

By Joe Szczechowski When word started circulating last year that Kiss was working on its first new album in 11 years, even long-time fans were a bit skeptical. The band's last studio album, 1998's much touted reunion effort, Psycho Circus, recorded (at least on paper) with original members Ace Frehley and Peter Criss, had been a disappointment. More recent solo albums by founding members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley had also failed to live up to expectations. Simmons had Family Jewels, his hit A&E reality television series, and Stanley had his artwork, which had become more profitable than his latest musical endeavors. Stanley and Simmons seemed content to take Kiss on the road less frequently. The crowds still came, and classics like "Detroit Rock City," "Shout It Out Loud," and "Rock and Roll All Nite" still brought them to their feet. Ironically, with drummer Eric Singer and lead guitarist Tommy Thayer back and the group, Kiss was playing better, tighter, and with more energy than it had in years. Still the question remained. Why would Kiss bother making a new album? To hear Kiss tell it, it was a combination of two things - the fans clamoring for new music, and the band members themselves realizing that they were musically in top form and how much they enjoyed playing together. When the quartet went into the studio to re-record 15 Kiss classics for a Japan-only CD, (Jigoku Retsuden) the band found that the process was not only painless, it was fun. By Joe Szczechowski

When word started circulating last year that Kiss was working on its first new album in 11 years, even long-time fans were a bit skeptical. The band's last studio album, 1998's much touted reunion effort, Psycho Circus, recorded (at least on paper) with original members Ace Frehley and Peter Criss, had been a disappointment. More recent solo albums by founding members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley had also failed to live up to expectations.

Simmons had Family Jewels, his hit A&E reality television series, and Stanley had his artwork, which had become more profitable than his latest musical endeavors. Stanley and Simmons seemed content to take Kiss on the road less frequently. The crowds still came, and classics like "Detroit Rock City," "Shout It Out Loud," and "Rock and Roll All Nite" still brought them to their feet. Ironically, with drummer Eric Singer and lead guitarist Tommy Thayer back and the group, Kiss was playing better, tighter, and with more energy than it had in years.

Still the question remained. Why would Kiss bother making a new album?

To hear Kiss tell it, it was a combination of two things - the fans clamoring for new music, and the band members themselves realizing that they were musically in top form and how much they enjoyed playing together. When the quartet went into the studio to re-record 15 Kiss classics for a Japan-only CD, (Jigoku Retsuden) the band found that the process was not only painless, it was fun.

Paul Stanley agreed to make a new Kiss album, but only on the condition that he would produce it, and that it would be recorded on his terms. Those terms included no outside writers or no guest musicians - it would be a Kiss album in the purest sense of the term.

The album was hyped as a return to the classic Kiss sound of '70s albums like Rock and Roll Over and Love Gun. It was being recorded using analog not digital equipment. The band was using vintage instruments, and recording live in the studio as much as possible.

To Kiss fans that all sounded well and good but the question remained - could their aging heroes dig deep and make a great rock 'n' roll album?

The answer is yes. Sonic Boom, which arrives Tuesday, October 6 exclusively at Walmart and Sam's Club, is a great rock 'n' roll album. It's filled with the best elements of Kiss's past � memorable melodies, sing-along choruses, pump your fist anthems, and enough air-guitar opportunities to fill a season of "Wayne's World." It manages to sound classic without sounding dated. And there is not a ballad, string quartet, or synthesizer to be found on any of the album's 11 tracks.

First single "Modern Day Delilah" kicks off Sonic Boom in style - with Stanley's voice sounding in fine shape as he sings over a driving guitar riff in a song that thematically revisits the Kiss classic "Strutter." The track, like everything on Sonic Boom, has a "recorded live" vibe. You can hear Simmons' distinctive voice leading the chorus, not a homogenized blend of overdubs. Singer plays with his usual energy and precision, and Thayer serves up the first of many scalding guitar solos.

Simmons takes lead vocal duties on "Russian Roulette," a track that changes tempo from a slow grind to a fast chorus and back again. Along the way Simmons gets to show off both his underrated bass playing skills and his lascivious sense of humor. See if you don't find yourself bobbing your head to the "ahh ahh ahh" of the chorus after a few listens.

"Never Enough" sounds like late-80s Kiss � something that might have been at home on an album like Asylum or Crazy Nights. With a catchy chorus and strong, upbeat melody, it should be given future single consideration.

"Yes I Know (Nobody's Perfect)" is a fun Simmons song in the style of "Ladies Room" or "Plaster Caster." Set to a classical rock 'n roll beat anchored by Singer's spot-on drumming, "Yes I Know (Nobody's Perfect)" features Simmons' best vocal on the album. His phrasing is perfect as he wraps his tongue around double-entendres like "Flip a coin/ Is it heads or tails tonight?"

What would a Kiss album be without an anthem? "Stand," a song about friendship, love, and solidarity is that anthem. Stanley and Simmons trade off versus leading to a chorus that will have lighters raised in the air and arenas of fans singing along. A nice acoustic vocal harmony bridge lifted from Kiss's version of "God Gave Rock and Roll To You" leads to a majestic finish.

"Hot and Cold" is a high-energy, four-on-the-floor Simmons track, again anchored by Singer's drumming (love that cowbell!) and highlighted by Thayer's guitar work. Simmons howls, yelps, and references some of his old lines ("You're gonna be in misery" a la "Calling Dr. Love") all the while sounding like he's having a blast.

"All For the Glory" features Singer on lead vocals on a rousing "one for all, all for one"-themed track that would make a great soundtrack to a sports montage - in fact ESPN used it for just that over the weekend. On one of his best solos on the record, Thayer weaves bits and pieces from Kiss's past into something cohesive and new.

Stanley revisits the harder rock style of his first solo album on "Danger Us." Stanley's voice has developed a gritty edge over the years, and the vocalist uses it to his advantage on this track. Tight instrumental work all around.

Some fans like playful Gene Simmons, some like "Mean Gene." For the latter there's "I'm An Animal" a cross between the menace of "God of Thunder" and the "sing-along and pump your fist" quality of "I Love It Loud." Simmons is in full Demon mode throughout.

Thayer gets a turn at lead vocals on "When Lightning Strikes." Power chords, drums, and yes, cowbell drive this track, another catchy tune that will have you bopping and singing along.

Sonic Boom ends on a high note with "Say Yeah," an anthemic track that recalls the style of "Do You Love Me" with a chorus that is catchier than swine flu. Stanley and Simmons pay tribute to their Beatles' influence with the best use of the line, "Yeah, yeah, yeah" in a song since "She Loves You."

If you're looking for deep, insightful lyrics, or rock music that calls itself progressive because it can't call itself jazz, you probably won't like Sonic Boom. But if you're looking for a FUN rock 'n' roll album that will get your feet taping, your head bopping, and will have you turning up the volume every time it's played, Sonic Boom delivers.


Sonic Boom is available exclusively at Walmart and Sam's Club. It is packaged as a three-disc set featuring the Sonic Boom CD, a CD of 15 re-recorded Kiss classics, and a DVD featuring six songs performed live in Argentina on Kiss's recent tour of South America.




Forget U2 or The Rolling Stones. If you want to see the spectacle of a rock show, take in a Kiss concert. Of pretty much any group in rock history, Kiss is one whose performances display the essence of the band.

Kiss, which took the stage Saturday night at the Mohegan Sun Arena for the Kiss Alive/35 North American Tour named after the 35th anniversary of their big-selling Top 10 live album, has pretty much always been more than a rock band, with their makeup and costumes and concert extravagance.

As bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons, whose family is in the A&E TV reality show "Family Jewels," says, Kiss is a brand, with countless merchandise and an image that has transcended decades and generations. Many of the group's fans, in fact, brought their kids to the show, and of course, a few were decked out in the Kiss look.

"Sonic Boom," the band's first album of new material in 11 years, is scheduled to go on the shelves exclusively at Wal-Mart/Sam's Club stores Tuesday along with a new greatest hits CD and DVD.

The new album returns the solos Kiss has been known for, and some of the songs such as the anthem "Say Yeah" and "Modern Day Delilah" - the album's first song on the radio, retain the vintage Kiss sound.

Forget U2 or The Rolling Stones. If you want to see the spectacle of a rock show, take in a Kiss concert. Of pretty much any group in rock history, Kiss is one whose performances display the essence of the band.

Kiss, which took the stage Saturday night at the Mohegan Sun Arena for the Kiss Alive/35 North American Tour named after the 35th anniversary of their big-selling Top 10 live album, has pretty much always been more than a rock band, with their makeup and costumes and concert extravagance.

As bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons, whose family is in the A&E TV reality show "Family Jewels," says, Kiss is a brand, with countless merchandise and an image that has transcended decades and generations. Many of the group's fans, in fact, brought their kids to the show, and of course, a few were decked out in the Kiss look.

"Sonic Boom," the band's first album of new material in 11 years, is scheduled to go on the shelves exclusively at Wal-Mart/Sam's Club stores Tuesday along with a new greatest hits CD and DVD.

The new album returns the solos Kiss has been known for, and some of the songs such as the anthem "Say Yeah" and "Modern Day Delilah" - the album's first song on the radio, retain the vintage Kiss sound.

That despite the group being down to two original members, Simmons, 60, and guitarist/singer Paul Stanley, 57, since drummer Peter Criss left in 2004 and lead guitarist Ace Frehley - who has a new CD out, departed in 2002.
The album is a surprise given Stanley and Simmons for years indicated they were not going to release another album.

Despite never being a critic darling, Kiss became one of the biggest acts in the 70s with its shows, and pyrotechnics, shooting flames and fog continue to be a big part of their act.

During "Hotter than Hell," from 1974, the blood-spitting and tongue-wagging Simmons displayed a flaming sword.

After "C'mon and Love Me," "Parasite," and "She," lead guitarist Tommy Thayer soloed and had fireworks shoot out of his guitar.

Simmons sang lead on "Watching U," and the audience clapped along to "100,000 Years" while Eric Singer drummed on an elevated platform that rotated. Simmons was later lifted by cables to a platform far above the stage.

Singer sang "Black Diamond," and the party atmosphere really hit home with the classic 1975 rock anthem "Rock and Roll All Nite" and confetti shooting around the arena.

An extended encore featured many of the group's top hits, including "Shout it Out Loud" and "Detroit Rock City," both from the 1976 "Destroyer" album, considered the band's best and most diverse.
Stanley cruised over the crowd on a unicycle-like contraption during "Love Gun" before landing on a platform at the other end of the arena. Also capping the show was "Lick It Up" from 1983 when members removed their makeup for the first time.

Kiss has released 28 albums in which 26 have gone gold, platinum or multi-platinum, trailing only The Beatles in this category. The band has sold over 80 million records.

Stanley is a painter and actor. Simmons, born in Israel and a former teacher in New York City, is also an actor.



Chris Alexander MUSICK NEWS

Last night, Toronto had their eyeballs bitch slapped and their ears blissfully abused by the living breathing rock spectacle circus known as KISS. It was a classic stadium rock spectacle to be sure but, man alive, did it get off to a surreal, almost cataclysmic start...

The sold out stands at the Air Canada Centre where jammed full of the faithful, many in traditional KISS character costume, three generations of cultists who have long held the band as more than just a band, but mythic superheroes. And like any superhero with his wings clipped, the opening of the show veered into tragedy that was almost Greek in its magnitude.
Chris Alexander MUSICK NEWS

Last night, Toronto had their eyeballs bitch slapped and their ears blissfully abused by the living breathing rock spectacle circus known as KISS. It was a classic stadium rock spectacle to be sure but, man alive, did it get off to a surreal, almost cataclysmic start...

The sold out stands at the Air Canada Centre where jammed full of the faithful, many in traditional KISS character costume, three generations of cultists who have long held the band as more than just a band, but mythic superheroes. And like any superhero with his wings clipped, the opening of the show veered into tragedy that was almost Greek in its magnitude.

As the lights dimmed, the low drone throbbed and the video screens lit up, a familiar voice growled that we wanted the best and we got the best, the hottest band in the world, KISS! Curtain drops. Paul, Gene and Tommy Thayer spit onto the smoke drenched stage to the thundering opening strains of "King of the Nighttime World" of their landmark 1976 disc Destroyer. So far, so heart palpitatingly awesome. Then, in the last quarter of the tune, without warning...nuthin'. Bubkus. The sound system had blown. The electricity had flunked. The KISS sign was dim. But the band veered ahead, apparently unaware that they were - save for the monitor sound - miming the tune for the audience. Said audience began booing. The smoke had now dried. Paul spoke into a microphone that was mute. Gene beat his chest like King Kong in rage part mock, part real. Roadies ran rampant. Techies screamed into walkies. The supermen were lost, alone on a mammoth stage that was completely soundless. It was eerie. It was bizarre. It was utterly upsetting. Band walks offstage, videoscreen's begin looping the KISS logo. Audience is in shock...

But then, ten minutes later, another pop. The speakers pulse to life. The band returns, still unsure. The audience roars. Paul leans into the mic and there's THAT voice...that campy, masculine melodramatic wail that make him the quintessential mad Baptist preacher of rock and roll. His guitar springs to life, Singer's kit steamrolls, Gene's bass creaks, Tommy's strings bend and BANG, we�re into "Deuce". The audience screams in approval.

I screamed with delight.

These are my guys after all. This is my rock and roll fairytale. And it was a fairytale last night. In fact it was almost Shakespearean as, song after song, hit after hit, more power was returned to the stage, the badass sign burst into light, the volume increased, the wall of Marshall amps shuddered, complete with hallucinatory imagery flickering on their surfaces, fire belched from the back, the drum riser levitated, blood was spat, Gene was flying, Paul was soaring (his voice has never sounded better, by the way�) and Tommy was shooting rockets from his axe, one sonic burst even blowing a light fixture off from the ACC ceiling, sending it crashing dangerously to the stage.

This was the single greatest live music recovery I have ever witnessed. It was damn near biblical. The phoenix spreading its battered wings from the fire pit slowly, steadily shooting into the stratosphere and bursting into splintering pyro glory, licking planets and owning the universe infinitely.

KISS still rocks, hard. This is a show, designed to rip you from reality and, as Paul himself stated upon returning to the newly electrified stage, fully intent on "Kicking your ass...".

One of the best shows my city has ever seen.


By Kristina Dorsey

Some rock bands grow old gracefully - and then some rock bands are KISS.

Star child Paul Stanley may be 57, and Gene Simmons may be an AARP-ready 60, but they are not making any concessions to age. They have again slapped on the signature face paint, the glam-goth outfits and the towering platform shoes for a tour that hit Mohegan Sun Arena Saturday.

The band has always threatened to turn from KISS to kitsch, and they still fully embrace their camp elements. They busted out of every rock cliche Saturday - the eyebrow-singeing flashpots, the thundering fireworks, the smoke machine that almost made guitarist Tommy Thayer disappear at one point. Simmons, Stanley and Thayer stood together in guitar-god formation and did their synchronized guitar sway.

And the confetti machines created possibly the biggest Arctic blizzard ever in a concert. It kept pumping out white confetti through almost all of "Rock and Roll All Nite."By Kristina Dorsey

Some rock bands grow old gracefully - and then some rock bands are KISS.

Star child Paul Stanley may be 57, and Gene Simmons may be an AARP-ready 60, but they are not making any concessions to age. They have again slapped on the signature face paint, the glam-goth outfits and the towering platform shoes for a tour that hit Mohegan Sun Arena Saturday.

The band has always threatened to turn from KISS to kitsch, and they still fully embrace their camp elements. They busted out of every rock cliche Saturday - the eyebrow-singeing flashpots, the thundering fireworks, the smoke machine that almost made guitarist Tommy Thayer disappear at one point. Simmons, Stanley and Thayer stood together in guitar-god formation and did their synchronized guitar sway.

And the confetti machines created possibly the biggest Arctic blizzard ever in a concert. It kept pumping out white confetti through almost all of "Rock and Roll All Nite."

But the gang had new shtick they've added since their last trip to Mohegan Sun in 2000. Stanley Peter-Panned it across the arena on a zipline, ending up on a mini-stage at the back of the room to belt out "Love Gun." Simmons, natch, wagged his tongue and spewed fake blood, but he, like Stanley, flew. He ascended via cables into the rafters above the stage lights, where there was a microphone waiting so he could explain in lyrical terms why "I Love It Loud."

As for the tunes, well, you'd better have been a fan of "KISS Alive!," because the bulk of the numbers were from that album, released nearly 35 years ago - hence the name of the tour, "Alive 35." The band kept its most anthemic, signature songs for the encore.

KISS still brings out the adolescent in everyone, and the exuberant sold-out crowd jumped with adults who probably became KISS fans back when they were in junior high - and with kids who proudly sported KISS face paint. And so another generation of the KISS Army was indoctrinated.

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