

By JOYCE SMITH / The Kansas City Star

KISS co-founders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have signed their first Rock & Brews restaurant franchisee, a Kansas native who plans to open five locations in Kansas and Oklahoma.

Kirk Williams, president of Legacy Restaurant Group LLC in Topeka, currently owns 21 Wendy�s restaurants in Kansas and Missouri, including 11 of the 55 Wendy�s restaurants in the Kansas City area.

Williams has formed Kanbrews LLC to develop, open and operate five Rock & Brews in Kansas and Oklahoma over the next five years. He also has an option to open an additional five units in Missouri and Nebraska. A corporate owned restaurant was planned for Overland Park but it will now be owned by Kanbrews and at least one more Rock & Brews could open in the Kansas City area.

Williams said the concept is �very family and neighborhood friendly.�By JOYCE SMITH / The Kansas City Star

KISS co-founders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have signed their first Rock & Brews restaurant franchisee, a Kansas native who plans to open five locations in Kansas and Oklahoma.

Kirk Williams, president of Legacy Restaurant Group LLC in Topeka, currently owns 21 Wendy�s restaurants in Kansas and Missouri, including 11 of the 55 Wendy�s restaurants in the Kansas City area.

Williams has formed Kanbrews LLC to develop, open and operate five Rock & Brews in Kansas and Oklahoma over the next five years. He also has an option to open an additional five units in Missouri and Nebraska. A corporate owned restaurant was planned for Overland Park but it will now be owned by Kanbrews and at least one more Rock & Brews could open in the Kansas City area.

Williams said the concept is �very family and neighborhood friendly.�

�The thing that sold me I think was the variety of craft beers, that was one piece. And I was real excited about the quality of the food,� Williams said. �It was really beyond my initial expectations. You want people to come back for the food.�

Rock & Brews restaurants offer craft beers, premium wines and a full bar. The menu includes �opening acts� like chipotle chili cheese fries, Mexican street corn, and Bavarian pretzels; �VIP� salads including Tuscan Kale and Tequila Sunrise steak; hand-crafted burgers and �Headliner� sandwiches like pulled pork or sesame seed crusted seared Ahi; �frontrow� specialty pizzas; and other items like fish and chips, Memphis style baby back ribs, chocolate filled French doughnuts with raspberry sauce, and �real� beer floats.

The first Rock & Brews opened in the Los Angeles area in 2009. Now there are three Rock & Brews in the Los Angeles area, one in Los Cabos, Mexico, and another in Maui. Restaurants also are in development in Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, and Texas.

The founders describe the venues as destination locations offering a �sensory experience for rockers of all ages.� That includes �concert� lighting, multiple televisions and rock music.

The Overland Park Rock & Brews will seat more than 200 people indoors and it will have a heated outdoor patio. It also will have a play area for children. Dogs will be welcome on the patio.

It was first announced about 18 months ago for the upscale Prairiefire development, a 58-acre, mixed-use center on 135th Street between Lamar and Nall avenues. A May 1 opening is scheduled with a grand opening celebration set for May 29 that will be hosted by Simmons, Stanley and the other co-founders. It will have about 75 full and part-time employees.

Several nationally recognized and exclusive tenants have already opened in the center, including REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) and The Fresh Market.

Prairiefire also will include upscale restaurants and retail, entertainments, a large outdoor recreational area, luxury residences, a luxury boutique hotel and office spaces, as well as The Museum of Prairiefire featuring exhibitions and authentic artifacts from the American Museum of Natural History of New York.



KISS Frontman On 'Destructive' Childhood, New Book and Why the Rock Hall Is Like a 'Distorted Bar Mitzvah'

By Gary Graff, Detroit

In April, Stanley embarks on a book tour for his memoir "Face the Music: A Life Exposed"� The rocker talks why he finally put his life on paper, the inaccuracies of Gene Simmons' own book, and what actually went down with the Rock Hall of Fame

Few bands know how to celebrate better than Kiss; it coined the concept "rock and roll all night and party every day," after all. And this is a time of celebration for the group, with this year marking the 40th anniversary of its first two albums, the launch of the Arena Football League's L.A. Kiss and its upcoming Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (though not without drama; read on) on April 10 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Best of all for frontman Paul Stanley is the April 8 publication of his autobiography "Face the Music: A Life Exposed," a revealing memoir in which he writes frankly about the travails of his youth and the triumphs and tribulations of both Kiss and his personal life.

Stanley lights out on a six-city book tour that begins April 7 at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble in New York with subsequent stops at the Barnes & Noble in Staten Island (April 8); Bookends in Ridgewood, N.J. (April 9); Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles (April 16); Warwick's in La Jolla, Calif. (April 17); and the San Francisco Jewish Community Center on April 25.

With all that going on, it's not surprising our conversation with the Starman was wide-ranging and characteristically forthright.

You're the last of the original Kiss members with a book of your own. Just a slacker?
It really had nothing to do with the band as far as being first, last, middle. It wasn't with any of that in mind. The truth of the matter is I had sworn for, literally, decades not to write an autobiography. I always go back to George Orwell, who said the autobiography is the most outrageous form of fiction. And I would say 90-plus, 95 percent of the autobiographies by any of my contemporaries would be better suited on a roll of soft paper, so at least you could use it for something, 'cause they're nothing more than self-serving fantasies or delusions or love letters to themselves. They serve no purpose. What I finally came to grips with was the idea that my life could be inspiring to other people... and almost more importantly I wanted something that my children could read when they got older to understand what it took for me to succeed and a better understanding of who I am and perhaps what they need in their lives to move forward. So there was a real purpose to this as opposed to just some sort of bragging rights.By Gary Graff, Detroit

In April, Stanley embarks on a book tour for his memoir "Face the Music: A Life Exposed"� The rocker talks why he finally put his life on paper, the inaccuracies of Gene Simmons' own book, and what actually went down with the Rock Hall of Fame

Few bands know how to celebrate better than Kiss; it coined the concept "rock and roll all night and party every day," after all. And this is a time of celebration for the group, with this year marking the 40th anniversary of its first two albums, the launch of the Arena Football League's L.A. Kiss and its upcoming Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (though not without drama; read on) on April 10 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Best of all for frontman Paul Stanley is the April 8 publication of his autobiography "Face the Music: A Life Exposed," a revealing memoir in which he writes frankly about the travails of his youth and the triumphs and tribulations of both Kiss and his personal life.

Stanley lights out on a six-city book tour that begins April 7 at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble in New York with subsequent stops at the Barnes & Noble in Staten Island (April 8); Bookends in Ridgewood, N.J. (April 9); Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles (April 16); Warwick's in La Jolla, Calif. (April 17); and the San Francisco Jewish Community Center on April 25.

With all that going on, it's not surprising our conversation with the Starman was wide-ranging and characteristically forthright.

You're the last of the original Kiss members with a book of your own. Just a slacker?
It really had nothing to do with the band as far as being first, last, middle. It wasn't with any of that in mind. The truth of the matter is I had sworn for, literally, decades not to write an autobiography. I always go back to George Orwell, who said the autobiography is the most outrageous form of fiction. And I would say 90-plus, 95 percent of the autobiographies by any of my contemporaries would be better suited on a roll of soft paper, so at least you could use it for something, 'cause they're nothing more than self-serving fantasies or delusions or love letters to themselves. They serve no purpose. What I finally came to grips with was the idea that my life could be inspiring to other people... and almost more importantly I wanted something that my children could read when they got older to understand what it took for me to succeed and a better understanding of who I am and perhaps what they need in their lives to move forward. So there was a real purpose to this as opposed to just some sort of bragging rights.

That purpose being...?
I guess my book is about never quitting and about never losing sight of where you're going. Truly, obstacles are what you see when you lose sight of your goals. I've always been driven and, at my core, I've always been about my own survival and, for lack of a better word, how I can make it better. And certainly I couldn't have written this book if it didn't have a happy ending! (laughs)

There is a lot more struggle in your book, especially in your youth, than many would expect -- family dysfunction and especially the misshapen right ear and being deaf on that side. That's something you kept quite for decades. Why?
It was too painful. You can only reveal things and you can only deal with things when you're ready to. My experiences as a child were so debilitating and destructive that the best way for me to deal with my ear was to cover it and to, at least on the surface, ignore what was going on -- although that really wasn't an answer. Luckily, as an adult I found different ways to resolve some of those issues and also to find some surgical relief and modifications.

You go into depth about a lot of relationships, especially within the Kiss camp, but maybe the most fascinating is what you have to say about Gene. It seems very much like brothers -- obviously bonded, but not always happy with each other.
Oh, sure. Over the years that's been an ongoing theme in our relationship. There have been times where I've been very angry and resentful -- and I'm not saying momentarily. I'm saying for long periods of time. But time is the ultimate judge, and the fact that we've been together at this point for, my gosh, 44 years almost says volumes. We ARE brothers, and I know that in a pinch I can count on him and he knows the same, and that doesn't take away from the fact I think he's done some pretty crummy things. But that is because of who he is and his issues.

Did you read Gene's book, and the others'?
No. I read parts of Gene's book and I thought it was told from his point of view, but Gene puts himself in the epicenter of everything, and that might be because he's an only child. But that doesn't mean it's accurate. I want credit where credit is due, but I don't want credit for things I didn't do and I want to share the accolades with the people who make things possible, and I don't think (Simmons') book did that. So after reading some of it and having been present at much of what went on in that book, it just wasn't accurate so I didn't read it. In the case of Peter or Ace, there is a reason that defense attorneys don't put alcoholics or drug addicts on the witness stand; now, I'm not saying that they presently are, but that is a condition that lasts a lifetime. My point is that memories and recollections and the accuracy of people who were in altered states during much of what they purport happened is subject to question. And the small bits that a few people pointed out to me were absolutely outrageous to the point that I wondered if (Frehley and Criss) actually believed them.

So what actually went down with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and your decision not to play at the ceremony?
Oh, it starts decades go. That it's 14 years on (of eligibility) and we're getting into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a clear indication that the people who hide behind that moniker don't like us, but it reached a point where it was so absurd and ludicrous (to exclude Kiss) that they caved. But they're only going to induct the original four (members), and bringing up the idea of inducting members other than the original four...was shut down as a non-starter. It's a very valid argument considering that there are people who played on multi-platinum albums and played for millions of people and were very important for the continuation of the band. And clearly when you've got a busload of Gratefful Dead (members) who have been inducted and guys in the Chili Peppers who nobody knows who they are because they played on the very earliest albums are inducted, and when the original drummer of Rush, John Rutsey, who played on a classic album, isn't inducted. The list goes on and on of the inconsistencies. Now, I'm not pointing fingers at any of those people, but I'm certainly pointing a finger at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The only consistencies are inconsistencies and the rules clearly are there are no rules because the criteria for how and who gets in is purely based upon a personal like or dislike. And when I feel we're being treated unfairly, I have issues with that.

Any idea of why they're drawing such a hard line with Kiss?
Well, it's like them swallowing a teaspoon of medicine they don't want. It's a bitter pill for them to swallow, so they're making it as small as possible. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is kind of like a distortion of a bar mitzvah. Just 'cause I'm getting inducted doesn't mean this has turned into a love fest.

You could just play with the original four of you, of course.
They wanted the original four guys to play, in makeup. But, honestly, I don't want to roll the dice and possibly negatively impact on what I personally have been involved in building for 40 years. I have too much invested at this point. It really is a can of worms that I feel is better off left closed. So there's been a lot of issues, and perhaps the best way to deal with them is to celebrate the four original guys and go there and get our award and to look past the differences that will always be there. It doesn't change the big picture; we have differences and we will continue to have differences. It doesn't change who i want to play with and who represents Kiss. There are a lot of people who are great inspirations to me, and still are, who are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and for that reason and the fact that fans want us in there, I graciously and vigorously will be there to accept the award. We should salute and enjoy an evening that celebrates what the four of us started. But there's always a lot of cloak and dagger stuff and a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes.

After that, we'll see Kiss on the road this year?
Yes, in June. We'll go on tour and do what we do, and that is do great shows. Arguably this is the best stage show we've ever done; the Spider stage just takes everything to another level. So we're just gonna get out there and do what we do.

Do you see another album on the horizon?
Not at the moment. I can't rule it out. The other ones came about very naturally and seemed like the right time. I certainly thought that we needed to claim our ground and put our stamp on the present and the future with our feet still planted in the past. They felt great to do because the band has been that great. Where we go from here as far as recording, I don't know. There are no plans at the moment -- and that could change tomorrow.

You end "Face The Music" with the notion that Kiss can continue without you, and Gene. Do you really mean that?
One hundred percent! Why wouldn't I? It's absurd for me to think that this incredible band, brand, point of view, lifestyle, philosophy shouldn't exist without me. I'm not essential to it. I've laid the groundwork and written the bible, so to speak, but I'm not big-headed or delusional enough to believe that there isn't somebody out there, and more than one person, who could do this every bit as well and better than I do and bring something else to it, based on what I've done. The people who believed the band can't exist or continue without me or Gene, well, a lot of those people in the late 70s believed the band couldn't continue without the original four -- at this point they're 50 percent wrong.

This is not something the Beatles could have spoken about doing, though, or the Rolling Stones.
Of course they couldn't -- because they're not Kiss! We've broken the rules from day one. We were never supposed to succeed in a lot of people's eyes. We've never been defined by the limitations of other people's bands, so why would we lower the bar based on what other bands can or can't do. We've moved forward and not only survived but thrived based on a philosophy and point of view and a certain music. It's really about that way more than it is about the individuals. I mean, I'm a big fan of mine, but I didn't invent the wheel.


Rick Gomez / Fox Sports

ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Leave it to one of the most flamboyant, creative and iconic performers to enter the sports world and bring something unconventional.

Southern California has a new team on the gridiron and it's not your average football team.

From its scorching, liquid metal helmets to the first-ever silver football field that they'll be playing on at the Honda Center, co-owners Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley from the rock band Kiss, vow to provide an experience none have ever seen.

Meet the AFL's new expansion team: the Los Angeles KISS.

"Much like KISS (the band) has been pioneers in their 40-year career, doing things that have never been done, not playing by the rules, taking risks -- We're going to do the same things" said team president Schuyler Hoversten.

Simmons added: "It's the 21st century. Welcome. Your dad's and your mom's regular football is a thing of the past."

That was instantly apparent when the KISS uniform and helmet were unveiled. The helmet is comprised of lustrous chrome hue, most notably worn by Oregon, in the back, while the front is filled with flames, including the facemask and the visor. The uniform also sports the flames on the shoulder pads and in the number.

"Nothing subtle here. These guys are superheroes and they're dressed for battle. The battle in the 21st century," Stanley said.Rick Gomez / Fox Sports

ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Leave it to one of the most flamboyant, creative and iconic performers to enter the sports world and bring something unconventional.

Southern California has a new team on the gridiron and it's not your average football team.

From its scorching, liquid metal helmets to the first-ever silver football field that they'll be playing on at the Honda Center, co-owners Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley from the rock band Kiss, vow to provide an experience none have ever seen.

Meet the AFL's new expansion team: the Los Angeles KISS.

"Much like KISS (the band) has been pioneers in their 40-year career, doing things that have never been done, not playing by the rules, taking risks -- We're going to do the same things" said team president Schuyler Hoversten.

Simmons added: "It's the 21st century. Welcome. Your dad's and your mom's regular football is a thing of the past."

That was instantly apparent when the KISS uniform and helmet were unveiled. The helmet is comprised of lustrous chrome hue, most notably worn by Oregon, in the back, while the front is filled with flames, including the facemask and the visor. The uniform also sports the flames on the shoulder pads and in the number.

"Nothing subtle here. These guys are superheroes and they're dressed for battle. The battle in the 21st century," Stanley said.

Not unique enough? Aside from their eye-catching uniforms, the KISS insist on being identified more than just a team in the AFL. They call themselves an "entertainment brand."

"We are a fusion of sports, entertainment, theatre and music -- so much so that we're going to have over 100 non-football entertainers, we will have a live band in every single game, we will have players entering the arena like nothing you've ever seen before," co-owner Brett Bouchy said.

And Bouchy should know. He was a part of the Orlando Predators ownership group for 15 seasons. He's well aware of the spotlight Simmons and Stanley can offer.

KISS will have their first game nationally televised and are currently being filmed for a reality television show that will be aired this summer on AMC.

On the field, Kiss is ready to win now, which was evident in the hiring of 2013 Coach of the Year and Hall of Fame inductee Bob McMillen.

"We don't look at it as an expansion team. We look at it as a team that's going to go out there and compete for a championship," McMillen said.

"Every player on our team has some type of NFL experience...These aren't guys who are going out there playing high school football."

Stanley reflected on a turning point in the band's career that occurred just down the street from the Honda Center at Angel Stadium, known back then as Anaheim Stadium, in 1976.

The successful concert put on by the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers 38 years ago comes full circle as they embark on a new mission in a different setting.

Whether its music or sports, the means to achieve triumph remains the same.

"When we put our name on something, we commit ourselves 100 percent," Stanley said.
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