submit your kiss letter

Hershey, next stop.. Montage

Dear friends; Gene, Paul, Tommy & Eric: What can I say�.we wanted the best we GOT the best, KISS!!!! My boyfriend, Craig, and I were just recently at the Hershey show & it was absolutely AWESOME!! We were amazed with the entire show and we can�t forget hearing, �Crazy Crazy Nights�. The night couldn�t have been any better, well, except meeting all of you! Our experiences with your shows (mine going on 3rd, Craig�s 11th) & love for Kiss made us make our decision in taking my 7 yr. old son, Cameron, to your next show at Montage Mt., PA!! I am very excited..of course, we all are! This will be his very FIRST concert & who else better to go see than KISS! He is a big fan & can�t wait to paint his face, but has yet to make it final as to which member he wants painted as! I believe we are 21 rows back & hoping we don�t get yelled at for letting him stand on the chair to see! Again, this is very exciting for all 3 of us! What event can you say is a family outing & rocking at the same time! Next to pursue for all 3 of us is meeting all of you! We started our process of setting money back (praying by next year) for this great opportunity!! Craig especially, he�s 23 and his dream is to meet the best & also finish his KISS ARMY tattoo! Bruce Kulick was the 1st to sign above it & he had it tattoo�d over, your signatures would be a dream come true, just the meet & greet would be everyone�s dream come true! Actually, Cameron just decided for his next birthday it MUST be a KISS theme! I better get started on that! It�s in May, but I will have tons of fun planning it! Definitely will post pics! Anyways, I wanted to add this picture of Paul, full shot of his back side! I must say EVERY woman drools over this picture! Props to you Paul for having the hottest back end in the history of Rock & Roll! See you guys soon! PS- Can�t wait for the new cd & vinyl!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 08/08/2010

It all started with KISS!!!

Dear KISS, My name is Acey, My husband, Mother and I came to see the show at Comcast Center in Mass. And we brought our 18 month old little girl Adina to the show-Nothing better than a first concert being a KISS concert!! She LOVES you guys! She had a blast- And I can only hope that you noticed her...She was the youngest KISS fan at the show last night-And during your speech about young KISS fans- We held her high up in the air on Genes side- Everyone in our area was pointing at her ^_^ She danced and clapped the whole night. My husband and I MET on KOL 5 years ago- We have been married for 3 years- This was the first time we have seen KISS together as a couple- And it was amazing sharing it with our little girl- It was so awesome seeing the band that brought us together- We love you KISS!!! This picture was taken right before the show!
Posted on 08/08/2010

Thank You

My name is Drew James, I am six years old, and attended my second Kiss concert last nite at The Comcast Center In Mansfield. Unbelieveable show, Crazy Nights by far my favorite song last night, While standing with my dad, Tour manager, who I have seen in video, exited back stage door, walked over asked if I enjoyed the show, handed me a guitar pick... Thank You. Top notch band, and professional workers..... Rock on Kiss
Posted on 08/08/2010


Hi Guys, I have been a life long fan of KISS. Early on my brothers and I collected every albulm as well as 8-tracks that you guys produced. We had collected drinking cups featuring each member, the t-shirts, any magazine you guys were in, you name it we owned it. In November of 79' my dad decided that KISS was somehow involved in satanic worship and burned every KISS item we owned. Honestly that was "The Day the Music Died" for me. I spent the next few years avoiding your music and the band but was always drawn back by the memories of some of the greatest music my ears have ever heard. I am a dad now myself and recently decided to make your August 31st Atlanta show and am bringing my daughter with me to share the experience! She has watched all of the KISSOLOGY DVDs with me and has really fallen in love with your music as well. Thanks for always being there and for giving me something special to share with my 10 year old daughter for her birthday!
Posted on 08/08/2010


Hi guys!! You rock, and i want to say that you can't stop making albums, i'm a young fan and i didn't have the chance to go to a concert before!
Posted on 08/08/2010


Wow. you did it again !!! Everytime I see you, you keep outdoing the last performance. Last night in Mansfield MA, you kicked my ass yet again ! I will be there everytime you come to the area. I love the the money you give to our wounded warriors and I loved saying he pledge with you. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am that the greatest band is also some of the greatest American patriots. I love you guys! NOBODY, but NOBODY rocks like KISS !!!!
Posted on 08/08/2010


have been a KISS fan for 35 years, have seen the band everytime in DFW area since 1982, and one show in jackson, ms. cannot wait to the show in dallas next month. Gonna show my girlfriend what a real rock'n'roll show is like. Keep Rockin'!!!!
Posted on 08/08/2010

comcast show

kiss wow what show 1st time 49 yr old kiss fan my son and my youngest daughter went last night awsome show thanks
Posted on 08/08/2010

Spectacular Day at Greene Family Camp

Dear Kiss I was recently working at Greene Family Camp in Bruceville, Texas. I met a lot of great people whilst I was there. On the 3rd of August, camp organised a Spectacular Day and I thought what could be more Spectacular than dressing up in Kiss makeup! In the picture we have Kelly Levy (Starchild), Avihu Shiloni (Spaceman), Max Kersh (Catman) and Michael Paras (Demon). We had a lot of fun putting on the makeup and we all gave a great mime performance of Rock N' Roll All Nite which the kids seemed to love. Hope the band is doing well! Max Kersh Manchester, England
Posted on 08/08/2010
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