submit your kiss letter

Jayde is OBSESSED.

My four-year-old is absolutely obsessed with you guys! Especially Paul! She has a good bit of your songs memorized and will sing her little heart out, had to get a Kiss shirt, blanket, posters you name it. Hoping to take her to a concert in the next few months! Amber Johnson
Posted on 04/15/2021

creatures corner

Kiss signed creatures album 24 by 24 poster 24 by 36 poster and my huge 40x40 creatures poster -Billy Cain
Posted on 04/15/2021

M. Tadzik - Gene Towel 1980 a

Hello, I went to both Kiss Sydney shows on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd November during the band's Australian tour in 1980 and caught one of Gene's bloodied towels that he threw into the crowd at the first show on 21st November. Here is the towel, my tour book and my tickets from those two amazing nights. I have gone to every Sydney show since that time and will be there again for the final ones in November this year. Can't wait!! Regards, Martin Tadzik (I will send more photos as I can only upload one image at a time)
Posted on 04/13/2021

Paul Stanley Detroit Music Awards 2021 Better Photo

This was such a thrill for me to have Paul Stanley announced a project I was involved with. DJ Derek Jendza
Posted on 04/13/2021

Grandpas last KISS birthday party!

January 30th 2021 we gave my grandpa his last in home KISS concert! We didn't know then it would be his last, he went into the hospital just a week later and passed away 20 days after that. He was in amazement with the show we put on for him! Full on homemade costumes, my boyfriend actually playing guitar, confetti poppers, and so much more! My mom (his daughter), her fiance boyfriend, and me spent hours making everything perfect for him from costumes to face paint to him and my grandmas very own VIP KISS passes! My sister as the announcer and her boyfriend as security that ushered us in. He had no idea and was in absolute awe the rest of the night! We sang Shout it out Loud, went into God gave Rock and Roll to you, and finished with the star spangled banner so he could stand as we honored him being a Navy veteran. KISS brought so many wonderful memories to me and my family and this night will definitely go down in history! He was a true KISS fan, even had specially designed van sneakers with KISS on them and wore them until they couldn't be worn anymore! - Ashley Goss
Posted on 04/13/2021

Eric Singer Signed Pictures

I (ironically) had on my kiss shirt then when the mail came i my mom handed me the envelope and i instantly started balling! Best Moment Ever Rylee Clevenger
Posted on 04/13/2021

KISS birthday cake!

For my 32nd birthday, my friend Mica made me this awesome Gene Simmons cake!!! I'm a huge KISS fan and I hope to see them back in Argentina this year! (It should have been last year but the Pandemic happened). Thanks, regards, Jeremias Nemerovsky
Posted on 04/13/2021
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