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photo of KISS

Here is photo of Tommy Thayer, Paul Stanley and Genne Simmons from concert in Ostrava 21/05/2010
Posted on 05/22/2010

Doctor Love

This is my Dr love last painting. I'm really glad to follow the sonic Boom Tour over Europe on Kissonline, see you at Hellfest France. Fabienne
Posted on 05/22/2010

Personal review of MEN Arena Gig UK

This Is Rock And Roll. Having paid a significant amount for seats with �The View� we were not disappointed! Within Spitting distance (literally) of the vast array of stage paraphernalia - flame throwers, confetti canons, hydraulic stage platforms, bazookas (you know the staple props of any production!) I began to wonder if they sold KISS earplugs amongst the equally impressive selection of eye-wateringly priced merchandise. As the song says �if it�s too loud you�re too old� but fact is I am half the age of the headliners and already contemplating the long term damage of my ear drums by being here! Warm up was an impressively exuberant young band Taking Dawn from Las Vegas, Nevada � I asked my hubby �so, is this Thrash Metal then?� to which he scoffed � No � too soft, more a Skid Row/Motley Crew combi� I nodded in wise concurrence (I would never pass for a true Rock-Chick!) Anyhow it is clear that Taking Dawn were chosen for their show-man ship as well as catchy riffs � after all KISS have to be the biggest Entertainers in the Rock World. And so to the Main act; whenever at an Arena gig do you also look around and find yourself thinking�not that full really�.then to find 10 mins before the headliners the flood gates a re smashed open and in pour the remaining 18,000 who fill every possible crevice imaginable? A roar goes up in the crowd - KISS in the stalls� no way just 4 very enthusiastically adorned fans except obviously no-one wanted to be �CatMan� so their tribute line up consisted of x 1 Creature of Darkness, x1 Space Man and x 2 Star Children! ALRIGHT MANCHESTER, YOU WANT THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST, THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD. The colossal drape is whisked away to reveal an awesome stage set to then further reveal a �tiny� Eric Singer aloft beating Hell out of his mighty drum kit with an enormous hydraulic arm slowly rotating over him to lower Gene, Paul and Tommy onto the stage. Note to self; now THAT is making an entrance! Delilah opened the spectacle, well and truly setting the tempo for the 2 1/2hr extravaganza. Numbers from their current album Sonic Boom slipped into an impressive but by no means exhaustive back catalogue of fans favourites; Genes blood spitting � axe wielding God of Thunder flew him to the ceiling of the M.E.N. arena primarily pleasing those sat in the rafters who, for once, were not forced to rely on the projection screens to get up close and personal with this foul beastie! In turn Paul also delighted those (less fortunate than we sat immediate stage right) at the rear of the arena by flying above the crowds out to a rotating, hydraulic circular platform on the arena floor! Animal, Firehouse, 100,000 yrs, Strutter, Say Yeah all came thick and fast : Black Diamond (a personal favourite) was given an almost poignant ending thanks to some stunning lighting FX � Mono-chrome freeze framed bows � simple but so effective. To put it into perspective - if KISS were the front men then special effects were the equally talented backing group in this multi-million dollar stage production. Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer performed alternating airborne solos intimating the Rock N Roll elements of �Pearl Vs Les Paul� battling it out for supremacy with fireworks and a Bazooka!! (You thought I was exaggerating!) The flame-throwing columns were so ferocious I felt my skin flush on every blaze � well we were close � did I mention how good our seats were�.? God Gave Rock N Roll To You and of course Rock N Roll All Night to end with (possibly) the longest producing confetti canons ever - powered by row and row of 6ft CO2 canisters � and here�s me thinking they were oxygen for over enamoured fans subjected to Paul and Genes� rolling, thrusting, gyrating and generally saucy behaviour on stage. This in mind� hubby reminded me that these guys are the same age as my Dad �a sobering thought - as stated before I am ½ their age and was absolutely exhausted by the finale. KISS never tires � they clearly live for this; loving their audience and relishing every moment in their 36 year career on stage and all that fame and fortune has brought them. 4 guys; their instruments an army of explosive experts all with a penchant for platforms wrapped up in a cyclone of energy! No backing singers � click tracks or synthesizers � This is Rock N Roll �..In Face Paint! Dad still insists that he never needed the make-up. We had an Awesome Time - thankyou!!! Polly and Peter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on 05/22/2010

Thank u KISS for Ostrava!

Dear Kiss, I really want to thank you for your great show in Ostrava! I was there with my brother, he wasn't your fan until he didn't see your show. Now he plays your songs around and around. Your show was fantastic! My voice is out, I screamed a lot. I love your show, It was my first Kiss concert and I hope I'll see U in Ostrava again! :] Best wishes, Eliz.
Posted on 05/22/2010


KISS really is everywhere!!! I was recently looking on and i came across a fact that included Alburt Einstein wearing The Demon Makeup!!! here's the link, and i included the picture with this letter.
Posted on 05/21/2010
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