submit your kiss letter

Thank you... for everything.

I just wanted to send my "thank you so much" letter. First I wanted to wait and plan the great speech that You deserve, but now I decided that I should trust my hart, and feelings that your great, great music helps me express so much. Trough all these years, trough better, and those tad worse time, you're still manage to rock like only few ever could. Years of hard work, your passion, your drive and the God's music you're creating, back then and even now. You'll never cease to amaze me with the energy, hart and vitality you're still performing. You're proving, that " You're only as old as you feel like ", and " The state of body is a state of mind "... That's why time seem to stopped in 82' or 83'... it's just incredible. You've put smile on not only my face, and made so many people trough so many years in so many places around the world feel great. You being Icons, people that made such an impact on not only, culture, rock n' roll music but shaped lives of millions of people around the globe for a few good decades. That's what I wanted to thank You for. And I mean all of You: Members past and present. Thank you for all the great years, one of a time God's music, commitment passion and drive. And that may not be the best composed letter ever, I may repeated myself here and there, my sounded dull, plain or boring, or even cheesy somewhere but it's not an easy thing writing a message to You, right? I just sat here and figured: May as well now. I'm as prepared as I'll ever be. Play, create and have fun with it as long as you want guys. Best wishes. Yours truly Matthew K. PS. You know, you may say that all these letters, all this words, confessions of musical souls are drove by a little bit of selfishness. We love you so much, and we want you to play for us for years and years to come, often forgetting how much it costs you, how much of hard work you have to put in, sleepless nights, sometimes working almost 24/7. How much sacrifices and commitments has to be made to simply entertain us... So Play, and keep on rockin' the world as long as you feel like it. But after all you have done for me, and for the fact that I have Great People to look up to, to remember and listen to... I just wanted to lest you know, how important and special your music is and how much I appreciate it. Thank you sincerely
Posted on 09/07/2010

KISS in everywhere

As part of an advertising campaign of radio Universo that announces " The new classic ones ", the fans of KISS in Chile have enjoyed of seeing Gene Simmons's make up in advertising cartels for all sites. KISS ARMY CHILE is prepared for the return of the hottest band of the planet. Regards from KISS ARMY CHILE
Posted on 09/07/2010

Pledge of Allegiance-Horray!!

I attended the concert Fri Sept 3, 2010 at Tinley Park. I was totally awed and thankful at the performance. Thank You Paul Stanley & KISS for the show of gratitude to God and our country! America is the greatest country & we do owe our freedom and opportunites to God. When Paul had everyone stand, raise their right hand, place it over their heart and say the "Pledge of Allegiance" I was totally blown away. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Thank you for expressing what is important. Thank you for not being concerned whether someone will be offended or if it was politically correct to thank God from stage. THANK YOU!!! I have told this experience to several people already including a group at church. Your proud actions have earned a great deal of respect and will be shared. THANK YOU for showing us pride, respect and courage to our God and our country can still be done!! GREAT CONCERT!!!!!! I am joing the KISS army now!
Posted on 09/07/2010

KISS Photos from Chicago and More!

Hey Kissonline, I wanted to share some shots from the show in Chicago this past friday. I have shot KISS live since 1984 and it is always a thrill and a pleasure for me! Unlike many photographers featured here, I managed to capture these photos from row DD. About 30 rows back! I am amazed at what my new camera can do. Over the past years I have photographed the band from many angles from front row to the back of the venue. KISS has always been and will continue to be, my favorite subject to shoot. It is now my goal to photograph KISS exclusively and directly for the band. More of my photography and photos from past KISS shows can be seen on my website at:' I hope you enjoy the photos and can share my site with KISS fans around the world!
Posted on 09/06/2010

mn state fair

Awesome show at MN state fair!!!!!!!! Loved it! The stage was great...all the screens & the main screen as well. My wife & I enjoyed the show very much. Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Posted on 09/06/2010


Dear Kiss, Your concert at the state fair in minnesota was AMAZING!!! My favourite part was when Paul came out to the crowd while singing..."i was made for loving you" Paul, i don't no if u remember but... as u were pointed to me and my bro and gave us the rock on sign! I was so happy just thinking "Wow....paul actually notticed us" you guys are still rockin and u sound better then ever!! Keep up the great work... and remember......"IT AINT A PARTY UNTILL YOU SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!!!!! Keep on rockin guys!!!
Posted on 09/06/2010

My Tattoo

Hello. I attach a photo of my first ever tattoo. I am nearly 40 and as a lifelong KISS fan have always wanted to get a tattoo. So I pushes the boat out and did it.
Posted on 09/06/2010

Wounded Warriors

To Kiss, I have been a fan since I was 6...I lived through my younger years and all the anti Kiss crowd telling me all kinds of lies and fabrications about Kiss, I can tell you this, After seeing Paul leading the crowd in the pledge of allegiance, I just could not be prouder of the men and women fighting for this country, and I couldn't be prouder to be a Kiss fan. You men in my opinion have conducted yourselves in a manner that you and your families are surely proud of, and makes me all the more excited to see you in Sandy Utah. God bless you and your families, God bless the men and women fighting for this country, and God bless America. You guys are awesome for what you do and how you do it....
Posted on 09/06/2010
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