submit your kiss letter


Dear KISS, my dad and I are huge fans and would love to your concert in Houston,Texas.We live in Tennessee. I am in LOVE with yall. I belive KISS is the greatest band that ever lived!!! i love your songs my favorite is well...all of them. My dad has a bunch of yalls records,tapes and cds!:) I am 11 years old and live in Chapel Hill,Tennessee.I just wish there was a way for me to go to your concert in Houston,Texas on March 15th.My mom and dad have been to one of your concerts the Farewell Tour,when my mom was pregnant with me that might explain why I love KISS so much I've listened to yalls music all my life!!!!!!!!!!:) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Have fun on all your tours!! LOVE ALWAYS,Bailee Newell, YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :)
Posted on 01/17/2011


To KISS, There was previously a letter saying please KISS come to Australia! I Agree 100%! PLEASE KISS! PLEASE COME TO AUSTRALIA!!! Last time you guys were here I'm pretty sure was 2008? And I only learned last year that you were even here then and I was so so so so upset that I missed out on seeing you guys! So PPLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEE come to Australia!!
Posted on 01/17/2011

I love Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer

Eric Singer I love you ... when you play the drums it feels like I am in love with you !!! Ever since I was 10 years old I looked at pix of you Eric Singer so I love u and Tommy Thayer I LOVE U BOTH
Posted on 01/17/2011

Maybe This Will Be My Year.

It has been a long time since we have been together in the same room. Just you and me and a few thousand of our friends. Maybe this will be our year to be together again. It will be twenty-eight years this February 28. It was 1983. You remember. We met in Springfield, IL. on a cold winter night. You rattled my rafters and warmed my soul. I roared and roared and hollered for more. Maybe this will be our year to be together again. As the years have passed your spell has grown, with every tune and every tone, you have reached every fiber of my heart. I know we will never ever be apart. Maybe this will be our year to be together again.
Posted on 01/16/2011

crazy crazy nights

Hi KISS, i have a KISS tribute band called KISStory, and we r very excited for our 1st show coming up. were playing alot of KISS Klassics, my lil cousin, Caleb "the demon" Haarman is in a KISS tribute band call The New Generation KISS and im their manager, my lil bro Blake "starchild" Demontigny, and Caleb "the demon" Haarman and i are listening to crazy crazy nights. Hope u guys bring some crazy crazy nights back to Mansfield this year. Your biggest fans from Massachusetts, Wellsley "the demon" Pina, Caleb "the demon" Haarman, and Blake "starchild" Demontigny
Posted on 01/16/2011


Dear KISS, I went to my first PBR (Professional Bull Riding) in Sacramento, CA January 16th 2010. My sister �C� is a huge PBR fan and invited my wife Lisa, son Caleb and I to join her and her husband Pete to the event. I thought it would have a bunch of country music playing during the event, well I was wrong. They had Hip Hop, Swing, Top 40 and Rock. As the event was coming to and end. The top 10 bull riders go into the Championship round. When Dustin Elliot got on top a �Flying U�/ Cindy Rosser�s bucking bull named �Bring It�. The shoot door opened and over the arena speakers out came ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT. I was so pumped up and it just made my first PBR experience complete. Just goes to show you KISS is every where! Dave Gothrow Marysville, Ca.
Posted on 01/16/2011

Hot Boston DJ rocking those KISS beats!

Hello KISS! Had to send along this fabulous new pic of one our area's hottest local DJs, DJ SK3 (formerly known as "DJ Sterling Golden"). Not hard to see why he rocks harder than any other DJ in the Boston nightlife scene! Check out his gear! Love for KISS since 1998, Khloe
Posted on 01/16/2011

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Dear Gene, Paul, Tommy, and Eric, This letter is long over due. I would like to thank you guys for making such great music, and for simply being a live, because if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be with my boyfriend Joshua. When I first talked to Joshua, I saw that he had a KISS ARMY dog tag around his neck. I asked him if he were actually a KISS fan and in the KISS Army, or if he was just wearing the tag for show. Without even saying a word, he pulled out his KISS wallet and showed me his membership card, all with a big smile on his face. From that moment on, I knew he was the one for me! It will be our one year anniversary on February 2nd. I have been a fan of your music since I was twelve years old, and I am 26 now. Joshua and I saw your show in Houston last September, and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. And I must say, I was very impressed by Tommy's guitar skills. Hopefully there will be another KISS wedding in the future. I am trying to convince Joshua that if we ever have a son, we should name him Gene. We'll see how that goes! Rock On! Love, Jennifer
Posted on 01/16/2011

KISS Forever

Hi Guys I featured on my companies promo brochure thats mailed to every business in Western Australia and I included my favourite band !
Posted on 01/16/2011
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