submit your kiss letter

Last KISS in Europe

Hey KISS, As a huge KISS fan since '79 I want to thank you for touring Europe again and givin' us the best you got. Last show of the European tour at Graspop Belgium was awesome. The picture says it all :-) Me and a lot of other European KISS fans hope it's not the last we've seen of KISS. Rock on. Cheers Chris Van Nauw Antwerp / Belgium
Posted on 08/24/2010

Daddy passes the KISS torch to his son

I have never been so excited about attending a KISS concert as I am with this next one in Columbus. The reason, is being able to share the experience with my little boy. He has grown up in a KISS world and he loves everything the band. He has been telling people for months that he's going to see KISS. He sings your songs, tries to play guitar, sticks out his tongue and wears your T-shirts. He's coming backstage for the meet and greet with me and mom. I have been a die-hard fan for over 30 years. I never thought my KISS concert experience could get better. I have a feeling September 19th that will all change. Thank you Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric for keeping the magic alive!
Posted on 08/24/2010

Happy Birthday Gene (or is it "Dad"?)

Happy birthday Gene! The Demon. The Bat-Lizard. The Master of Marketing. The guy who's slept with everybody's Grandma (and has Polaroids to prove it). And, so on and so on. Do you mind if I just call you, "Dad"? I've called you, "Dad", in the past. Metaphorically, of course. I even called you that in an email once. Boy, that must have had you thumbing through all those Polaroid moments. Hehehe. In all seriousness, though, for a generation of kids (mostly males) who grew up in broken homes you (and the rest of KISS) were kind of like "Dad". For better or for worse. Step dads would come and go. I know people who numbered them instead of calling them by name. Step dad #1, step dad #2, etc. But, for some of us, KISS was the one constant we could rely upon. The sad truth is, for some of us, the only time we ever heard anyone tell us they loved us was when Paul said, "We love you, goodnight!", at the end of side three on KISS Alive II. Thanks to Gene Simmons Family Jewels outsiders, people who never "got it", finally "get it". They see what it is we saw in you all along. What a great honest, hard working, patriotic, common sense, clean, sober, decent human being of a role model you really are. This was made clear to me when I was wearing my KISS tour shirt at Darien Lake Amusement Park the day after the concert. One of the workers, a lady, explained to me how she never liked KISS. How she had the wrong impression. Until she saw GSFJ. The main thing is YOU "get it". You know what it's like growing up without Dad in your life. Deep down inside you have a heart of gold. That is why you protect it so much. Thanks for teaching me about women, life, love, winning, adversity, and all the other things dad's teach their sons. Thanks for being there. Happy Birthday "Dad"! Photo was taken by me at the Philadelphia show on August 6, 2010.
Posted on 08/24/2010


hi my name is kylee and i am 9. i watch your show on a&e. i love it. i love kiss you rock. you have a great family and i love snippy. one day i would like to be a drummer. anyway i gotta go. my dad said whats up. hope to hear from you keep rocking!!!
Posted on 08/24/2010

my jacket

Dear KISS. you guys are one of the most amazing and influencial bands ever. so i dedicated this Levi's Denim jacket to you. i converted an entire school into KISS fans. Part of the KISS Army for life. i love your guys' make-up and costumes, they loook cool, im jealous. im going to buy a deluxe KISS costume online for halloween, if i can get an extra 800$
Posted on 08/24/2010

Ticket Swindel Through Ebay

I have a warning to anyone thinking about buying hard to find KISS tickets through EBAY. DO NOT DO IT! I recently bid and won an auction for 4 seats to the upcoming Minnesota State Fair for myself, my husband, my 10 year old son, and our 3 year old grandson. I was promised excellent seats, (Plaza 5, row 9,) plus a parking and vending package for $158.50 per ticket. After shelling out close to $675.00, I come to find out that there have been a number of incidents of the same tickets being sold and electronically delivered dozens of times throughout the last few months of this tour. Worse yet, I have been told by EBAY that there is nothing that can be done at this time to stop this. And if that's not bad enough, there is absolutely no chance that we can get our money back because the thieves open and close new EBAY accounts after receiving who knows how many payments for the same tickets. So please be very careful if any of you are looking to get last minute tickets on EBAY. And whatever you do, DO NOT purchase tickets that are offered with electronic delivery. Unless actual hard copies of tickets are being sold, chances are you could end up out a lot of money and very disappointed with fraudulent tickets. This is not at all a problem caused by EBAY, but by a few crooked S.O.B.'s looking to make an easy dollar selling on EBAY. Thanks for letting me post this. Hopefully it will keep anyone else from falling prey to this scam. Rebecca L. Wilson
Posted on 08/24/2010


Just saw u guys for the second time in under a year at PNC, what a kickass show, u guys have really never sounded better. Thats the reason KISS is my favorite band, you really are the Hottest Band in The World. Im 15 and been a fan for only 2 years but obviosly i'm a true KISS fan. Rock On
Posted on 08/23/2010


Hi guys i just wanted to say that you put on an awsome concert. i recently went to your show in NJ and it was my first ever rock concert and im so glad i got to see you guys. You are amazing and I hope you come back to New Jersey because i will deffinitly come back and see you guys again!
Posted on 08/23/2010

You guys are the Best!!

Gene, Paul, Eric & Tommy, Been a fan since 1974, my first show was Wildwood Convention Hall in NJ in 75'. You are my life. I have had a great life, ten years in the Navy on Nuclear Subs,a Chef in Hawaii, LA & San Francisco. Through it all I have had you, KISS. From the original 4 to the four of you I thank you for many years of great Rock & Roll.- Mike
Posted on 08/23/2010
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