It was awesome to show my daughter what I've been talkig about for her whole life. Have a great Christmas! Your dedicated Calgary fans!!!
Posted on 12/25/2009

Merry KISSMAS & Thank You!

Gene, Paul, Eric, & Tommy; I just wanted to wish you guys Happy Holidays and to Thank You for the great time had in Pittsburgh at the show. I was front and center in the Kiss Army and was floored when Gene came over and pointed at me and started doing his thing. Then Paul took the time to throw 2 picks my way (cause i missed the first) and even asked during the next song if I got one!! On top of all that you guys sounded great it was my 7th show, dating back to the H.I.T.S tour and it was the best you guys sounded since the Revenge tour, Great work!!! Again thanks and Merry KISSMAS!!!! Steve W. Kiss Army since '82.
Posted on 12/24/2009
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