submit your kiss letter

Merry KISSmas

I wrote this poem for my wife after we saw your incredible show in Pittsburgh: Our 15th Christmas who would've thought? It's different than the rest,were we so wrong? You and I we do our own thing,together forever we don't care what they think. We've had alot ot Christmases,this one was for us, We did what we wanted we went for the bust. We drove along way,we didn't care,It was well worth it whatever the fare. When we got to see them it was well worth the wait,The Hottest Band in the world,could we anticipate? They were the best,the baddest that we've ever seen,Gene,Paul,Eric and Tommy on stage and in the scene.We had a great time I'll never forget,we had heard it before-and yes they were the best! I Love you Renea I hope that you know.We saw them on stage and Oh What A Show! The Hottest,The Loudest who would've guessed? At the Melon in Pittsburgh,we were so blessed.I Love You Babe And Merry Kissmas!!! Seeing the show in Pittsburgh was our Kissmas present to each other-seriously we didn't buy each other any presents.It was our best Kissmas ever.Thanks for the memories would love to see you again. Troy and Renea Pack Springfield,Ohio
Posted on 01/03/2010

To KISS from two big fans

Hello Kiss. Happy new year to all Kiss fans!! We are two brothers of 5 and 7 years from Norway. We are very big fans of you. We love your music and love to dress up like you and have concerts on our Kiss room almost every day. For Christmas we got drums and guitar, so now we are really rock at your music. We really would like to go to your concert in Oslo in June, but our mom says we are a bit young.... so we hope you can keep going for many years so we can get a new chance later. Rock'n roll!! Best regards from Ole Kristian and Fredrik Thorset, Skogbygda in Norway.
Posted on 01/03/2010

KISS is everywhere

Hi KISS, I´am from Argentina, and today Buenos Aires dawned with posters of a football club of called V�lez who turns 100 years and one of the posters has a fan with Eric's Carr make-up. Martin Zamorano
Posted on 01/02/2010

Radio Show

ATTENTION KISS ARMY! I do a weekly radio show on K.O.W.S. 107.3 fm. You can listen for Free at & today @ 4pm (pacific time) I'll be starting off the new year with a 2hr KISS extravaganza, I intend to be the 1st DJ in northern CA, if not the U.S. to play "Sonic Boom" from beginning to end (at the 5o'clock hr.) Hope you can log in & Rock It! P.S. Feel Free to give me a call Live in the studio @ 1-707-874-1073 Rock On Baby! David G.
Posted on 01/02/2010

KISS IS EVERYWHERE (in my world *grin*)

Happy New Year Guys...just wanted to share a New Years Eve pic that my KISSter Kissteen shot of me :) Someone brought Star shaped sugar cookies to the bash and of course the first thing we thought of is ....well...KISS...cause thats how we roll *giggle* Huge Hugs and all the best in 2010...2009 was an insanely great year for me being a KISS fan ...6 shows on the Alive 35 :))) Much Love Kim aka Kisslady69
Posted on 01/02/2010

KISS fanatic

I went to the Alive 35 Tour in pittsburgh with my Kuzes. I was Freaked out at the beginning when it was so loud but after the first two seconds of Deuce i was like taken to a different Kissified world. Everything was out of my mind. My dad plays guitar (rock and roll ) He has almost every album there is to have of kiss. Did i mention between us we have like 6 guitars?? But i was thinking i wasnt going to go but now i regret even thinking that! Now my bedroom door says WARNING YOU ARE ABOUT TO STEP INTO A KISSIFIED ROOM I am Obsessed with you!!!!1 I luv ya Kiss!!!!!
Posted on 01/02/2010

i saw your concert!!

dear kiss members, I have been a huge kiss fan my whole life. I'm only nineteen but trust me I love you guys. I had never been old enough to see you in concert before and I finally went to Pittsburg this year and saw your concert and I'm still on cloud nine. I just wanted to say wow and I really hope I get to see you all again in concert before I either die or I get "too old". :) -Steph <3
Posted on 01/02/2010

Love gun Painting

I love you guys! I saw you back in October at MSG and of course you were awesome! I'm an art student in NY and i drew a caricature of Paul Stanley and his"Love Gun", and I thought I would share it with you. Keep kickin butt, Jessica Goldfisher
Posted on 01/01/2010

Can You Help Me Guys

Dear KISS, I'm only 12 years old and i love your songs. I have been to one of your concerts (milwaukee alive 35 tour) and i have one question, could you help me find any amp or pedal to make my guitar sound like yours on stage. Thx guys. Paul Stanley- My hero Gene Simmons- Love your bass solo Tommy Thayer- Amazing solo and excellent playing Eric Singer- Great drummer (one of best KISS drummers. Thx guys, Paul J.
Posted on 01/01/2010
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